blob: dd595c991a6c1607821a3ba6ff704e27bfe493d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Generate a random directory tree that can be commited to disk all at once. The general formula
//! goes like this -
//! ```
//! use {rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, rngs::StdRng}, static_tree::{EntryDistribution, DirectoryEntry}};
//! let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
//! let dist = EntryDistribution::new(depth);
//! let tree: DirectoryEntry = rng.sample(&dist);
//! tree.write_tree_at(root).expect("failed to write tree");
//! ```
use {
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio,
rand::{distributions, Rng},
/// A random distribution specialized to generation of random directory trees. This distribution
/// decreases the likelyhood of a directory being generated linearly relative to the depth of the
/// subset of the tree being generated, until it's 0% at the maximum depth.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct EntryDistribution {
depth: u32,
max_depth: u32,
impl EntryDistribution {
/// Create a new `EntryDistribution` with a maximum depth of `max_depth`. This distribution is
/// used for generating [`DirectoryEntry`]s and [`Entry`]s.
pub fn new(max_depth: u32) -> EntryDistribution {
EntryDistribution { depth: 1, max_depth }
/// get the entry distribution for the next level down on the directory tree.
fn next_level(&self) -> EntryDistribution {
self.depth <= self.max_depth,
"directory tree exceeded max depth ({} vs max of {}). programming error.",
EntryDistribution { depth: self.depth + 1, max_depth: self.max_depth }
/// creates a bernoulli distribution where the likelyhood is progressively decreased at further
/// depths until it's 0% at max_depth.
fn directory_distribution(&self) -> distributions::Bernoulli {
distributions::Bernoulli::from_ratio(self.max_depth - self.depth, self.max_depth).unwrap()
/// A file entry in the generated tree. Contains a randomly generated u64 for a name and randomly
/// generated byte contents. The file size is random, in a range of 1 byte to 2^16 bytes (~65kb).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FileEntry {
name: u64,
contents: Vec<u8>,
impl distributions::Distribution<FileEntry> for distributions::Standard {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> FileEntry {
let size = rng.gen_range(1..1 << 16);
// unfortunately, we can't use sample_iter to generate the content here. the trait
// definition for distribution requires the Rng type parameter to have ?Sized (or "maybe
// sized"), but the sample_iter function requires the provided Rng be Sized, either through
// the explicit Self: Sized on the Rng sample_iter function, or the implicit Sized present
// on type parameters for the equivalent Distribution function.
let mut contents = vec![0; size];
FileEntry { name: rng.gen(), contents }
impl FileEntry {
async fn write_file_at(self, root: &fio::DirectoryProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let file = fuchsia_fs::directory::open_file(
fio::OpenFlags::CREATE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE,
fuchsia_fs::file::write(&file, &self.contents).await?;
/// A directory entry in the generated tree. Contains a randomly generated u64 for a name and a
/// vector of randomly generated directory entries, with a number of entries somewhere in the range
/// of [0, 6). The sample function generates the entire subtree depth-first before returning, and is
/// mutually recursive with the [`Entry`] sample function.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct DirectoryEntry {
name: u64,
entries: Vec<Entry>,
impl distributions::Distribution<DirectoryEntry> for EntryDistribution {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> DirectoryEntry {
// each directory has a random number of entries in the range [0, 6)
let num_entries = rng.gen_range(0..6);
let mut entries = vec![];
let entry_dist = self.next_level();
for _ in 0..num_entries {
DirectoryEntry { name: rng.gen(), entries }
impl DirectoryEntry {
/// get the path the directory entry will be written to relative to a given root.
pub fn get_name(&self) -> String {
/// Take the entire randomly generated tree and commit it to disk.
pub fn write_tree_at<'a>(
root: &'a fio::DirectoryProxy,
) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'a, Result<(), Error>> {
Box::pin(async {
let this = fuchsia_fs::directory::create_directory(
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE,
for entry in self.entries {
match entry {
Entry::File(file_entry) => file_entry.write_file_at(&this).await?,
Entry::Directory(dir_entry) => dir_entry.write_tree_at(&this).await?,
/// An entry of either File or Directory. The chance of it being a directory is relative to the depth
/// recorded in EntryDistribution. The associated entry is also then generated.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Entry {
/// This entry is a file.
