blob: c5cd338625a95ca569b10407dbfbd89c4d02b463 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The reactor notifying [`Async`][`crate::Async`] and [`Timer`][`crate::Timer`].
//! There is a single global reactor that contains all registered I/O handles and timers. The
//! reactor is polled by the executor, i.e. the [`run()`][`crate::run()`] function.
target_os = "linux", // epoll
target_os = "android", // epoll
target_os = "illumos", // epoll
target_os = "macos", // kqueue
target_os = "ios", // kqueue
target_os = "freebsd", // kqueue
target_os = "netbsd", // kqueue
target_os = "openbsd", // kqueue
target_os = "dragonfly", // kqueue
target_os = "windows", // wepoll
compile_error!("reactor does not support this target OS");
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::os::windows::io::{FromRawSocket, RawSocket};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::task::{Poll, Waker};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use crossbeam_queue::ArrayQueue;
use futures_util::future;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use slab::Slab;
use socket2::Socket;
use crate::sys::fcntl::{fcntl, FcntlArg};
use crate::io_event::IoEvent;
/// The reactor.
/// Every async I/O handle and every timer is registered here. Invocations of
/// [`run()`][`crate::run()`] poll the reactor to check for new events every now and then.
/// There is only one global instance of this type, accessible by [`Reactor::get()`].
pub(crate) struct Reactor {
/// Raw bindings to epoll/kqueue/wepoll.
sys: sys::Reactor,
/// Registered sources.
sources: piper::Mutex<Slab<Arc<Source>>>,
/// Temporary storage for I/O events when polling the reactor.
events: piper::Lock<sys::Events>,
/// An ordered map of registered timers.
/// Timers are in the order in which they fire. The `usize` in this type is a timer ID used to
/// distinguish timers that fire at the same time. The `Waker` represents the task awaiting the
/// timer.
timers: piper::Mutex<BTreeMap<(Instant, usize), Waker>>,
/// A queue of timer operations (insert and remove).
/// When inserting or removing a timer, we don't process it immediately - we just push it into
/// this queue. Timers actually get processed when the queue fills up or the reactor is polled.
timer_ops: ArrayQueue<TimerOp>,
/// An I/O event that is triggered when a new timer is registered.
/// The reason why this field is lazily created is because `IoEvent`s can be created only after
/// the reactor is fully initialized.
timer_event: Lazy<IoEvent>,
impl Reactor {
/// Returns a reference to the reactor.
pub fn get() -> &'static Reactor {
static REACTOR: Lazy<Reactor> = Lazy::new(|| Reactor {
sys: sys::Reactor::new().expect("cannot initialize I/O event notification"),
sources: piper::Mutex::new(Slab::new()),
events: piper::Lock::new(sys::Events::new()),
timers: piper::Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()),
timer_ops: ArrayQueue::new(1000),
timer_event: Lazy::new(|| IoEvent::new().expect("cannot create an `IoEvent`")),
/// Registers an I/O source in the reactor.
pub fn insert_io(
#[cfg(unix)] raw: RawFd,
#[cfg(windows)] raw: RawSocket,
) -> io::Result<Arc<Source>> {
let mut sources = self.sources.lock();
let vacant = sources.vacant_entry();
// Put the I/O handle in non-blocking mode.
let flags = fcntl(raw, FcntlArg::F_GETFL)?;
let flags = flags | libc::O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(raw, FcntlArg::F_SETFL(flags))?;
let socket = unsafe { Socket::from_raw_socket(raw) };
// Create a source and register it.
let key = vacant.key();
self.sys.register(raw, key)?;
let source = Arc::new(Source {
wakers: piper::Mutex::new(Wakers {
readers: Vec::new(),
writers: Vec::new(),
/// Deregisters an I/O source from the reactor.
pub fn remove_io(&self, source: &Source) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut sources = self.sources.lock();
/// Registers a timer in the reactor.
