blob: b6c03ea8200729471d1a6ae0c47d75b54b5fb09b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package targets
import (
serialconstants ""
const (
// Command to dump the zircon debug log over serial.
dlogCmd = "\ndlog\n"
// String to look for in serial log that indicates system booted. From
bootedLogSignature = "welcome to Zircon"
// Whether we should place the device in Zedboot if idling in fastboot.
// TODO( Remove once release branches no longer need this.
mustLoadThroughZedboot = false
// DeviceConfig contains the static properties of a target device.
type DeviceConfig struct {
// FastbootSernum is the fastboot serial number of the device.
FastbootSernum string `json:"fastboot_sernum"`
// Network is the network properties of the target.
Network NetworkProperties `json:"network"`
// SSHKeys are the default system keys to be used with the device.
SSHKeys []string `json:"keys,omitempty"`
// Serial is the path to the device file for serial i/o.
Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty"`
// SerialMux is the path to the device's serial multiplexer.
SerialMux string `json:"serial_mux,omitempty"`
// PDU is an optional reference to the power distribution unit controlling
// power delivery to the target. This will not always be present.
PDU *targetPDU `json:"pdu,omitempty"`
// NetworkProperties are the static network properties of a target.
type NetworkProperties struct {
// Nodename is the hostname of the device that we want to boot on.
Nodename string `json:"nodename"`
// IPv4Addr is the IPv4 address, if statically given. If not provided, it may be
// resolved via the netstack's mDNS server.
IPv4Addr string `json:"ipv4"`
// LoadDeviceConfigs unmarshals a slice of device configs from a given file.
func LoadDeviceConfigs(path string) ([]DeviceConfig, error) {
data, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read device properties file %q", path)
var configs []DeviceConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &configs); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal configs: %w", err)
return configs, nil
// Device represents a physical Fuchsia device.
type Device struct {
config DeviceConfig
opts Options
signers []ssh.Signer
serial io.ReadWriteCloser
tftp tftp.Client
stopping uint32
var _ FuchsiaTarget = (*Device)(nil)
// NewDevice returns a new device target with a given configuration.
func NewDevice(ctx context.Context, config DeviceConfig, opts Options) (*Device, error) {
// If an SSH key is specified in the options, prepend it the configs list so that it
// corresponds to the authorized key that would be paved.
if opts.SSHKey != "" {
config.SSHKeys = append([]string{opts.SSHKey}, config.SSHKeys...)
signers, err := parseOutSigners(config.SSHKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse out signers from private keys: %w", err)
var s io.ReadWriteCloser
if config.SerialMux != "" {
if config.FastbootSernum == "" {
s, err = serial.NewSocket(ctx, config.SerialMux)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open: %s: %w", config.SerialMux, err)
} else {
// We don't want to wait for the console to be ready if the device
// is idling in Fastboot, as Fastboot does not have an interactive
// serial console.
s, err = serial.NewSocketWithIOTimeout(ctx, config.SerialMux, 2*time.Minute, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open: %s: %w", config.SerialMux, err)
// After we've made a serial connection to determine the device is ready,
// we should close this socket since it is no longer needed. New interactions
// with the device over serial will create new connections with the serial mux.
s = nil
} else if config.Serial != "" {
s, err = serial.Open(config.Serial)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open %s: %w", config.Serial, err)
base, err := newGenericFuchsia(ctx, config.Network.Nodename, config.SerialMux, config.SSHKeys, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Device{
genericFuchsiaTarget: base,
config: config,
opts: opts,
signers: signers,
serial: s,
}, nil
// Tftp returns a tftp client interface for the device.
func (t *Device) Tftp() tftp.Client {
return t.tftp
// Nodename returns the name of the node.
func (t *Device) Nodename() string {
return t.config.Network.Nodename
// Serial returns the serial device associated with the target for serial i/o.
func (t *Device) Serial() io.ReadWriteCloser {
return t.serial
// IPv4 returns the IPv4 address of the device.
func (t *Device) IPv4() (net.IP, error) {
return net.ParseIP(t.config.Network.IPv4Addr), nil
// IPv6 returns the IPv6 of the device.
// TODO(rudymathu): Re-enable mDNS resolution of IPv6 once it is no longer
// flaky on hardware.
func (t *Device) IPv6() (*net.IPAddr, error) {
return nil, nil
// SSHKey returns the private SSH key path associated with the authorized key to be paved.
func (t *Device) SSHKey() string {
return t.config.SSHKeys[0]
// SSHClient returns an SSH client connected to the device.
func (t *Device) SSHClient() (*sshutil.Client, error) {
addr, err := t.IPv4()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return t.sshClient(&net.IPAddr{IP: addr})
func (t *Device) mustLoadThroughZedboot() bool {
return mustLoadThroughZedboot || t.config.FastbootSernum == "" || !t.UseFFX()
// Start starts the device target.
func (t *Device) Start(ctx context.Context, images []bootserver.Image, args []string) error {
serialSocketPath := t.SerialSocketPath()
// Set up log listener and dump kernel output to stdout.
l, err := netboot.NewLogListener(t.Nodename())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot listen: %w", err)
go func() {
defer l.Close()
for atomic.LoadUint32(&t.stopping) == 0 {
data, err := l.Listen()
if err != nil {
// Get authorized keys from the ssh signers.
