blob: f29649657b48001719755fb5c1e4c26798e76278 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const fragmentClientSyncMethodsTmpl = `
{{- define "ClientSyncRequestCallerAllocateMethodDefinition" }}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::UnownedResultOf::{{ .Name }}
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ClientImpl::{{ .Name }}_Sync(
{{- template "SyncRequestCallerAllocateMethodArguments" . }}) {
if (auto _channel = ::fidl::internal::ClientBase::GetChannel()) {
return UnownedResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}>(_channel->handle())
{{- if .Request -}}
,, _request_buffer.capacity
{{- end -}}
{{- template "CommaPassthroughMessageParams" .Request -}},, _response_buffer.capacity);
return {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::UnownedResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::Result(ZX_ERR_CANCELED, ::fidl::kErrorChannelUnbound));
{{- else }}{{ if .Request }}
::fidl::Result {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ClientImpl::{{ .Name }}(
{{- template "SyncRequestCallerAllocateMethodArguments" . }}) {
if (auto _channel = ::fidl::internal::ClientBase::GetChannel()) {
auto _res = UnownedResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}>(_channel->handle())
{{- if .Request -}}
,, _request_buffer.capacity
{{- end }}
{{- template "CommaPassthroughMessageParams" .Request -}});
return ::fidl::Result(_res.status(), _res.error());
return ::fidl::Result(ZX_ERR_CANCELED, ::fidl::kErrorChannelUnbound);
{{- end }}{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "ClientSyncRequestManagedMethodDefinition" }}
{{- if .HasResponse }}
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ResultOf::{{ .Name }}
{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ClientImpl::{{ .Name }}_Sync(
{{- template "SyncRequestManagedMethodArguments" . }}) {
if (auto _channel = ::fidl::internal::ClientBase::GetChannel()) {
return ResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}>(_channel->handle())
{{- template "CommaPassthroughMessageParams" .Request -}}
return {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::Result(ZX_ERR_CANCELED, ::fidl::kErrorChannelUnbound));
{{- else }}
::fidl::Result {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::ClientImpl::{{ .Name }}(
{{- template "SyncRequestManagedMethodArguments" . }}) {
if (auto _channel = ::fidl::internal::ClientBase::GetChannel()) {
auto _res = ResultOf::{{ .Name }}(
::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<{{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}>(_channel->handle())
{{- template "CommaPassthroughMessageParams" .Request -}}
return ::fidl::Result(_res.status(), _res.error());
return ::fidl::Result(ZX_ERR_CANCELED, ::fidl::kErrorChannelUnbound);
{{- end }}
{{- end }}