blob: a63276011e5c671205fd340f509af5f2879216bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{Context, Error},
component_events::{events::*, matcher::*, sequence::*},
diagnostics_data::{Data, Logs},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_component_test::{Capability, ChildOptions, ChildRef, RealmBuilder, Ref, Route},
/// Represents a component under test. The `name` is the test-local name assigned to the component,
/// whereas the path is the relative path to its component manifest (ex: "#meta/").
pub trait Component {
fn get_name(&self) -> String;
fn get_path(&self) -> String;
fn get_regex_matcher(&self) -> String;
fn matches_log(&self, raw_log: &Data<Logs>) -> bool;
/// Represents the client component under test.
pub struct Client<'a> {
name: String,
path: &'a str,
regex: Regex,
matcher: String,
impl<'a> Client<'a> {
/// Create a new instance of a client component, passing in two string references: the name of
/// the test that created this component, and the path to the `*.cm` file describing this
/// component in the current package:
/// Client::new("my_test_case", "#meta/");
pub fn new(test_prefix: &str, path: &'a str) -> Self {
let name = format!("{}_client", test_prefix);
let matcher = format!("{}$", name);
Self { regex: Regex::new(matcher.as_str()).unwrap(), name, path, matcher }
impl<'a> Component for Client<'a> {
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn get_path(&self) -> String {
fn get_regex_matcher(&self) -> String {
fn matches_log(&self, raw_log: &Data<Logs>) -> bool {
/// Represents a proxy component under test.
pub struct Proxy<'a> {
name: String,
path: &'a str,
regex: Regex,
matcher: String,
impl<'a> Proxy<'a> {
/// Create a new instance of a proxy component, passing in two string references: the name of
/// the test that created this component, and the path to the `*.cm` file describing this
/// component in the current package:
/// Proxy::new("my_test_case", "#meta/");
pub fn new(test_prefix: &str, path: &'a str) -> Self {
let name = format!("{}_proxy", test_prefix);
let matcher = format!("{}$", name);
Self { regex: Regex::new(matcher.as_str()).unwrap(), name, path, matcher }
impl<'a> Component for Proxy<'a> {
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn get_path(&self) -> String {
fn get_regex_matcher(&self) -> String {
fn matches_log(&self, raw_log: &Data<Logs>) -> bool {
/// Represents a server component under test.
pub struct Server<'a> {
name: String,
path: &'a str,
regex: Regex,
matcher: String,
impl<'a> Server<'a> {
/// Create a new instance of a server component, passing in two string references: the name of
/// the test that created this component, and the path to the `*.cm` file describing this
/// component in the current package:
/// Server::new("my_test_case", "#meta/");
pub fn new(test_prefix: &str, path: &'a str) -> Self {
let name = format!("{}_server", test_prefix);
let matcher = format!("{}$", name);
Self { regex: Regex::new(matcher.as_str()).unwrap(), name, path, matcher }
impl<'a> Component for Server<'a> {
fn get_name(&self) -> String {
fn get_path(&self) -> String {
fn get_regex_matcher(&self) -> String {
fn matches_log(&self, raw_log: &Data<Logs>) -> bool {
/// This framework supports three kinds of tests:
/// - 3 components: client <-> proxy <-> server
/// - 2 components: client <-> server
/// - 1 component: standalone client
pub enum TestKind<'a> {
StandaloneComponent { client: &'a Client<'a> },
ClientAndServer { client: &'a Client<'a>, server: &'a Server<'a> },
ClientProxyAndServer { client: &'a Client<'a>, proxy: &'a Proxy<'a>, server: &'a Server<'a> },
/// Runs a test of the specified protocol, using one of the `TestKind`s enumerated above. The
/// `input_setter` closure may be used to pass structured config values to the client, which is how
/// the test is meant to receive its inputs. The `logs_reader` closure provides the raw logs
/// collected from all child processes under test, allowing test authors to assert against the
/// logged values. Note that these are raw logs - most users will want to process the logs into
/// string form, which can be accomplished by passing the raw log vector to the `logs_to_str` helper
/// function.
pub async fn run_test<'a, Fut, FutLogsReader>(
protocol_name: &str,
test_kind: TestKind<'a>,
input_setter: impl FnOnce(RealmBuilder, ChildRef) -> Fut,
logs_reader: impl Fn(ArchiveReader) -> FutLogsReader,
) -> Result<(), Error>
Fut: Future<Output = Result<(RealmBuilder, ChildRef), Error>> + 'a,
FutLogsReader: Future<Output = ()> + 'a,
// Subscribe to started events for child components.
let event_stream = EventStream::open().await.unwrap();
// Create a new empty test realm.
let builder = RealmBuilder::new().await?;
// Add the client to the realm, and make the client eager so that it starts automatically.
let (client_name, client_path, client_regex_matcher) = match test_kind {
TestKind::StandaloneComponent { client, .. }
| TestKind::ClientAndServer { client, .. }
| TestKind::ClientProxyAndServer { client, .. } => {
(client.get_name(), client.get_path(), client.get_regex_matcher())
let client =
builder.add_child(client_name.clone(), client_path, ChildOptions::new().eager()).await?;
// Apply the supplied configs to the client to allow the test runner to pass "arguments" in.
let (builder, client) = input_setter(builder, client).await?;
// Route the LogSink to all children so that all realm members are able to send us logs.
let mut log_sink_route = Route::new()
// Take note of child names - we'll use these to setup logging filters further down the line.
let mut child_names = vec![client_name];
// Create event listeners waiting on client component startup.
let mut start_event_matchers =
// Setup the test in each of the three supported configurations.
if !std::matches!(test_kind, TestKind::StandaloneComponent { .. }) {
// We have a server - add it to the realm.
let (server_name, server_path, server_regex_matcher) = match test_kind {
TestKind::ClientAndServer { server, .. }
| TestKind::ClientProxyAndServer { server, .. } => {
(server.get_name(), server.get_path(), server.get_regex_matcher())
_ => panic!("unreachable!"),
let server =
builder.add_child(server_name.clone(), server_path, ChildOptions::new()).await?;
// Setup logging.
log_sink_route =;
// Add event matchers waiting on server component startup/shutdown.
if std::matches!(test_kind, TestKind::ClientAndServer { .. }) {
// If there is no proxy, connect the client to the server directly.