/// Returns the inserted timer's ID.
pub fn insert_timer(&self, when: Instant, waker: &Waker) -> usize {
// Generate a new timer ID.
static ID_GENERATOR: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1);
let id = ID_GENERATOR.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Push an insert operation.
while self
.push(TimerOp::Insert(when, id, waker.clone()))
// Fire timers to drain the queue.
// Notify that a timer was added.
/// Deregisters a timer from the reactor.
pub fn remove_timer(&self, when: Instant, id: usize) {
// Push a remove operation.
while self.timer_ops.push(TimerOp::Remove(when, id)).is_err() {
// Fire timers to drain the queue.
/// Attempts to lock the reactor.
pub fn try_lock(&self) -> Option<ReactorLock<'_>> {|events| {
let reactor = self;
ReactorLock { reactor, events }
/// Locks the reactor.
pub async fn lock(&self) -> ReactorLock<'_> {
let reactor = self;
let events =;
ReactorLock { reactor, events }
/// Fires ready timers.
/// Returns the duration until the next timer before this method was called.
fn fire_timers(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
// Clear this event because we're about to fire timers.
let mut timers = self.timers.lock();
// Process timer operations, but no more than the queue capacity because otherwise we could
// keep popping operations forever.
for _ in 0..self.timer_ops.capacity() {
match self.timer_ops.pop() {
Ok(TimerOp::Insert(when, id, waker)) => {
timers.insert((when, id), waker);
Ok(TimerOp::Remove(when, id)) => {
timers.remove(&(when, id));
Err(_) => break,
let now = Instant::now();
// Split timers into ready and pending timers.
let pending = timers.split_off(&(now, 0));
let ready = mem::replace(&mut *timers, pending);
// Calculate the duration until the next event.
let dur = if ready.is_empty() {
// Duration until the next timer.
.map(|(when, _)| when.saturating_duration_since(now))
} else {
// Timers are about to fire right now.
// Drop the lock before waking.
// Wake up tasks waiting on timers.
for (_, waker) in ready {
/// A lock on the reactor.
pub(crate) struct ReactorLock<'a> {
reactor: &'a Reactor,
events: piper::LockGuard<sys::Events>,
impl ReactorLock<'_> {
/// Processes ready events without blocking.
pub fn poll(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Blocks until at least one event is processed.
pub fn wait(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Processes new events, optionally blocking until the first event.
fn react(&mut self, block: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
// Fire timers and compute the timeout for blocking on I/O events.
let next_timer = self.reactor.fire_timers();
let timeout = if block {
} else {
loop {
// Block on I/O events.
match self.reactor.sys.wait(&mut, timeout) {
// The timeout was hit so fire ready timers.
Ok(0) => {
return Ok(());
// At least one I/O event occured.
Ok(_) => {
// Iterate over sources in the event list.
let sources = self.reactor.sources.lock();
let mut ready = Vec::new();
for ev in {
// Check if there is a source in the table with this key.
if let Some(source) = sources.get(ev.key) {
let mut wakers = source.wakers.lock();
// Wake readers if a readability event was emitted.
if ev.readable {
ready.append(&mut wakers.readers);
// Wake writers if a writability event was emitted.
if ev.writable {
ready.append(&mut wakers.writers);
// Drop the lock before waking.
// Wake up tasks waiting on I/O.
for waker in ready {
return Ok(());
// The syscall was interrupted.
Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
// An actual error occureed.
Err(err) => return Err(err),
/// A single timer operation.
enum TimerOp {
Insert(Instant, usize, Waker),
Remove(Instant, usize),
/// A registered source of I/O events.
pub(crate) struct Source {
/// Raw file descriptor on Unix platforms.
pub(crate) raw: RawFd,
/// Raw socket handle on Windows.
pub(crate) raw: RawSocket,
/// The key of this source obtained during registration.
key: usize,
/// Tasks interested in events on this source.
wakers: piper::Mutex<Wakers>,
/// Tasks interested in events on a source.
struct Wakers {
/// Tasks waiting for the next readability event.
readers: Vec<Waker>,
/// Tasks waiting for the next writability event.
writers: Vec<Waker>,
impl Source {
/// Re-registers the I/O event to wake the poller.
pub(crate) fn reregister_io_event(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
let wakers = self.wakers.lock();
.reregister(self.raw, self.key, true, !wakers.writers.is_empty())?;
/// Waits until the I/O source is readable.
