blob: f3b9ecee4d7c7628e68074dcb1f2ccfc2cc0054b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/tools/wav_recorder/wav_recorder.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "lib/media/audio/cpp/types.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/clone_mono.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/utils.h"
namespace media::tools {
constexpr char kLoopbackOption[] = "loopback";
constexpr char kChannelsOption[] = "chans";
constexpr char kFrameRateOption[] = "rate";
constexpr char k24In32FormatOption[] = "int24";
constexpr char kPacked24FormatOption[] = "packed24";
constexpr char kInt16FormatOption[] = "int16";
constexpr char kGainOption[] = "gain";
constexpr char kMuteOption[] = "mute";
constexpr char kAsyncModeOption[] = "async";
constexpr char kFlexibleClockOption[] = "flexible-clock";
constexpr char kMonotonicClockOption[] = "monotonic-clock";
constexpr char kCustomClockOption[] = "custom-clock";
constexpr char kClockRateAdjustOption[] = "rate-adjust";
constexpr char kClockRateAdjustDefault[] = "-75";
constexpr char kPacketDurationOption[] = "packet-ms";
constexpr char kFileDurationOption[] = "duration";
constexpr char kUltrasoundOption[] = "ultrasound";
constexpr char kVerboseOption[] = "v";
constexpr char kShowUsageOption1[] = "help";
constexpr char kShowUsageOption2[] = "?";
constexpr std::array<const char*, 12> kUltrasoundInvalidOptions = {
kLoopbackOption, kChannelsOption, kFrameRateOption, k24In32FormatOption,
kPacked24FormatOption, kInt16FormatOption, kGainOption, kMuteOption,
kFlexibleClockOption, kMonotonicClockOption, kCustomClockOption, kClockRateAdjustOption,
constexpr uint32_t kPayloadBufferId = 0;
WavRecorder::~WavRecorder() {
if (payload_buf_virt_ != nullptr) {
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(payload_buf_virt_), payload_buf_size_);
void WavRecorder::Run(sys::ComponentContext* app_context) {
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { Shutdown(); });
const auto& pos_args = cmd_line_.positional_args();
// Parse our args.
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kShowUsageOption1) || cmd_line_.HasOption(kShowUsageOption2)) {
verbose_ = cmd_line_.HasOption(kVerboseOption);
loopback_ = cmd_line_.HasOption(kLoopbackOption);
ultrasound_ = cmd_line_.HasOption(kUltrasoundOption);
if (ultrasound_) {
for (auto& invalid_option : kUltrasoundInvalidOptions) {
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(std::string(invalid_option))) {
fprintf(stderr, "--ultrasound cannot be used with --%s\n", invalid_option);
} else {
// If user erroneously specifies float AND 24-in-32, prefer float.
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kPacked24FormatOption)) {
pack_24bit_samples_ = true;
sample_format_ = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32;
} else if (cmd_line_.HasOption(k24In32FormatOption)) {
sample_format_ = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32;
} else if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kInt16FormatOption)) {
sample_format_ = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16;
} else {
sample_format_ = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT;
std::string opt;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kFileDurationOption, &opt)) {
file_duration_specifed_ = true;
double duration;
if (opt == "") {
duration = kDefaultFileDurationSecs;
} else {
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%lf", &duration) == 1, "Duration must be numeric");
CLI_CHECK(duration >= 0, "Duration cannot be negative");
CLI_CHECK(duration <= kMaxFileDurationSecs, "Maximum duration is " << kMaxFileDurationSecs);
printf("\nWe will record for %.3f seconds.", duration);
file_duration_ = zx::duration(static_cast<zx_duration_t>(duration * ZX_SEC(1)));
// Handle any explicit reference clock selection. We allow Monotonic to be rate-adjusted,
// otherwise rate-adjustment implies a custom clock which starts at value zero.