// We cannot have signers in netboot because there is no notion
// of a hardware backed key when you are not booting from disk
var authorizedKeys []byte
if !t.opts.Netboot {
if len(t.signers) > 0 {
for _, s := range t.signers {
authorizedKey := ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(s.PublicKey())
authorizedKeys = append(authorizedKeys, authorizedKey...)
bootedLogChan := make(chan error)
if serialSocketPath != "" {
// Start searching for the string before we reboot, otherwise we can miss it.
go func() {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "watching serial for string that indicates device has booted: %q", bootedLogSignature)
socket, err := net.Dial("unix", serialSocketPath)
if err != nil {
bootedLogChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", serialconstants.FailedToOpenSerialSocketMsg, err)
defer socket.Close()
_, err = iomisc.ReadUntilMatchString(ctx, socket, bootedLogSignature)
bootedLogChan <- err
// Boot Fuchsia.
if t.config.FastbootSernum != "" {
// Copy images locally, as fastboot does not support flashing
// from a remote location.
// TODO(rudymathu): Transport these images via isolate for improved caching performance.
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
var imgs []bootserver.Image
var ffxFlashDeps []string
if t.UseFFX() && !t.opts.Netboot && !t.mustLoadThroughZedboot() {
ffxFlashDeps, err = ffxutil.GetFlashDeps(wd, "fuchsia")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, img := range images {
img := img
if len(ffxFlashDeps) > 0 {
for _, dep := range ffxFlashDeps {
if img.Path == dep {
imgs = append(imgs, img)
} else {
if t.neededForFlashing(img) {
imgs = append(imgs, img)
imgPtrs := make([]*bootserver.Image, len(images))
for i := range imgs {
imgPtrs = append(imgPtrs, &imgs[i])
if err := copyImagesToDir(ctx, wd, true, imgPtrs...); err != nil {
return err
if t.mustLoadThroughZedboot() {
if err := t.bootZedboot(ctx, imgs); err != nil {
return err
} else if t.opts.Netboot {
if err := t.ramBoot(ctx, imgs); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := t.flash(ctx, imgs); err != nil {
return err
if t.mustLoadThroughZedboot() {
// Initialize the tftp client if:
// 1. It is currently uninitialized.
// 2. The device has been placed in Zedboot.
if t.tftp == nil {
// Discover the node on the network and initialize a tftp client to
// talk to it.
addr, err := netutil.GetNodeAddress(ctx, t.Nodename())
if err != nil {
return err
tftpClient, err := tftp.NewClient(&net.UDPAddr{
IP: addr.IP,
Port: tftp.ClientPort,
Zone: addr.Zone,
}, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
t.tftp = tftpClient
var imgs []bootserver.Image
for _, img := range images {
if t.imageOverrides.IsEmpty() {
imgs = append(imgs, img)
} else {
if img.Label == t.imageOverrides.ZBI {
img.Args = append(img.Args, "--boot")
imgs = append(imgs, img)
} else if img.Label == t.imageOverrides.FVM && filepath.Ext(img.Name) == ".fvm" {
img.Args = append(img.Args, "--fvm")
imgs = append(imgs, img)
if err := bootserver.Boot(ctx, t.Tftp(), imgs, args, authorizedKeys); err != nil {
return err
if serialSocketPath != "" {
return <-bootedLogChan
return nil
func getImageByName(imgs []bootserver.Image, name string) *bootserver.Image {
for _, img := range imgs {
if img.Name == name {
return &img
return nil
// Images are not guaranteed to be uniquely identified by label.