/// This entry is a directory
impl distributions::Distribution<Entry> for EntryDistribution {
fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Entry {
if rng.sample(self.directory_distribution()) {
} else {
mod tests {
use {
super::{DirectoryEntry, Entry, EntryDistribution, FileEntry},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
rand::{rngs::mock::StepRng, Rng as _},
// this fixture will have to get updated any time the generation logic changes. depending on the
// nature of the change, the comparison logic may have to be changed as well.
fn get_fixture(initial: u64, increment: u64, depth: u32) -> DirectoryEntry {
// confirm that the rng and depth used to generate this tree are the same.
assert_eq!(initial, 0xdeadbeef, "initial value changed - update fixture");
assert_eq!(increment, 1, "increment value changed - update fixture");
assert_eq!(depth, 2, "depth value changed - update fixture");
DirectoryEntry {
name: 3735928580,
entries: vec![
Entry::File(FileEntry { name: 3735928563, contents: vec![242] }),
Entry::File(FileEntry { name: 3735928567, contents: vec![246] }),
Entry::File(FileEntry { name: 3735928571, contents: vec![250] }),
Entry::File(FileEntry { name: 3735928575, contents: vec![254] }),
Entry::File(FileEntry { name: 3735928579, contents: vec![2] }),
fn gen_tree() {
let initial = 0xdeadbeef;
let increment = 1;
let depth = 2;
// make sure we are generating a tree at all.
let mut rng = StepRng::new(initial, increment);
let dist = EntryDistribution::new(depth);
let tree: DirectoryEntry = rng.sample(dist);
// this skips the contents for the files, because they are huge, so we do our own manual
// comparison.
let fixture = get_fixture(initial, increment, depth);
assert_eq!(fixture, tree);
for i in 0..fixture.entries.len() {
match &fixture.entries[i] {
Entry::File(fixture_file_entry) => match &tree.entries[i] {
Entry::File(tree_file_entry) => {
_ => panic!("expected a file in generated tree"),
_ => panic!("expected a file in fixture tree"),
fn same_rng_same_tree() {
// this confirms an assumption about the properties of tree generation that we rely on for
// consistency checking.
let dist = EntryDistribution::new(5);
let tree1: DirectoryEntry = StepRng::new(1337, 1).sample(dist);
let tree2: DirectoryEntry = StepRng::new(1337, 1).sample(dist);
assert_eq!(tree1, tree2);
async fn write_tree() {
let root = "/test-root";
let initial = 0xdeadbeef;
let increment = 1;
let depth = 2;
let mut rng = StepRng::new(initial, increment);
let dist = EntryDistribution::new(depth);
let tree: DirectoryEntry = rng.sample(dist);
let mut ramdisk =
RamdiskClient::create(512, 1 << 16).await.expect("failed to make ramdisk");
let controller = ramdisk.take_controller().expect("invalid controller");
let mut minfs = Minfs::new(controller);
minfs.format().await.expect("failed to format minfs");
let mut minfs = minfs.serve().await.expect("failed to mount minfs");
minfs.bind_to_path(root).expect("failed to bind path");
tree.write_tree_at(minfs.root()).await.expect("failed to write tree");
let fixture = get_fixture(initial, increment, depth);
let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(format!("{}/{}", root,;
assert!(path.is_dir(), "{}", path.display());
for (i, entry) in std::fs::read_dir(&path).expect("failed to read directory").enumerate() {
let entry = entry.expect("failed to read entry");
let file_type = entry.file_type().expect("failed to get file type");
let file_name =
entry.file_name().into_string().expect("failed to convert file name to string");
let expected_name = match &fixture.entries[i] {
Entry::File(f) =>,
Entry::Directory(_) => panic!("expected a file in the fixture tree"),
assert_eq!(file_name, expected_name.to_string());
minfs.shutdown().await.expect("failed to unmount minfs");
ramdisk.destroy().await.expect("failed to destroy ramdisk");