blob: 4ea309bead83d8e039fde4a296648aa6ce304e46 [file] [log] [blame]
// These tests require the thread-local scoped dispatcher, which only works when
// we have a standard library. The behaviour being tested should be the same
// with the standard lib disabled.
// The alternative would be for each of these tests to be defined in a separate
// file, which is :(
#![cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate tracing;
use tracing::{
subscriber::{with_default, Interest, Subscriber},
Event, Level, Metadata,
fn event_macros_dont_infinite_loop() {
// This test ensures that an event macro within a subscriber
// won't cause an infinite loop of events.
struct TestSubscriber;
impl Subscriber for TestSubscriber {
fn register_callsite(&self, _: &Metadata<'_>) -> Interest {
// Always return sometimes so that `enabled` will be called
// (which can loop).
fn enabled(&self, meta: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
assert!(meta.fields().iter().any(|f| == "foo"));
event!(Level::TRACE, bar = false);
fn new_span(&self, _: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
fn record(&self, _: &span::Id, _: &span::Record<'_>) {}
fn record_follows_from(&self, _: &span::Id, _: &span::Id) {}
fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
assert!(event.metadata().fields().iter().any(|f| == "foo"));
event!(Level::TRACE, baz = false);
fn enter(&self, _: &span::Id) {}
fn exit(&self, _: &span::Id) {}
with_default(TestSubscriber, || {
event!(Level::TRACE, foo = false);