func getImage(imgs []bootserver.Image, label, typ string) *bootserver.Image {
for _, img := range imgs {
if img.Label == label && typ == img.Type {
return &img
return nil
func (t *Device) bootZedboot(ctx context.Context, images []bootserver.Image) error {
fastboot := getImageByName(images, "exe.linux-x64_fastboot")
if fastboot == nil {
return errors.New("fastboot not found")
zbi := getImageByName(images, "zbi_zircon-r")
vbmeta := getImageByName(images, "vbmeta_zircon-r")
logger.Debugf(ctx, "zbi: %s, vbmeta: %s", zbi.Path, vbmeta.Path)
zbiContents, err := os.ReadFile(zbi.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
vbmetaContents, err := os.ReadFile(vbmeta.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
combinedZBIVBMeta := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(zbi.Path), "zedboot.combined")
err = os.WriteFile(combinedZBIVBMeta, append(zbiContents, vbmetaContents...), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, fastboot.Path, "-s", t.config.FastbootSernum, "boot", combinedZBIVBMeta)
stdout, stderr, flush := botanist.NewStdioWriters(ctx)
defer flush()
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
logger.Debugf(ctx, "starting: %v", cmd.Args)
err = cmd.Run()
logger.Debugf(ctx, "done booting zedboot")
return err
func (t *Device) ramBoot(ctx context.Context, images []bootserver.Image) error {
if t.UseFFX() {
var zbi *bootserver.Image
if t.imageOverrides.ZBI == "" {
zbi = getImageByName(images, "zbi_zircon-a")
} else {
zbi = getImage(images, t.imageOverrides.ZBI, build.ImageTypeZBI)
if zbi == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find \"zbi_zircon-a\" or ZBI override")
var vbmeta *bootserver.Image
if t.imageOverrides.VBMeta == "" {
vbmeta = getImageByName(images, "vbmeta_zircon-a")
} else {
vbmeta = getImage(images, t.imageOverrides.VBMeta, build.ImageTypeVBMeta)
if vbmeta == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find \"vbmeta_zircon-a\" or VBMeta override")
return t.ffx.BootloaderBoot(ctx, t.config.FastbootSernum, zbi.Path, vbmeta.Path, "")
bootScript := getImageByName(images, "script_fastboot-boot-script")
if bootScript == nil {
return errors.New("fastboot boot script not found")
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, bootScript.Path, "-s", t.config.FastbootSernum)
stdout, stderr, flush := botanist.NewStdioWriters(ctx)
defer flush()
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
return cmd.Run()
func (t *Device) writePubKey() (string, error) {
pubkey, err := os.CreateTemp("", "pubkey*")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer pubkey.Close()
if _, err := pubkey.Write(ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(t.signers[0].PublicKey())); err != nil {
return "", err
return pubkey.Name(), nil
func (t *Device) flash(ctx context.Context, images []bootserver.Image) error {
var pubkey string
var err error
if len(t.signers) > 0 {
pubkey, err = t.writePubKey()
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.Remove(pubkey)
// Print logs to avoid hitting the I/O timeout.
ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
logger.Debugf(ctx, "still flashing...")
// TODO( Need support for ffx target flash for cuckoo tests.
if pubkey != "" && t.UseFFX() {
flashManifest := getImageByName(images, "manifest_flash-manifest")
if flashManifest == nil {
return errors.New("flash manifest not found")
return t.ffx.Flash(ctx, t.config.FastbootSernum, flashManifest.Path, pubkey)
flashScript := getImageByName(images, "script_flash-script")
if flashScript == nil {
return errors.New("flash script not found")
// Write the public SSH key to disk if one is needed.
flashArgs := []string{"-s", t.config.FastbootSernum}
if pubkey != "" {
flashArgs = append([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--ssh-key=%s", pubkey)}, flashArgs...)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, flashScript.Path, flashArgs...)
stdout, stderr, flush := botanist.NewStdioWriters(ctx)
defer flush()
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
return cmd.Run()
// Stop stops the device.
func (t *Device) Stop() error {
atomic.StoreUint32(&t.stopping, 1)
return nil
// Wait waits for the device target to stop.
func (t *Device) Wait(context.Context) error {
return ErrUnimplemented
// Config returns fields describing the target.
func (t *Device) TestConfig(netboot bool) (any, error) {
return TargetInfo(t, netboot, t.config.PDU)
func parseOutSigners(keyPaths []string) ([]ssh.Signer, error) {
if len(keyPaths) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("must supply SSH keys in the config")
var keys [][]byte
for _, keyPath := range keyPaths {
p, err := os.ReadFile(keyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read SSH key file %q: %w", keyPath, err)
keys = append(keys, p)
var signers []ssh.Signer
for _, p := range keys {
signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signers = append(signers, signer)
return signers, nil
func (t *Device) neededForFlashing(img bootserver.Image) bool {
if img.IsFlashable {
return true
// If we have specified image overrides, then we are only looking for image
// among those specifications in the case of flashing.
if !t.mustLoadThroughZedboot() && (t.imageOverrides.ZBI != "" || t.imageOverrides.VBMeta != "") {
return img.Label == t.imageOverrides.ZBI || img.Label == t.imageOverrides.VBMeta
neededImages := []string{
for _, imageName := range neededImages {
if img.Name == imageName {
return true
return false