blob: 1050f697801f57b6208b5e1e27b9938c1f09b804 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{keyboard, mouse, touch},
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::{InputDeviceMarker, InputReport},
fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{channel::mpsc::Sender, stream::StreamExt},
/// The buffer size for the stream that InputEvents are sent over.
pub const INPUT_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 100;
/// The path to the input-report directory.
pub static INPUT_REPORT_PATH: &str = "/dev/class/input-report";
/// An `EventTime` indicates the time in nanoseconds when an event was first recorded.
pub type EventTime = u64;
/// An [`InputEvent`] holds information about an input event and the device that produced the event.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct InputEvent {
/// The `device_event` contains the device-specific input event information.
pub device_event: InputDeviceEvent,
/// The `device_descriptor` contains static information about the device that generated the input event.
pub device_descriptor: InputDeviceDescriptor,
/// The time in nanoseconds when the event was first recorded.
pub event_time: EventTime,
/// An [`InputDeviceEvent`] represents an input event from an input device.
/// [`InputDeviceEvent`]s contain more context than the raw [`InputReport`] they are parsed from.
/// For example, [`KeyboardEvent`] contains all the pressed keys, as well as the key's
/// phase (pressed, released, etc.).
/// Each [`InputDeviceBinding`] generates the type of [`InputDeviceEvent`]s that are appropriate
/// for their device.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum InputDeviceEvent {
/// An [`InputDescriptor`] describes the ranges of values a particular input device can generate.
/// For example, a [`InputDescriptor::Keyboard`] contains the keys available on the keyboard,
/// and a [`InputDescriptor::Touch`] contains the maximum number of touch contacts and the
/// range of x- and y-values each contact can take on.
/// The descriptor is sent alongside [`InputDeviceEvent`]s so clients can, for example, convert a
/// touch coordinate to a display coordinate. The descriptor is not expected to change for the
/// lifetime of a device binding.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum InputDeviceDescriptor {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum InputDeviceType {
/// An [`InputDeviceBinding`] represents a binding to an input device (e.g., a mouse).
/// [`InputDeviceBinding`]s expose information about the bound device. For example, a
/// [`MouseBinding`] exposes the ranges of possible x and y values the device can generate.
/// An [`InputPipeline`] manages [`InputDeviceBinding`]s and holds the receiving end of a channel
/// that an [`InputDeviceBinding`]s send [`InputEvent`]s over.
/// ```
pub trait InputDeviceBinding: Send {
/// Returns information about the input device.
fn get_device_descriptor(&self) -> InputDeviceDescriptor;
/// Returns the input event stream's sender.
fn input_event_sender(&self) -> Sender<InputEvent>;
/// Initializes the input report stream for the device bound to `device_proxy`.
/// Spawns a future which awaits input reports from the device and forwards them to
/// clients via `event_sender`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `device_proxy`: The device proxy which is used to get input reports.
/// - `device_descriptor`: The descriptor of the device bound to `device_proxy`.
/// - `event_sender`: The channel to send InputEvents to.
/// - `process_reports`: A function that generates InputEvent(s) from an InputReport and the
/// InputReport that precedes it. Each type of input device defines how it
/// processes InputReports.
pub fn initialize_report_stream<InputDeviceProcessReportsFn>(
device_proxy: fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceProxy,
device_descriptor: InputDeviceDescriptor,
mut event_sender: Sender<InputEvent>,
mut process_reports: InputDeviceProcessReportsFn,
) where
InputDeviceProcessReportsFn: 'static
+ Send
+ FnMut(
&mut Sender<InputEvent>,
) -> Option<InputReport>,
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let mut previous_report: Option<InputReport> = None;
let (report_reader, server_end) = match fidl::endpoints::create_proxy() {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => return, // TODO( signal error
if device_proxy.get_input_reports_reader(server_end).is_err() {
return; // TODO( signal error
let mut report_stream =
HangingGetStream::new(Box::new(move || Some(report_reader.read_input_reports())));
loop {
match {
Some(Ok(Ok(input_reports))) => {
for report in input_reports {
previous_report = process_reports(
&mut event_sender,
Some(Ok(Err(_service_error))) => break,
Some(Err(_fidl_error)) => break,
None => break,
// TODO( Add signaling for when this loop exits, since it means the device
// binding is no longer functional.
/// Returns true if the device type of `input_device` matches `device_type`.
/// # Parameters
/// - `input_device`: The InputDevice to check the type of.
/// - `device_type`: The type of the device to compare to.
pub async fn is_device_type(
input_device: &fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceProxy,
device_type: InputDeviceType,
) -> bool {
let device_descriptor = match input_device.get_descriptor().await {
Ok(descriptor) => descriptor,
Err(_) => {
return false;
// Return if the device type matches the desired `device_type`.
match device_type {
InputDeviceType::Mouse => device_descriptor.mouse.is_some(),
InputDeviceType::Touch => device_descriptor.touch.is_some(),
InputDeviceType::Keyboard => device_descriptor.keyboard.is_some(),
/// Returns a new [`InputDeviceBinding`] of the given device type.