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kMonotonicClockOption)) {
clock_type_ = ClockType::Monotonic;
} else if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kCustomClockOption) ||
cmd_line_.HasOption(kClockRateAdjustOption)) {
clock_type_ = ClockType::Custom;
} else if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kFlexibleClockOption)) {
clock_type_ = ClockType::Flexible;
} else {
clock_type_ = ClockType::Default;
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kClockRateAdjustOption)) {
adjusting_clock_rate_ = true;
std::string rate_adjust_str;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kClockRateAdjustOption, &rate_adjust_str)) {
if (rate_adjust_str == "") {
rate_adjust_str = kClockRateAdjustDefault;
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(rate_adjust_str.c_str(), "%i", &clock_rate_adjustment_) == 1,
"Clock rate adjustment must be an integer");
CLI_CHECK(clock_rate_adjustment_ >= ZX_CLOCK_UPDATE_MIN_RATE_ADJUST &&
clock_rate_adjustment_ <= ZX_CLOCK_UPDATE_MAX_RATE_ADJUST,
"Clock rate adjustment must be between " << ZX_CLOCK_UPDATE_MIN_RATE_ADJUST
<< " and "
CLI_CHECK(pos_args.size() >= 1, "No filename specified");
filename_ = pos_args[0].c_str();
if (ultrasound_) {
ultrasound_factory_ = app_context->svc()->Connect<fuchsia::ultrasound::Factory>();
audio_capturer_.NewRequest(), [this](auto reference_clock, auto stream_type) {
sample_format_ = stream_type.sample_format;
channel_count_ = stream_type.channels;
frames_per_second_ = stream_type.frames_per_second;
ReceiveClockAndContinue(std::move(reference_clock), {stream_type});
} else {
// Connect to the audio service and obtain AudioCapturer and Gain interfaces.
fuchsia::media::AudioPtr audio = app_context->svc()->Connect<fuchsia::media::Audio>();
audio->CreateAudioCapturer(audio_capturer_.NewRequest(), loopback_);
gain_control_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
CLI_CHECK(Shutdown(), "Client connection to failed");
audio_capturer_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
CLI_CHECK(Shutdown(), "Client connection to failed");
// Quit if someone hits a key.
keystroke_waiter_.Wait([this](zx_status_t, uint32_t) { OnQuit(); }, STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN);
void WavRecorder::Usage() {
printf("\nUsage: %s [options] <filename>\n", cmd_line_.argv0().c_str());
printf("Record an audio signal from the specified source to a .wav file.\n");
printf("\nValid options:\n");
printf("\n By default, use the preferred input device\n");
printf(" --%s\t\tCapture final-mix output from the preferred output device\n", kLoopbackOption);
"\n By default, use device-preferred channel count and frame rate, in 32-bit float "
printf(" --%s=<NUM_CHANS>\tSpecify the number of channels (min %u, max %u)\n", kChannelsOption,
fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT, fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT);
printf(" --%s=<rate>\t\tSpecify the capture frame rate, in Hz (min %u, max %u)\n",
kFrameRateOption, fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND,
printf(" --%s\t\tRecord and save as left-justified 24-in-32 int ('padded-24')\n",
printf(" --%s\t\tRecord as 24-in-32 'padded-24'; save as 'packed-24'\n", kPacked24FormatOption);
printf(" --%s\t\tRecord and save as 16-bit integer\n", kInt16FormatOption);
printf("\n By default, don't set AudioCapturer gain and mute (unity 0 dB and unmuted)\n");
printf(" --%s[=<GAIN_DB>]\tSet stream gain, in dB (min %.1f, max +%.1f, default %.1f)\n",
kGainOption, fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB, fuchsia::media::audio::MAX_GAIN_DB,
printf(" --%s[=<0|1>]\tSet stream mute (0=Unmute or 1=Mute; Mute if only '--%s' is provided)\n",
kMuteOption, kMuteOption);
printf("\n By default, use packet-by-packet ('synchronous') mode\n");
printf(" --%s\t\tCapture using sequential-buffer ('asynchronous') mode\n", kAsyncModeOption);
printf("\n Use the default reference clock unless specified otherwise\n");
printf(" --%s\tUse the 'flexible' reference clock provided by the Audio service\n",
printf(" --%s\tSet the local system monotonic clock as reference for this stream\n",