/// This function may occasionally complete even if the I/O source is not readable.
pub(crate) async fn readable(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut polled = false;
future::poll_fn(|cx| {
if polled {
} else {
let mut wakers = self.wakers.lock();
// If there are no other readers, re-register in the reactor.
if wakers.readers.is_empty() {
// Register the current task's waker if not present already.
if wakers.readers.iter().all(|w| !w.will_wake(cx.waker())) {
polled = true;
/// Waits until the I/O source is writable.
/// This function may occasionally complete even if the I/O source is not writable.
pub(crate) async fn writable(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut polled = false;
future::poll_fn(|cx| {
if polled {
} else {
let mut wakers = self.wakers.lock();
// If there are no other writers, re-register in the reactor.
if wakers.writers.is_empty() {
// Register the current task's waker if not present already.
if wakers.writers.iter().all(|w| !w.will_wake(cx.waker())) {
polled = true;
/// Raw bindings to epoll (Linux, Android, illumos).
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android", target_os = "illumos"))]
mod sys {
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::io;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::sys::epoll::{
epoll_create1, epoll_ctl, epoll_wait, EpollEvent, EpollFlags, EpollOp,
pub struct Reactor(RawFd);
impl Reactor {
pub fn new() -> io::Result<Reactor> {
let epoll_fd = epoll_create1()?;
pub fn register(&self, fd: RawFd, key: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
let ev = &mut EpollEvent::new(0, key as u64);
epoll_ctl(self.0, EpollOp::EpollCtlAdd, fd, Some(ev))
pub fn reregister(&self, fd: RawFd, key: usize, read: bool, write: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut flags = libc::EPOLLONESHOT;
if read {
flags |= read_flags();
if write {
flags |= write_flags();
let ev = &mut EpollEvent::new(flags, key as u64);
epoll_ctl(self.0, EpollOp::EpollCtlMod, fd, Some(ev))
pub fn deregister(&self, fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<()> {
epoll_ctl(self.0, EpollOp::EpollCtlDel, fd, None)
pub fn wait(&self, events: &mut Events, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<usize> {
let timeout_ms = timeout
.map(|t| {
if t == Duration::from_millis(0) {
} else {
.and_then(|t| t.as_millis().try_into().ok())
events.len = epoll_wait(self.0, &mut events.list, timeout_ms)?;
fn read_flags() -> EpollFlags {
fn write_flags() -> EpollFlags {
pub struct Events {
list: Box<[EpollEvent]>,
len: usize,
impl Events {
pub fn new() -> Events {
let list = vec![EpollEvent::empty(); 1000].into_boxed_slice();
let len = 0;
Events { list, len }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event> + '_ {
self.list[..self.len].iter().map(|ev| Event {
readable: ( & read_flags()) > 0,
writable: ( & write_flags()) > 0,
key: as usize,
pub struct Event {
pub readable: bool,
pub writable: bool,
pub key: usize,
/// Raw bindings to kqueue (macOS, iOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD).
