blob: 7958648c9a99bf4909bb00f1a15813bb5761402a [file] [log] [blame]
//! DNS high level transit implimentations.
//! Primarily there are two types in this module of interest, the `DnsMultiplexer` type and the `DnsHandle` type. `DnsMultiplexer` can be thought of as the state machine responsible for sending and receiving DNS messages. `DnsHandle` is the type given to API users of the `trust-dns-proto` library to send messages into the `DnsMultiplexer` for delivery. Finally there is the `DnsRequest` type. This allows for customizations, through `DnsRequestOptions`, to the delivery of messages via a `DnsMultiplexer`.
//! TODO: this module needs some serious refactoring and normalization.
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures::channel::mpsc::{TrySendError, UnboundedSender};
use futures::channel::oneshot::{self, Receiver, Sender};
use futures::{ready, Future, Stream};
use log::{debug, warn};
use crate::error::*;
use crate::Time;
mod dns_exchange;
pub mod dns_handle;
pub mod dns_multiplexer;
pub mod dns_request;
pub mod dns_response;
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
pub mod dnssec_dns_handle;
pub mod retry_dns_handle;
mod serial_message;
pub use self::dns_exchange::{
DnsExchange, DnsExchangeBackground, DnsExchangeConnect, DnsExchangeSend,
pub use self::dns_handle::{DnsHandle, DnsStreamHandle, StreamHandle};
pub use self::dns_multiplexer::{
DnsMultiplexer, DnsMultiplexerConnect, DnsMultiplexerSerialResponse,
pub use self::dns_request::{DnsRequest, DnsRequestOptions};
pub use self::dns_response::DnsResponse;
#[cfg(feature = "dnssec")]
pub use self::dnssec_dns_handle::DnssecDnsHandle;
pub use self::retry_dns_handle::RetryDnsHandle;
pub use self::serial_message::SerialMessage;
/// Ignores the result of a send operation and logs and ignores errors
fn ignore_send<M, E: Debug>(result: Result<M, E>) {
if let Err(error) = result {
warn!("error notifying wait, possible future leak: {:?}", error);
/// A non-multiplexed stream of Serialized DNS messages
pub trait DnsClientStream:
Stream<Item = Result<SerialMessage, ProtoError>> + Display + Send
/// The remote name server address
fn name_server_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr;
// TODO: change to Sink
/// A sender to which serialized DNS Messages can be sent
pub struct BufStreamHandle {
sender: UnboundedSender<SerialMessage>,
impl BufStreamHandle {
/// Constructs a new BufStreamHandle with the associated ProtoError
pub fn new(sender: UnboundedSender<SerialMessage>) -> Self {
BufStreamHandle { sender }
/// see [`futures::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender`]
pub fn unbounded_send(&self, msg: SerialMessage) -> Result<(), TrySendError<SerialMessage>> {
/// A buffering stream bound to a `SocketAddr`
pub struct BufDnsStreamHandle {
name_server: SocketAddr,
sender: BufStreamHandle,
impl BufDnsStreamHandle {
/// Constructs a new Buffered Stream Handle, used for sending data to the DNS peer.
/// # Arguments
/// * `name_server` - the address of the DNS server
/// * `sender` - the handle being used to send data to the server
pub fn new(name_server: SocketAddr, sender: BufStreamHandle) -> Self {
BufDnsStreamHandle {
impl DnsStreamHandle for BufDnsStreamHandle {
fn send(&mut self, buffer: SerialMessage) -> Result<(), ProtoError> {
let name_server: SocketAddr = self.name_server;
let sender: &mut _ = &mut self.sender;
.unbounded_send(SerialMessage::new(buffer.unwrap().0, name_server))
.map_err(|e| ProtoError::from(format!("mpsc::SendError {}", e)))
// TODO: expose the Sink trait for this?
