blob: c8e4a365f7044073ec13ea818e1201446b50ae97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Error};
use bind::compiler;
use bind::linter;
use bind::parser::bind_library;
use bind::parser::common::Include;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::cpp_generator;
use crate::rust_generator;
use crate::GeneratedBindingType;
pub trait BindingGenerator {
fn generate_using_declaration(self: &Self, using_decl: &Include) -> String;
fn generate_identifier_declaration(self: &Self, path: &str, identifier_name: &str) -> String;
fn generate_numerical_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &u64) -> String;
fn generate_string_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &str) -> String;
fn generate_bool_value_declaration(self: &Self, name: &str, val: &bool) -> String;
fn generate_enum_value_declaration(
self: &Self,
name: &str,
path: &str,
identifier_name: &str,
val: &str,
) -> String;
fn generate_result(
self: &Self,
bind_name: &str,
using_declarations: &str,
constant_declarations: &str,
) -> String;
pub fn generate(
binding_type: GeneratedBindingType,
input: &str,
lint: bool,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
let syntax_tree =
if lint {
let binding_generator: Box<dyn BindingGenerator> = match binding_type {
GeneratedBindingType::Cpp => Box::new(cpp_generator::CppGenerator {}),
GeneratedBindingType::Rust => Box::new(rust_generator::RustGenerator {}),
// Put in dependencies from the library.
let using_declarations = syntax_tree
.map(|using_statement| binding_generator.generate_using_declaration(using_statement))
let bind_name =;
// Convert all key value pairs to their equivalent constants.
let constant_declarations = syntax_tree
.map(|declaration| generate_to_constant(&binding_generator, declaration, &bind_name))
.collect::<Result<Vec<String>, _>>()?
let result =
binding_generator.generate_result(&bind_name, &using_declarations, &constant_declarations);
fn generate_to_constant(
binding_generator: &Box<dyn BindingGenerator>,
declaration: bind_library::Declaration,
path: &str,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
let identifier_name =;
// Generating the key definition is only done when it is not extended.
// When it is extended, the key will already be defined in the library that it is
// extending from.
let identifier_decl = if !declaration.extends {
binding_generator.generate_identifier_declaration(path, &identifier_name)
} else {
let value_decls = declaration
.map(|value| {
let name = generate_declaration_name(&identifier_name.to_uppercase(), value);
match value {
bind_library::Value::Number(_, val) => {
binding_generator.generate_numerical_value_declaration(&name, val)
bind_library::Value::Str(_, val) => {
binding_generator.generate_string_value_declaration(&name, val)
bind_library::Value::Bool(_, val) => {
binding_generator.generate_bool_value_declaration(&name, val)
bind_library::Value::Enum(val) => binding_generator
.generate_enum_value_declaration(&name, path, &identifier_name, val),
Ok(format!("{}{}", identifier_decl, value_decls))
fn generate_declaration_name(name: &str, value: &bind_library::Value) -> String {
match value {
bind_library::Value::Number(value_name, _) => {
format!("{}_{}", name, value_name)
bind_library::Value::Str(value_name, _) => {
format!("{}_{}", name, value_name)
bind_library::Value::Bool(value_name, _) => {
format!("{}_{}", name, value_name)
bind_library::Value::Enum(value_name) => {
format!("{}_{}", name, value_name)
/// The generated identifiers for each value must be unique. Since the key and value identifiers
/// are joined using underscores which are also valid to use in the identifiers themselves,
/// duplicate keys may be produced. I.e. the key-value pair "A_B" and "C", and the key-value pair
/// "A" and "B_C", will both produce the identifier "A_B_C". This function hence ensures none of the
/// generated names are duplicates.
fn check_names(declarations: &Vec<bind_library::Declaration>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut names: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();
let mut keys: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();
// Check key values.
for declaration in declarations.into_iter() {
// Check if there is a duplicate key name.
let fidl_key_name =;
if keys.contains(&fidl_key_name) {
return Err(anyhow!("Name \"{}\" generated for more than one key", fidl_key_name));
for value in &declaration.values {
let name = generate_declaration_name(&, value);
// Return an error if there is a duplicate name.