target_os = "macos",
target_os = "ios",
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "netbsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "dragonfly",
mod sys {
use std::io;
use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::sys::event::{kevent_ts, kqueue, KEvent};
use crate::sys::fcntl::{fcntl, FcntlArg};
pub struct Reactor(RawFd);
impl Reactor {
pub fn new() -> io::Result<Reactor> {
let fd = kqueue()?;
fcntl(fd, FcntlArg::F_SETFD(libc::FD_CLOEXEC))?;
pub fn register(&self, _fd: RawFd, _key: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn reregister(&self, fd: RawFd, key: usize, read: bool, write: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut read_flags = libc::EV_ONESHOT | libc::EV_RECEIPT;
let mut write_flags = libc::EV_ONESHOT | libc::EV_RECEIPT;
if read {
read_flags |= libc::EV_ADD;
} else {
read_flags |= libc::EV_DELETE;
if write {
write_flags |= libc::EV_ADD;
} else {
write_flags |= libc::EV_DELETE;
let udata = key as _;
let changelist = [
KEvent::new(fd as _, libc::EVFILT_READ, read_flags, 0, 0, udata),
KEvent::new(fd as _, libc::EVFILT_WRITE, write_flags, 0, 0, udata),
let mut eventlist = changelist;
kevent_ts(self.0, &changelist, &mut eventlist, None)?;
for ev in &eventlist {
// Explanation for ignoring EPIPE:
let (flags, data) = (ev.flags(),;
if (flags & libc::EV_ERROR) == 1
&& data != 0
&& data != libc::ENOENT as _
&& data != libc::EPIPE as _
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(data as _));
pub fn deregister(&self, fd: RawFd) -> io::Result<()> {
let flags = libc::EV_RECEIPT | libc::EV_DELETE;
let changelist = [
KEvent::new(fd as _, libc::EVFILT_WRITE, flags, 0, 0, 0),
KEvent::new(fd as _, libc::EVFILT_READ, flags, 0, 0, 0),
let mut eventlist = changelist;
kevent_ts(self.0, &changelist, &mut eventlist, None)?;
for ev in &eventlist {
let (flags, data) = (ev.flags(),;
if (flags & libc::EV_ERROR == 1) && data != 0 && data != libc::ENOENT as _ {
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(data as _));
pub fn wait(&self, events: &mut Events, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<usize> {
let timeout =|t| libc::timespec {
tv_sec: t.as_secs() as libc::time_t,
tv_nsec: t.subsec_nanos() as libc::c_long,
events.len = kevent_ts(self.0, &[], &mut events.list, timeout)?;
pub struct Events {
list: Box<[KEvent]>,
len: usize,
impl Events {
pub fn new() -> Events {
let flags = 0;
let event = KEvent::new(0, 0, flags, 0, 0, 0);
let list = vec![event; 1000].into_boxed_slice();
let len = 0;
Events { list, len }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event> + '_ {
self.list[..self.len].iter().map(|ev| Event {
readable: ev.filter() == libc::EVFILT_READ,
writable: ev.filter() == libc::EVFILT_WRITE,
key: ev.udata() as usize,
pub struct Event {
pub readable: bool,
pub writable: bool,
pub key: usize,
/// Raw bindings to wepoll (Windows).
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
mod sys {
use std::io;
use std::os::windows::io::{AsRawSocket, RawSocket};
use std::time::Duration;
use wepoll_binding::{Epoll, EventFlag};
pub struct Reactor(Epoll);
impl Reactor {
pub fn new() -> io::Result<Reactor> {
pub fn register(&self, sock: RawSocket, key: usize) -> io::Result<()> {
self.0.register(&As(sock), EventFlag::empty(), key as u64)
pub fn reregister(
sock: RawSocket,
key: usize,
read: bool,
write: bool,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut flags = EventFlag::ONESHOT;
if read {
flags |= read_flags();
if write {
flags |= write_flags();
self.0.reregister(&As(sock), flags, key as u64)
pub fn deregister(&self, sock: RawSocket) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn wait(&self, events: &mut Events, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> io::Result<usize> {
let timeout =|t| {
if t == Duration::from_millis(0) {
} else {
self.0.poll(&mut events.0, timeout)
struct As(RawSocket);
impl AsRawSocket for As {
fn as_raw_socket(&self) -> RawSocket {
fn read_flags() -> EventFlag {
EventFlag::IN | EventFlag::RDHUP
fn write_flags() -> EventFlag {
pub struct Events(wepoll_binding::Events);
impl Events {
pub fn new() -> Events {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Event> + '_ {
self.0.iter().map(|ev| Event {
readable: ev.flags().intersects(read_flags()),
writable: ev.flags().intersects(write_flags()),
key: as usize,
pub struct Event {
pub readable: bool,
pub writable: bool,
pub key: usize,