} else {
// We have a proxy - add it to the realm.
let (proxy_name, proxy_path, proxy_regex_matcher) = match test_kind {
TestKind::ClientProxyAndServer { proxy, .. } => {
(proxy.get_name(), proxy.get_path(), proxy.get_regex_matcher())
_ => panic!("unreachable!"),
let proxy =
builder.add_child(proxy_name.clone(), proxy_path, ChildOptions::new()).await?;
child_names.insert(1, proxy_name);
// Setup logging.
log_sink_route =;
// Add event matchers waiting on server component startup/shutdown. The proxy watcher needs to be
// inserted prior to the server watcher, as the startup sequence for 3 process tests is
// client then proxy then server.
start_event_matchers.insert(1, EventMatcher::ok().moniker_regex(proxy_regex_matcher));
// Route the capabilities from the server to the proxy.
// Route the capabilities from the proxy to the client.
// Route the LogSink to all children so that all realm members are able to send us logs.
// Create the realm instance.
let realm_instance =;
// Verify that we get expected start and stop (clean) events.
.has_subset(start_event_matchers, Ordering::Unordered)
// Setup the archivist link, but don't read the logs yet!
let mut archivist_reader = ArchiveReader::new();
child_names.iter().for_each(|child_name| {
let moniker = format!("realm_builder:{}/{}", realm_instance.root.child_name(), child_name);
// Clean up the realm instance, and close all open processes.
// Read all of the logs out to the test, and exit.
/// Takes a vector of raw logs, and returns an iterator over the string representations of said
/// logs. The second argument allows for optional filtering by component. For example, if one only
/// wants to see server logs, the invocation may look like:
/// logs_to_str(&raw_logs, Some(vec![&server_component_definition]));
pub fn logs_to_str<'a>(
raw_logs: &'a Vec<Data<Logs>>,
maybe_filter_by_process: Option<Vec<&'a dyn Component>>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a {
logs_to_str_filtered(raw_logs, maybe_filter_by_process, |_raw_log| true)
/// Same as |logs_to_str|, except an additional filtering function may be used to trim arbitrary
/// logs. This is particularly useful if one or more languages produces logs that we don't want to
/// include in the final, common output to be compared across language implementations.
pub fn logs_to_str_filtered<'a>(
raw_logs: &'a Vec<Data<Logs>>,
maybe_filter_by_process: Option<Vec<&'a dyn Component>>,
filter_by_log: impl FnMut(&&Data<Logs>) -> bool + 'a,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a str> + 'a {
.filter(move |raw_log| match maybe_filter_by_process {
Some(ref process_list) => {
for process in process_list.iter() {
if process.matches_log(*raw_log) {
return true;
return false;
None => true,
.map(|raw_log| {
raw_log.payload_message().expect("payload not found").properties[0]
.expect("message is not string")
/// Takes the logs for a single component and compares them to the appropriate golden file. The path
/// of the file is expected to match the template `/pkg/data/goldens/{COMPONENT_NAME}.log.golden`.
/// The {COMPONENT_NAME} is itself generally a template of the form `{TEST_NAME}_{COMPONENT_ROLE}`.
/// Thus, for the three-component `test_foo_bar`, we expect the following golden logs to exist:
/// /pkg/data/goldens/test_foo_bar_client.log.golden
/// /pkg/data/goldens/test_foo_bar_proxy.log.golden
/// /pkg/data/goldens/test_foo_bar_server.log.golden
pub async fn assert_logs_eq_to_golden<'a>(log_reader: &'a ArchiveReader, comp: &'a dyn Component) {
assert_filtered_logs_eq_to_golden(&log_reader, comp, |_raw_log| true).await;
/// Same as |assert_logs_eq_to_golden|, except an additional filtering function may be used to trim
/// arbitrary logs. This is particularly useful if one or more languages produces logs that we don't
/// want to include in the final, common output to be compared across language implementations.
pub async fn assert_filtered_logs_eq_to_golden<'a>(
log_reader: &'a ArchiveReader,
comp: &'a dyn Component,
filter_by_log: impl FnMut(&&Data<Logs>) -> bool + 'a + Copy,
) {
// Extract the golden log data.
let golden_path = format!("/pkg/data/goldens/{}.log.golden", comp.get_name());
let golden_file = std::fs::read_to_string(golden_path.clone())
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to load {golden_path}"))
let golden_logs = golden_file.as_str().trim();
const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = 10;
let mut attempts = 0;
while attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS {
attempts += 1;
let raw_logs = log_reader.snapshot::<Logs>().await.expect("can read from the accessor");
// Compare it to the actual components actual logs, asserting if there is a mismatch.
let logs = logs_to_str_filtered(&raw_logs, Some(vec![comp]), filter_by_log)
if logs == golden_logs.trim() {
} else if attempts == MAX_ATTEMPTS {
Logs golden mismatch in '{}' ({})
Please copy the output between the '===' bounds into the golden file at {} in the fuchsia.git tree
assert_eq!(logs, golden_logs)