printf(" --%s\tUse a custom clock as this stream's reference clock\n", kCustomClockOption);
printf(" --%s[=<PPM>]\tRun faster/slower than local system clock, in parts-per-million\n",
printf("\t\t\t(min %d, max %d; %s if unspecified). Implies '--%s' if '--%s' is not specified\n",
kCustomClockOption, kMonotonicClockOption);
printf("\n By default, capture audio using packets of 100.0 msec\n");
printf(" --%s=<MSECS>\tSpecify the duration (in milliseconds) of each capture packet\n",
printf("\t\t\t(min %.1f, max %.1f)\n", kMinPacketSizeMsec, kMaxPacketSizeMsec);
printf("\n By default, capture until a key is pressed\n");
printf(" --%s[=<SECS>]\tStop recording after a fixed duration (or keystroke)\n",
printf("\t\t\t(min 0.0, max %.1f, default %.1f)\n", kMaxFileDurationSecs,
printf("\n --%s\t\tCapture from an ultrasound capturer\n", kUltrasoundOption);
printf("\n --%s\t\t\tDisplay per-packet information\n", kVerboseOption);
printf(" --%s, --%s\t\tShow this message\n", kShowUsageOption1, kShowUsageOption2);
bool WavRecorder::Shutdown() {
if (clean_shutdown_) {
CLI_CHECK(wav_writer_.Close(), "file close failed.");
} else {
if (wav_writer_initialized_) {
CLI_CHECK(wav_writer_.Delete(), "Could not delete WAV file.");
return false;
void WavRecorder::SetupPayloadBuffer() {
// Max val (500ms * 192k) is 96000; min val (1ms 1k) is 1. These casts are safe.
frames_per_packet_ = static_cast<uint32_t>((packet_duration_ * frames_per_second_) / ZX_SEC(1));
packets_per_payload_buf_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(
std::ceil(static_cast<double>(frames_per_second_) / frames_per_packet_));
payload_buf_frames_ = frames_per_packet_ * packets_per_payload_buf_;
payload_buf_size_ = payload_buf_frames_ * bytes_per_frame_;
CLI_CHECK(payload_buf_size_, "payload_buf_size must be non-zero");
auto status = zx::vmo::create(payload_buf_size_, 0, &payload_buf_vmo_);
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "Failed to create " << payload_buf_size_ << "-byte payload buffer");
uintptr_t tmp;
status =
zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ, 0, payload_buf_vmo_, 0, payload_buf_size_, &tmp);
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "Failed to map " << payload_buf_size_ << "-byte payload buffer");
payload_buf_virt_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(tmp);
void WavRecorder::SendCaptureJob() {
CLI_CHECK(payload_buf_frame_offset_ < payload_buf_frames_,
"payload_buf_frame_offset:" << payload_buf_frame_offset_
<< " must < payload_buf_frames:" << payload_buf_frames_);
CLI_CHECK((payload_buf_frame_offset_ + frames_per_packet_) <= payload_buf_frames_,
"payload_buf_frame_offset:" << payload_buf_frame_offset_
<< " + frames_per_packet:" << frames_per_packet_
<< " must <= payload_buf_frames:" << payload_buf_frames_);
// clang-format off
[this](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet) {
// clang-format on
payload_buf_frame_offset_ += frames_per_packet_;
if (payload_buf_frame_offset_ >= payload_buf_frames_) {
payload_buf_frame_offset_ = 0u;
// Set the ref clock if requested, then retrieve ref clock and continue when callback is received
void WavRecorder::EstablishReferenceClock() {
if (clock_type_ != ClockType::Default) {
// With any of these 3 options, we will first set a reference clock before we retrieve it
zx::clock reference_clock_to_set;
// To use the flexible clock, pass a clock with HANDLE_INVALID
if (clock_type_ == ClockType::Flexible) {
reference_clock_to_set = zx::clock(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID);
} else {
zx_status_t status;
zx::clock::update_args args;
if (adjusting_clock_rate_) {
// In both Monotonic and Custom cases, Create, reduce rights, then send to SetRefClock().
if (clock_type_ == ClockType::Monotonic) {
// This clock is already started, in lock-step with CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
reference_clock_to_set = audio::clock::AdjustableCloneOfMonotonic();
"Invalid clock; could not clone monotonic clock");
} else {
// In custom clock case, set it to start at value zero. Rate-adjust it if specified.