/// A sender to which serialized DNS Messages can be sent
pub struct DnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
sender: UnboundedSender<OneshotDnsRequest<F>>,
impl<F> DnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
/// Constructs a new BufStreamHandle with the associated ProtoError
pub fn new(sender: UnboundedSender<OneshotDnsRequest<F>>) -> Self {
DnsRequestStreamHandle { sender }
/// see [`futures::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender`]
pub fn unbounded_send(
msg: OneshotDnsRequest<F>,
) -> Result<(), TrySendError<OneshotDnsRequest<F>>> {
impl<F> Clone for DnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
DnsRequestStreamHandle {
sender: self.sender.clone(),
/// Types that implement this are capable of sending a serialized DNS message on a stream
/// The underlying Stream implementation should yield `Some(())` whenever it is ready to send a message,
/// NotReady, if it is not ready to send a message, and `Err` or `None` in the case that the stream is
/// done, and should be shutdown.
pub trait DnsRequestSender: Stream<Item = Result<(), ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static {
/// A future that resolves to a response serial message
type DnsResponseFuture: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>>
+ 'static
+ Send
+ Unpin;
/// Send a message, and return a future of the response
/// # Return
/// A future which will resolve to a SerialMessage response
fn send_message<TE: Time>(
&mut self,
message: DnsRequest,
cx: &mut Context,
) -> Self::DnsResponseFuture;
/// Constructs an error response
fn error_response<TE: Time>(error: ProtoError) -> Self::DnsResponseFuture;
/// Allows the upstream user to inform the underling stream that it should shutdown.
/// After this is called, the next time `poll` is called on the stream it would be correct to return `Poll::Ready(Ok(()))`. This is not required though, if there are say outstanding requests that are not yet complete, then it would be correct to first wait for those results.
fn shutdown(&mut self);
/// Returns true if the stream has been shutdown with `shutdown`
fn is_shutdown(&self) -> bool;
/// Used for associating a name_server to a DnsRequestStreamHandle
pub struct BufDnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
sender: DnsRequestStreamHandle<F>,
impl<F> BufDnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
/// Construct a new BufDnsRequestStreamHandle
pub fn new(sender: DnsRequestStreamHandle<F>) -> Self {
BufDnsRequestStreamHandle { sender }
impl<F> Clone for BufDnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
BufDnsRequestStreamHandle {
sender: self.sender.clone(),
macro_rules! try_oneshot {
($expr:expr) => {{
use std::result::Result;
match $expr {
Result::Ok(val) => val,
Result::Err(err) => {
return OneshotDnsResponseReceiver::Err(Some(ProtoError::from(err)))
($expr:expr,) => {
impl<F> DnsHandle for BufDnsRequestStreamHandle<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin + 'static,
type Response = OneshotDnsResponseReceiver<F>;
fn send<R: Into<DnsRequest>>(&mut self, request: R) -> Self::Response {
let request: DnsRequest = request.into();
debug!("enqueueing message: {:?}", request.queries());
let (request, oneshot) = OneshotDnsRequest::oneshot(request);
try_oneshot!(self.sender.unbounded_send(request).map_err(|_| {
debug!("unable to enqueue message");
ProtoError::from("could not send request")
// TODO: this future should return the origin message in the response on errors
/// A OneshotDnsRequest creates a channel for a response to message
pub struct OneshotDnsRequest<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
dns_request: DnsRequest,
sender_for_response: Sender<F>,
impl<F> OneshotDnsRequest<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
fn oneshot(dns_request: DnsRequest) -> (OneshotDnsRequest<F>, oneshot::Receiver<F>) {
let (sender_for_response, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
OneshotDnsRequest {
fn unwrap(self) -> (DnsRequest, OneshotDnsResponse<F>) {
struct OneshotDnsResponse<F>(oneshot::Sender<F>)
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send;
impl<F> OneshotDnsResponse<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send,
fn send_response(self, serial_response: F) -> Result<(), F> {
/// A Future that wraps a oneshot::Receiver and resolves to the final value
pub enum OneshotDnsResponseReceiver<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin,
/// The receiver
/// The future once received
/// Error during the send operation
impl<F> Future for OneshotDnsResponseReceiver<F>
F: Future<Output = Result<DnsResponse, ProtoError>> + Send + Unpin,
type Output = <F as Future>::Output;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
loop {
*self = match *self.as_mut() {
OneshotDnsResponseReceiver::Receiver(ref mut receiver) => {
let receiver = Pin::new(receiver);
let future = ready!(receiver
.map_err(|_| ProtoError::from("receiver was canceled")))?;
OneshotDnsResponseReceiver::Received(ref mut future) => {
let future = Pin::new(future);
return future.poll(cx);
OneshotDnsResponseReceiver::Err(ref mut err) => {
return Poll::Ready(Err(err
.expect("futures should not be polled after complete")))