blob: 0fe2c0a447b2ca1ee0e562afff9ddf4a50967301 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
dart_test("blobfs_metrics_test") {
sources = [ "blobfs_metrics_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("inspect_metrics_test") {
sources = [ "inspect_metrics_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("archivist_reader_test") {
sources = [ "archivist_reader_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("inspect_metrics_emulator_test") {
sources = [ "appmgr_cpu_metrics_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("archivist_metrics_test") {
sources = [ "archivist_metrics_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("log_stats_test") {
sources = [ "log_stats_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
# Runs on "main" builders (try and ci) in QEMU environments, but only on x64,
# as we don't currently support Dart on arm64 hosts.
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64") {
environments += [ emu_env ]
dart_test("legacy_metrics_test") {
sources = [ "legacy_metrics_test.dart" ]
deps = [
environments = [
dimensions = {
device_type = "Astro"
group("test") {
testonly = true
deps = [