status = zx::clock::create(ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC | ZX_CLOCK_OPT_CONTINUOUS, nullptr,
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "zx::clock::create failed");
if (adjusting_clock_rate_ || clock_type_ == ClockType::Custom) {
// update starts our clock
status = reference_clock_to_set.update(args);
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "zx::clock::update failed");
// The clock we send to AudioCapturer cannot have ZX_RIGHT_WRITE. Most clients would retain
// their custom clocks for subsequent rate-adjustment, and thus would use 'duplicate' to
// create the rights-reduced clock. This app doesn't yet allow rate-adjustment during capture
// (we also don't need this clock to read the current ref time: we call GetReferenceClock
// later), so we use 'replace' (not 'duplicate').
status = reference_clock_to_set.replace(rights, &reference_clock_to_set);
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "zx::clock::duplicate failed");
// we receive the reference clock later in ReceiveClockAndContinue
[this](zx::clock received_clock) { ReceiveClockAndContinue(std::move(received_clock)); });
// Once we've received the reference clock, request the default format and continue
void WavRecorder::ReceiveClockAndContinue(
zx::clock received_clock, std::optional<fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType> stream_type) {
reference_clock_ = std::move(received_clock);
if (verbose_) {
if (stream_type) {
} else {
// Fetch the initial media type and figure out what we need to do from there.
audio_capturer_->GetStreamType([this](fuchsia::media::StreamType type) {
CLI_CHECK(type.medium_specific.is_audio(), "Default format is not audio!");
// Once we receive the default format, we don't need to wait for anything else.
// We open our .wav file for recording, set our capture format, set input gain,
// setup our VMO and add it as a payload buffer, send a series of empty packets
void WavRecorder::OnDefaultFormatFetched(const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& fmt) {
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { Shutdown(); });
channel_count_ = fmt.channels;
frames_per_second_ = fmt.frames_per_second;
bool change_format = false;
bool change_gain = false;
bool set_mute = false;
if (fmt.sample_format != sample_format_) {
change_format = true;
std::string opt;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kFrameRateOption, &opt)) {
uint32_t rate;
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%u", &rate) == 1, "Frame rate must be a positive integer");
CLI_CHECK(rate >= fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND &&
rate <= fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND,
"Frame rate must be between " << fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND << " and "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
if (frames_per_second_ != rate) {
frames_per_second_ = rate;
change_format = true;
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kGainOption)) {
stream_gain_db_ = kDefaultCaptureGainDb;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kGainOption, &opt)) {
if (opt == "") {
printf("Setting gain to the default %.3f dB\n", stream_gain_db_);
} else {
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%f", &stream_gain_db_) == 1, "Gain must be numeric");
CLI_CHECK(stream_gain_db_ >= fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB &&
stream_gain_db_ <= fuchsia::media::audio::MAX_GAIN_DB,
"Gain must be between " << fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB << " and "
<< fuchsia::media::audio::MAX_GAIN_DB);
change_gain = true;
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kMuteOption)) {
stream_mute_ = true;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kMuteOption, &opt) && opt != "") {
uint32_t mute_val;
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%u", &mute_val) == 1, "Unable to read Mute value");
stream_mute_ = (mute_val != 0u);
set_mute = true;
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kChannelsOption, &opt)) {
uint32_t count;
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%u", &count) == 1, "Channels must be a positive integer");
CLI_CHECK((count >= fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT) &&
(count <= fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT),
"Channels must be between " << fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT << " and "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT);
if (channel_count_ != count) {
channel_count_ = count;
change_format = true;
uint32_t bytes_per_sample =
(sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT) ? sizeof(float)
: (sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32) ? sizeof(int32_t)
: sizeof(int16_t);
bytes_per_frame_ = channel_count_ * bytes_per_sample;
uint32_t bits_per_sample = bytes_per_sample * 8;
if (sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32 &&
pack_24bit_samples_ == true) {
bits_per_sample = 24;
// If desired format differs from default capturer format, change formats now.