/// # Parameters
/// - `device_type`: The type of the input device.
/// - `device_proxy`: The device proxy which is used to get input reports.
/// - `input_event_sender`: The channel to send generated InputEvents to.
pub async fn get_device_binding(
device_type: InputDeviceType,
device_proxy: fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceProxy,
input_event_sender: Sender<InputEvent>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn InputDeviceBinding>, Error> {
match device_type {
InputDeviceType::Mouse => {
Ok(Box::new(mouse::MouseBinding::new(device_proxy, input_event_sender).await?))
InputDeviceType::Touch => {
Ok(Box::new(touch::TouchBinding::new(device_proxy, input_event_sender).await?))
InputDeviceType::Keyboard => {
Ok(Box::new(keyboard::KeyboardBinding::new(device_proxy, input_event_sender).await?))
/// Returns a proxy to the InputDevice in `entry_path` if it exists.
/// # Parameters
/// - `dir_proxy`: The directory containing InputDevice connections.
/// - `entry_path`: The directory entry that contains an InputDevice.
/// # Errors
/// If there is an error connecting to the InputDevice in `entry_path`.
pub fn get_device_from_dir_entry_path(
dir_proxy: &fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryProxy,
entry_path: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceProxy, Error> {
let input_device_path = entry_path.to_str();
if input_device_path.is_none() {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to get entry path as a string."));
let (input_device, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<InputDeviceMarker>()?;
.expect("Failed to connect to InputDevice.");
/// Returns the event time if it exists, otherwise returns the current time.
/// # Parameters
/// - `event_time`: The event time from an InputReport.
pub fn event_time_or_now(event_time: Option<i64>) -> EventTime {
match event_time {
Some(time) => time as EventTime,
None => zx::Time::get_monotonic().into_nanos() as EventTime,
mod tests {
use {
super::*, fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream, fuchsia_async as fasync,
/// Spawns a local `fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDevice` server, and returns a proxy to the
/// spawned server.
/// The provided `request_handler` is notified when an incoming request is received.
/// # Parameters
/// - `request_handler`: A function which is called with incoming requests to the spawned
/// `InputDevice` server.
/// # Returns
/// A `InputDeviceProxy` to the spawned server.
fn spawn_input_device_server<F: 'static>(
request_handler: F,
) -> fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceProxy
F: Fn(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest) + Send,
let (input_device_proxy, mut input_device_server) =
.expect("Failed to create InputDevice proxy and server.");
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(input_device_request) = input_device_server.try_next().await.unwrap() {
fn max_event_time() {
let event_time = event_time_or_now(Some(std::i64::MAX));
assert_eq!(event_time, std::i64::MAX as EventTime);
fn min_event_time() {
let event_time = event_time_or_now(Some(std::i64::MIN));
assert_eq!(event_time, std::i64::MIN as EventTime);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Mouse when a mouse exists.
async fn mouse_input_device_exists() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::MouseDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::MouseInputDescriptor {
movement_x: None,
movement_y: None,
position_x: None,
position_y: None,
scroll_v: None,
scroll_h: None,
buttons: None,
sensor: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Mouse).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Mouse when a mouse doesn't
// exist.
async fn mouse_input_device_doesnt_exist() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: None,
sensor: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(!is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Mouse).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Touch when a touchscreen
// exists.
async fn touch_input_device_exists() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: None,
sensor: None,
touch: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::TouchDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::TouchInputDescriptor {
contacts: None,
max_contacts: None,
touch_type: None,
buttons: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Touch).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Touch when a touchscreen
// exists.
async fn touch_input_device_doesnt_exist() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: None,
sensor: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(!is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Touch).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Keyboard when a keyboard
// exists.
async fn keyboard_input_device_exists() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: None,
sensor: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::KeyboardDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::KeyboardInputDescriptor {
keys: None,
keys3: None,
output: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Keyboard).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for InputDeviceType::Keyboard when a keyboard
// exists.
async fn keyboard_input_device_doesnt_exist() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: None,
sensor: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(!is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Keyboard).await);
// Tests that is_device_type() returns true for every input device type that exists.
async fn no_input_device_match() {
let input_device_proxy =
spawn_input_device_server(move |input_device_request| match input_device_request {
fidl_fuchsia_input_report::InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
let _ = responder.send(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: None,
mouse: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::MouseDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::MouseInputDescriptor {
movement_x: None,
movement_y: None,
position_x: None,
position_y: None,
scroll_v: None,
scroll_h: None,
buttons: None,
sensor: None,
touch: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::TouchDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::TouchInputDescriptor {
contacts: None,
max_contacts: None,
touch_type: None,
buttons: None,
keyboard: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::KeyboardDescriptor {
input: Some(fidl_fuchsia_input_report::KeyboardInputDescriptor {
keys: None,
keys3: None,
output: None,
consumer_control: None,
_ => {
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Mouse).await);
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Touch).await);
assert!(is_device_type(&input_device_proxy, InputDeviceType::Keyboard).await);