if names.contains(&name) {
return Err(anyhow!("Name \"{}\" generated for more than one key", name));
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn get_test_generated_cpp(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, input, false)
.map(|s| s.to_string())
.filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
fn get_test_generated_rust(input: &str) -> Vec<String> {
generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, input, false)
.map(|s| s.to_string())
.filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
fn zero_keys() {
let generated_cpp: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_cpp("library fuchsia.platform;");
let generated_rust: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_rust("library fuchsia.platform;");
let expected_cpp = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"#ifndef BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#define BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#include <string>".to_string(),
"namespace bind_fuchsia_platform {".to_string(),
"} // namespace bind_fuchsia_platform".to_string(),
"#endif // BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
let expected_rust = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
assert!(generated_cpp.into_iter().zip(expected_cpp).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
assert!(generated_rust.into_iter().zip(expected_rust).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
fn one_key() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string A_KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
let generated_cpp: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_cpp(test_str);
let generated_rust: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_rust(test_str);
let expected_cpp = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"#ifndef BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#define BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#include <string>".to_string(),
"namespace bind_fuchsia_platform {".to_string(),
"static const std::string A_KEY = \"fuchsia.platform.A_KEY\";".to_string(),
"static const std::string A_KEY_A_VALUE = \"a string value\";".to_string(),
"} // namespace bind_fuchsia_platform".to_string(),
"#endif // BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
let expected_rust = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"pub const A_KEY: &str = \"fuchsia.platform.A_KEY\";".to_string(),
"pub const A_KEY_A_VALUE: &str = \"a string value\";".to_string(),
assert!(generated_cpp.into_iter().zip(expected_cpp).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
assert!(generated_rust.into_iter().zip(expected_rust).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
fn one_key_extends() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
extend uint fuchsia.BIND_PROTOCOL {\n
BUS = 84,\n
let generated_cpp: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_cpp(test_str);
let generated_rust: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_rust(test_str);
let expected_cpp = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"#ifndef BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#define BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#include <string>".to_string(),
"namespace bind_fuchsia_platform {".to_string(),
"static constexpr uint32_t BIND_PROTOCOL_BUS = 84;".to_string(),
"} // namespace bind_fuchsia_platform".to_string(),
"#endif // BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
let expected_rust = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"pub const BIND_PROTOCOL_BUS: u32 = 84;".to_string(),
assert!(generated_cpp.into_iter().zip(expected_cpp).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
assert!(generated_rust.into_iter().zip(expected_rust).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
fn one_key_with_using() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
using another.bindlibrary as another;
extend uint another.SOME_INT {\n
BUS = 84,\n
let generated_cpp: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_cpp(test_str);
let generated_rust: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_rust(test_str);
let expected_cpp = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"#ifndef BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#define BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#include <string>".to_string(),
"#include <bind/another/bindlibrary/cpp/bind.h>".to_string(),
"namespace bind_fuchsia_platform {".to_string(),
"static constexpr uint32_t SOME_INT_BUS = 84;".to_string(),
"} // namespace bind_fuchsia_platform".to_string(),
"#endif // BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
let expected_rust = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"pub use bind_another_bindlibrary;".to_string(),
"pub const SOME_INT_BUS: u32 = 84;".to_string(),
assert!(generated_cpp.into_iter().zip(expected_cpp).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
assert!(generated_rust.into_iter().zip(expected_rust).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
fn lower_snake_case() {
let test_str =
"library fuchsia.platform;\nstring a_key {\na_value = \"a string value\",\n};";
let generated_cpp: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_cpp(test_str);
let generated_rust: Vec<String> = get_test_generated_rust(test_str);
let expected_cpp = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"#ifndef BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#define BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
"#include <string>".to_string(),
"namespace bind_fuchsia_platform {".to_string(),
"static const std::string A_KEY = \"fuchsia.platform.a_key\";".to_string(),
"static const std::string A_KEY_A_VALUE = \"a string value\";".to_string(),
"} // namespace bind_fuchsia_platform".to_string(),
"#endif // BIND_FUCHSIA_PLATFORM_BINDLIB_".to_string(),
let expected_rust = vec![
"// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.".to_string(),
"// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be".to_string(),
"// found in the LICENSE file.".to_string(),
"// WARNING: This file is machine generated by bindc.".to_string(),
"pub const A_KEY: &str = \"fuchsia.platform.a_key\";".to_string(),
"pub const A_KEY_A_VALUE: &str = \"a string value\";".to_string(),
assert!(generated_cpp.into_iter().zip(expected_cpp).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
assert!(generated_rust.into_iter().zip(expected_rust).all(|(a, b)| (a == b)));
fn duplicate_key_value() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string A_KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
string A_KEY_A {\n
VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, test_str, false).is_err());
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, test_str, false).is_err());
fn duplicate_keys() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string A_KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
string A_KEY {\n
VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, test_str, false).is_err());
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, test_str, false).is_err());
fn duplicate_keys_mixed_cases() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string A_KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
string a_key {\n
VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, test_str, false).is_err());
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, test_str, false).is_err());
fn duplicate_values_in_a_key() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string A_KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, test_str, false).is_err());
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, test_str, false).is_err());
fn duplicate_values_two_keys() {
let test_str = "library fuchsia.platform;\n
string KEY {\n
A_VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
string KEY_A {\n
VALUE = \"a string value\",\n
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, test_str, false).is_err());
assert!(generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, test_str, false).is_err());
fn test_cpp_header_generation() {
generate(GeneratedBindingType::Cpp, include_str!("tests/test_library.bind"), false)
fn test_rust_file_generation() {
generate(GeneratedBindingType::Rust, include_str!("tests/test_library.bind"), false)
fn test_deprecated_lib_cpp_generation() {