if (change_format) {
media::CreateAudioStreamType(sample_format_, channel_count_, frames_per_second_));
// Set the specified gain (if specified) for the recording.
if (change_gain) {
if (set_mute) {
// Check whether the user wanted a specific duration for each capture packet.
if (cmd_line_.GetOptionValue(kPacketDurationOption, &opt)) {
double packet_size_msec;
CLI_CHECK(sscanf(opt.c_str(), "%lf", &packet_size_msec) == 1, "Unable to read packet size");
packet_size_msec >= kMinPacketSizeMsec && packet_size_msec <= kMaxPacketSizeMsec,
"Packet size must be between " << kMinPacketSizeMsec << " and " << kMaxPacketSizeMsec);
// Don't simply ZX_MSEC(packet_size_msec): that discards any fractional component
packet_duration_ = static_cast<zx_duration_t>(packet_size_msec * ZX_MSEC(1));
// Create a shared payload buffer, map it, dup the handle and pass it to the capturer to fill.
zx::vmo audio_capturer_vmo;
auto status = payload_buf_vmo_.duplicate(
CLI_CHECK_OK(status, "Failed to duplicate VMO handle");
audio_capturer_->AddPayloadBuffer(kPayloadBufferId, std::move(audio_capturer_vmo));
if (sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32) {
CLI_CHECK(bits_per_sample == (pack_24bit_samples_ ? 24 : 32),
"Incorrect bits_per_sample value");
if (pack_24bit_samples_ == true) {
compress_32_24_buff_ = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(payload_buf_size_ * 3 / 4);
if (cmd_line_.HasOption(kAsyncModeOption)) {
payload_buf_frames_ && frames_per_packet_ && !(payload_buf_frames_ % frames_per_packet_),
"payload_buf_frames must be a multiple of frames_per_packet; both must be non-zero");
// Write the inital WAV header
CLI_CHECK(wav_writer_.Initialize(filename_, sample_format_, channel_count_, frames_per_second_,
"Could not create the file '" << filename_ << "'");
wav_writer_initialized_ = true;
// Will we operate in synchronous or asynchronous mode? If synchronous, queue
// all our capture buffers to get the ball rolling. If asynchronous, set an
// event handler for position notification, and start operating in async mode.
if (!cmd_line_.HasOption(kAsyncModeOption)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < packets_per_payload_buf_; ++i) {
} else { = [this](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket pkt) {
// TODO (b/148807692): produce a file with exactly the expected number of frames, or timeout.
if (file_duration_specifed_) {
async_get_default_dispatcher(), [this] { OnQuit(); }, file_duration_);
printf("\nRecording %s, %u Hz, %u-channel linear PCM\n",
sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT ? "32-bit float"
: sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32
? (pack_24bit_samples_ ? "packed 24-bit signed int" : "24-bit-in-32-bit signed int")
: "16-bit signed int",
frames_per_second_, channel_count_);
printf("from %s into '%s'\n", loopback_ ? "loopback" : "default input", filename_);
if (clock_type_ == ClockType::Flexible) {
printf("using AudioCore's flexible clock as the reference\n");
} else if (clock_type_ == ClockType::Monotonic) {
printf("using a clone of CLOCK_MONOTONIC as reference clock");
if (adjusting_clock_rate_) {
printf(", adjusting its rate by %d ppm", clock_rate_adjustment_);
} else if (clock_type_ == ClockType::Custom) {
printf("using a custom reference clock");
if (adjusting_clock_rate_) {
printf(", adjusting its rate by %d ppm", clock_rate_adjustment_);
} else {
printf("using the default reference clock\n");
printf("using %u packets of %u frames (%.3lf msec) in a %.3lf-sec payload buffer\n",
packets_per_payload_buf_, frames_per_packet_,
(static_cast<double>(frames_per_packet_) / frames_per_second_) * 1000.0,
(static_cast<double>(payload_buf_frames_) / frames_per_second_));
if (change_gain) {
printf("applying gain of %.2f dB ", stream_gain_db_);
if (set_mute) {
