blob: 92fdad1f8c10ead62855e9732443cdf5720191fd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Invokes the check-licenses tool.
# Parameters
# fuchsia_dir (optional)
# [string] Path to the fuchsia root directory. Defaults to "//".
# out_dir (optional)
# [string] Directory where generated NOTICE files will be placed. Defaults
# to target_out_dir.
# target (optional)
# [string] Target to analyze. Defaults to "//:default".
# prune_targets (optional)
# [string list] Targets to explicitly filter out of the build graph. Defaults to empty list.
# run_analysis (optional)
# [bool] Whether to analyze license texts and run tests. Default == true.
# produce_spdx (optional)
# [bool] Whether to also produce an SPDX output. Default == false.
# emit_metadata (optional)
# [bool] Whether to emit metadata for uploading artifacts to GCS. Default == true.
# testonly, visibility
template("license_data") {
target = "//:default"
if (defined( {
target =
emit_metadata = true
if (defined(invoker.emit_metadata)) {
emit_metadata = invoker.emit_metadata
run_analysis = true
if (defined(invoker.run_analysis)) {
run_analysis = invoker.run_analysis
if (build_info_version == "") {
build_info_version = "version"
if (build_info_product == "") {
build_info_product = "product"
if (build_info_board == "") {
build_info_board = "board"
# TODO(fxb/116788): Remove once SPDX generation is not flaky.
produce_spdx = defined(invoker.produce_spdx) && invoker.produce_spdx
out_dir = "$target_out_dir/check-licenses"
if (defined(invoker.out_dir)) {
out_dir = invoker.out_dir
temp_out_dir = "$out_dir/temp"
temp_out_licenses_dir = "$out_dir/temp_licenses"
check_licenses_target = "${target_name}_check-licenses"
copy_txt_notices_target = "${target_name}_txt_copy"
compliance_output = "compliance.csv"
if (produce_spdx) {
spdx_output = "results.spdx.json"
copy_spdx_target = "${target_name}_spdx_copy"
txt_notices_output = "license_texts_grouped_by_project_deduped.txt.gz"
product_board = "${build_info_product}.${build_info_board}"
path_prefix = "${build_info_version}/${product_board}"
license_outdir = "$target_out_dir/license/gen"
# Step 1: Generate $root_build_dir/project.json by running "fx gn gen".
# Copy the resulting project.json file to $root_build_dir/license/gen/project.json.
# This is done in //tools/check-licenses/util/cmd/gn/generate_project_json
generate_project_json =
generate_project_json_output = "$root_build_dir/license/gen/project.json"
generate_intermediate_json = "${target_name}_generate_intermediate_json"
generate_intermediate_json_output = "$license_outdir/${target_name}_all.json"
generate_target_json = "${target_name}_generate_target_json"
generate_target_json_output = "$license_outdir/${target_name}.json"
# Step 2: Generate intermediate data file.
# project.json is extremely large, and includes a lot of unrelated information.
# This step filters out all targets that are not in the build graph of //:default,
# and saves the resulting json file to a different location.
compiled_action(generate_intermediate_json) {
tool = "//tools/check-licenses/util/cmd/gn/generate_intermediate_json:generate_intermediate_json_cmd"
deps = [ generate_project_json ]
sources = [ generate_project_json_output ]
outputs = [ generate_intermediate_json_output ]
args = [
rebase_path(generate_project_json_output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# output JSON names the build output directory
# TODO( fix tool to not leak the output directory
no_output_dir_leaks = false
# Step 3: Generate target data file.
# Load the step 2 output file, and filter out all targets that are not in the
# build graph of --gen_filter_target.
compiled_action(generate_target_json) {
tool = "//tools/check-licenses/util/cmd/gn/generate_intermediate_json:generate_intermediate_json_cmd"
deps = [ ":$generate_intermediate_json" ]
sources = [ generate_intermediate_json_output ]
outputs = [ generate_target_json_output ]
args = [
rebase_path(generate_intermediate_json_output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.prune_targets)) {
args += [
string_join(",", invoker.prune_targets),
# output JSON names the build output directory
# TODO( fix tool to not leak the output directory
no_output_dir_leaks = false
compiled_action(check_licenses_target) {
tool = "//tools/check-licenses"
# The license tool scans the whole source tree, so it cannot be hermetic.
# TODO( Improve the way notice files are generated.
hermetic_deps = false
deps = [ ":$generate_target_json" ]
sources = [
outputs = [
if (produce_spdx) {
outputs += [ "$temp_out_dir/$path_prefix/$spdx_output" ]
args = [
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(temp_out_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(temp_out_licenses_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(generate_target_json_output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.prune_targets)) {
args += [
string_join(",", invoker.prune_targets),
args += [
args += [ target ]
if (emit_metadata) {
metadata = {
licenses = [
license_files = rebase_path(temp_out_licenses_dir, root_build_dir)
compliance_file =
copy(copy_txt_notices_target) {
sources = [ "$temp_out_dir/$path_prefix/out/$txt_notices_output" ]
outputs = [ "$out_dir/NOTICE.txt.gz" ]
deps = [ ":$check_licenses_target" ]
if (produce_spdx) {
copy(copy_spdx_target) {
sources = [ "$temp_out_dir/$path_prefix/$spdx_output" ]
outputs = [ "$out_dir/results.spdx.json" ]
deps = [ ":$check_licenses_target" ]
group(target_name) {
deps = [
if (produce_spdx) {
deps += [ ":$copy_spdx_target" ]