blob: e88c26561fac947be31e92cb00da6df7eae3244e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (!is_host) {
group("fx") {
testonly = true
deps = []
} else {
group("fx") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# For `fx format-code`.
# For `fx lint`.
# Tests need to be in the default toolchain, because build_api_module only
# collects metadata (into tests.json) from the default toolchain.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":fx_script_tests($host_toolchain)" ]
# This is the list of test scripts that should be run to
# test the bash fx scripts.
test_scripts = [
# tests that currently can't be included in automation.
# use 'fx self-test' to run them manually:
# "tests/subcommands/fx_blobstats_test", # disabled because it depends on dart prebuilt
# "tests/subcommands/fx_codesize_test", # disabled because it depends on dart prebuilt
# "tests/subcommands/fx_emu_test", # disabled because stty call fails
# "tests/subcommands/fx_serve_update_test", # disabled because it depends on pm
# "tests/subcommands/fx_test_test", # disabled because it depends on dart prebuilt
# Copies the files needed for the tests to the out dir
# This stages the data and builds the metadata needed to
# have these files included in the test runtime deps.
# The datasets are copied to the data_path directory.
# The source_base_dir must be a prefix of the files
# being copied. The target_base dir is the destination
# directory within the data_path.
# There are multiple datasets, one for each unique source_base_dir.
host_script_test_data("fx_bash_tests") {
data_path = "fx_bash_tests"
datasets = [
source_base_dir = "//scripts"
target_base_dir = "scripts"
files = [
source_base_dir = "//tools/devshell/tests"
target_base_dir = "tools/devshell/tests"
files = []
foreach(f, test_scripts) {
files += [ "//tools/devshell/$f" ]
source_base_dir = "//scripts/sdk/gn/bash_tests"
target_base_dir = "tools/devshell"
files = [ "//scripts/sdk/gn/bash_tests/" ]
source_base_dir = "//tools/devshell/tests/lib"
target_base_dir = "tools/devshell/tests/lib"
files = [
source_base_dir = "//tools/devshell"
target_base_dir = "tools/devshell"
# Consolidated dependencies of all scripts. Extracted with:
# find tools/devshell/tests -name "*_test" -type f | xargs cat | awk '/^[ ]*BT_FILE_DEPS=/{flag=1;next}/[ ]*\)/{flag=0}flag' | grep "tools/devshell" | sort -u | sed 's/[ ]*"\(.*\)".*/ "\/\/\1",/'
files = [
source_base_dir = target_out_dir
target_base_dir = "tools/devshell"
files = [ "${target_out_dir}/" ]
source_base_dir = "//prebuilt"
target_base_dir = "prebuilt"
files = [ "//prebuilt/third_party/jq/${host_platform}/bin/jq" ]
data_deps = [ ":run_fx_bash_tests_driver" ]
generated_file("run_fx_bash_tests_driver") {
outputs = [ "${target_out_dir}/" ]
contents =
read_file("//scripts/sdk/gn/bash_tests/", "list lines")
foreach(s, test_scripts) {
contents += [ "tools/devshell/ $s" ]
# This is the entrypoint for the fx script tests.
host_script_test("fx_script_tests") {
# Script path is relative to $testroot
test_root = "fx_bash_tests"
test_script = "fx_bash_tests/tools/devshell/"
data_deps = [ ":fx_bash_tests" ]