printf("after setting stream Mute to %s", stream_mute_ ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
constexpr size_t kTimeStrLen = 23;
void WavRecorder::TimeToStr(int64_t time, char* time_str) {
if (time == fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP) {
strncpy(time_str, " NO_TIMESTAMP", kTimeStrLen - 1);
} else {
sprintf(time_str, "%10lu'%03ld'%03ld'%03ld", time / ZX_SEC(1), (time / ZX_MSEC(1)) % 1000,
(time / ZX_USEC(1)) % 1000, time % ZX_USEC(1));
time_str[kTimeStrLen - 1] = 0;
void WavRecorder::DisplayPacket(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket pkt) {
if (pkt.flags & fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) {
printf(" **** DISCONTINUITY REPORTED ****\n");
char duration_str[9];
if (pkt.payload_size) {
sprintf(duration_str, "- %6lu", pkt.payload_offset + pkt.payload_size - 1);
} else {
strncpy(duration_str, " (empty)", 8);
duration_str[8] = 0;
char pts_str[kTimeStrLen];
TimeToStr(pkt.pts, pts_str);
zx_time_t ref_now;
auto status =;
auto mono_now = zx::clock::get_monotonic().get();
CLI_CHECK(status == ZX_OK || Shutdown(), " failed");
char ref_now_str[kTimeStrLen], mono_now_str[kTimeStrLen];
TimeToStr(ref_now, ref_now_str);
TimeToStr(mono_now, mono_now_str);
printf("PACKET [%6lu %s ] flags 0x%02x : ts %s : ref_now %s : mono_now %s\n", pkt.payload_offset,
duration_str, pkt.flags, pts_str, ref_now_str, mono_now_str);
// A packet containing captured audio data was just returned to us -- handle it.
void WavRecorder::OnPacketProduced(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket pkt) {
if (verbose_) {
// If operating in sync-mode, track how many submitted packets are pending.
if ( == nullptr) {
CLI_CHECK((pkt.payload_offset + pkt.payload_size) <= (payload_buf_frames_ * bytes_per_frame_) ||
"pkt.payload_offset:" << pkt.payload_offset
<< " + pkt.payload_size:" << pkt.payload_size << " too large");
if (pkt.payload_size) {
CLI_CHECK(payload_buf_virt_ || Shutdown(), "payload_buf_virt cannot be null");
auto tgt = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(payload_buf_virt_) + pkt.payload_offset;
// Max payload buffer is 1.5sec, 192kHz, 4b/sample, 8chan: 8.7M. Min is 1s, 1k, 1 b/frame: 1K.
// Minimum 2 pkts/payload buffer, so max packet payload_size is 4'608'000; thus cast is safe.
uint32_t write_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(pkt.payload_size);
// If 24_in_32, write as packed-24, skipping the first, least-significant of
// each four bytes). Assuming Write does not buffer, compress locally and
// call Write just once, to avoid potential performance problems.
if (sample_format_ == fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32 &&
pack_24bit_samples_) {
uint32_t write_idx = 0;
uint32_t read_idx = 0;
while (read_idx < pkt.payload_size) {
compress_32_24_buff_[write_idx++] = tgt[read_idx++];
compress_32_24_buff_[write_idx++] = tgt[read_idx++];
compress_32_24_buff_[write_idx++] = tgt[read_idx++];
write_size = write_idx;
tgt = compress_32_24_buff_.get();
if (!wav_writer_.Write(reinterpret_cast<void* const>(tgt), write_size)) {
printf("File write failed. Trying to save any already-written data.\n");
CLI_CHECK(wav_writer_.Close(), "File close failed as well.");
// In sync-mode, we send/track packets as they are sent/returned.
if ( == nullptr) {
// If not shutting down, then send another capture job to keep things going.
if (!clean_shutdown_) {
// ...else (if shutting down) wait for pending capture jobs, then Shutdown.
else if (outstanding_capture_jobs_ == 0) {
// On receiving the key-press to quit, start the sequence of unwinding.
void WavRecorder::OnQuit() {
if (!clean_shutdown_) {
clean_shutdown_ = true;
printf("Shutting down...\n");
// If async-mode, we can shutdown now (need not wait for packets to return).
if ( != nullptr) {
// If operating in sync-mode, wait for all packets to return, then Shutdown.
else {
} // namespace media::tools