blob: 57881d0e746873dbfe7d10f93ffea9739050af98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const cmdline = "kernel.halt-on-panic=true kernel.bypass-debuglog=true zircon.autorun.boot=/boot/bin/sh+-c+k"
func zbiPath(t *testing.T) string {
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return ""
exPath := filepath.Dir(ex)
return filepath.Join(exPath, "../fuchsia.zbi")
// See that `k crash` crashes the kernel.
func TestBasicCrash(t *testing.T) {
exDir := execDir(t)
distro, err := emulator.UnpackFrom(filepath.Join(exDir, "test_data"), emulator.DistributionParams{
Emulator: emulator.Qemu,
if err != nil {
defer distro.Delete()
arch, err := distro.TargetCPU()
if err != nil {
i := distro.Create(emulator.Params{
Arch: arch,
ZBI: zbiPath(t),
AppendCmdline: cmdline,
err = i.Start()
if err != nil {
defer i.Kill()
// Wait for the system to finish booting.
i.WaitForLogMessage("usage: k <command>")
// Crash the kernel.
i.RunCommand("k crash")
// See that it panicked.
i.WaitForLogMessage("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC")
// See that an SMAP violation is fatal.
func TestSMAPViolation(t *testing.T) {
exDir := execDir(t)
distro, err := emulator.UnpackFrom(filepath.Join(exDir, "test_data"), emulator.DistributionParams{
Emulator: emulator.Qemu,
if err != nil {
defer distro.Delete()
arch, err := distro.TargetCPU()
if err != nil {
if arch != emulator.X64 {
t.Skipf("Skipping test. This test only supports x64 targets.\n")
i := distro.Create(emulator.Params{
Arch: arch,
ZBI: zbiPath(t),
AppendCmdline: cmdline,
err = i.Start()
if err != nil {
defer i.Kill()
// Wait for the system to finish booting.
i.WaitForLogMessage("usage: k <command>")
// Crash the kernel by violating SMAP.
i.RunCommand("k crash_user_read")
// See that an SMAP failure was identified and that the kernel panicked.
i.WaitForLogMessageAssertNotSeen("SMAP failure", "cpu does not support smap; will not crash")
i.WaitForLogMessage("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC")
// See that the pmm checker can detect pmm free list corruption.
// Verify both oops and panic actions.
func TestPmmCheckerOopsAndPanic(t *testing.T) {
exDir := execDir(t)
distro, err := emulator.UnpackFrom(filepath.Join(exDir, "test_data"), emulator.DistributionParams{
Emulator: emulator.Qemu,
if err != nil {
defer distro.Delete()
arch, err := distro.TargetCPU()
if err != nil {
if arch != emulator.X64 {
t.Skipf("Skipping test. This test only supports x64 targets.\n")
i := distro.Create(emulator.Params{
Arch: arch,
ZBI: zbiPath(t),
AppendCmdline: cmdline,
err = i.Start()
if err != nil {
defer i.Kill()
// Wait for the system to finish booting.
i.WaitForLogMessage("usage: k <command>")
// This test is incompatible with Address Sanitizer.
i.RunCommand("k build_instrumentation")
const kasan = "build_instrumentation: address_sanitizer"
if match, err := i.WaitForAnyLogMessage(kasan, "build_instrumentation: done"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to check for address_sanitizer instrumentation: %v", err)
} else if match == kasan {
t.Skipf("Skipping test. This test is incompatible with Address Sanitizer")
// Enable the pmm checker with action oops.
i.RunCommand("k pmm checker enable 4096 oops")
i.WaitForLogMessage("pmm checker enabled")
// Corrupt the free list.
i.RunCommand("k crash_pmm_use_after_free")
i.WaitForLogMessage("crash_pmm_use_after_free done")
// Force a check.
i.RunCommand("k pmm checker check")
// See that the corruption is detected and triggered an oops.
i.WaitForLogMessage("ZIRCON KERNEL OOPS")
i.WaitForLogMessage("pmm checker found unexpected pattern in page at")
i.WaitForLogMessage("dump of page follows")
// Re-enable with action panic.
i.RunCommand("k pmm checker enable 4096 panic")
i.WaitForLogMessage("pmm checker enabled")
// Corrupt the free list a second time.
i.RunCommand("k crash_pmm_use_after_free")
i.WaitForLogMessage("crash_pmm_use_after_free done")
// Force a check.
i.RunCommand("k pmm checker check")
// See that the corruption is detected, but this time results in a panic.
i.WaitForLogMessage("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC")
i.WaitForLogMessage("pmm checker found unexpected pattern in page at")
i.WaitForLogMessage("dump of page follows")
// See that `k crash_assert` crashes the kernel.
func TestCrashAssert(t *testing.T) {
exDir := execDir(t)
distro, err := emulator.UnpackFrom(filepath.Join(exDir, "test_data"), emulator.DistributionParams{
Emulator: emulator.Qemu,
if err != nil {
defer distro.Delete()
arch, err := distro.TargetCPU()
if err != nil {
i := distro.Create(emulator.Params{
Arch: arch,
ZBI: zbiPath(t),
AppendCmdline: cmdline,
err = i.Start()
if err != nil {
defer i.Kill()
// Wait for the system to finish booting.
i.WaitForLogMessage("usage: k <command>")
// Crash the kernel.
i.RunCommand("k crash_assert")
// See that it panicked.
i.WaitForLogMessage("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC")
// See that it was an assert failure and that the assert message was printed.
i.WaitForLogMessage("ASSERT FAILED")
i.WaitForLogMessage("value 42")
func execDir(t *testing.T) string {
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return ""
return filepath.Dir(ex)