blob: 402dd98f322e5c5edc0e7c56495ee2fac8131e6d [file] [log] [blame]
//! # Piper
//! Async pipes, channels, mutexes, and more.
//! > **NOTE:** This crate is still a work in progress. Coming soon.
//! - Arc and Mutex - same as std except they implement asyncread/asyncwrite
//! - Event - for notifying async tasks and threads, advanced AtomicWaker
//! - Lock - async lock
//! - chan - Sender and Receiver implement Sink and Stream
//! - pipe - Reader and Writer implement AsyncRead and AsyncWrite
//! ## TODO's
//! - change w.await to listener.await
#![warn(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations, rust_2018_idioms)]
mod arc;
mod chan;
mod event;
mod lock;
mod mutex;
mod pipe;
pub use arc::Arc;
pub use chan::{chan, Receiver, Sender};
pub use event::{Event, EventListener};
pub use lock::{Lock, LockGuard};
pub use mutex::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
pub use pipe::{pipe, Reader, Writer};