blob: 665864552ef1e39c08e0a075fcbd4571067fe019 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Tools for providing Fuchsia services.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt as _},
DiscoverableService, Proxy as _, RequestStream, ServerEnd, UnifiedServiceMarker,
DirectoryObject, DirectoryProxy, DirectoryRequest, DirectoryRequestStream, FileRequest,
FileRequestStream, NodeAttributes, NodeInfo, NodeMarker, NodeRequest, NodeRequestStream,
EnvironmentControllerProxy, EnvironmentMarker, EnvironmentOptions, LauncherProxy,
LoaderMarker, ServiceList,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased as _, Peered, Signals},
stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt},
collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap},
marker::{PhantomData, Unpin},
task::{Context, Poll},
mod service;
pub use service::{
FidlService, FidlServiceMember, Service, ServiceObj, ServiceObjLocal, ServiceObjTrait,
mod stream_helpers;
use stream_helpers::NextWith;
enum Directory {
Local { children: HashMap<String, usize> },
enum ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> {
VmoFile { vmo: zx::Vmo, offset: u64, length: u64 },
const NOT_A_DIR: &str = "ServiceFs expected directory";
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy> {
fn is_service(&self) -> bool {
match self {
ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => true,
_ => false,
fn is_directory(&self) -> bool {
match self {
ServiceFsNode::Directory(_) => true,
_ => false,
fn expect_dir(&self) -> &HashMap<String, usize> {
if let ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children }) = self {
} else {
fn expect_dir_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<String, usize> {
if let ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children }) = self {
} else {
fn to_dirent_type(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
ServiceFsNode::Directory(_) => fidl_fuchsia_io::DIRENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY,
ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => fidl_fuchsia_io::DIRENT_TYPE_SERVICE,
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { .. } => fidl_fuchsia_io::DIRENT_TYPE_FILE,
/// A filesystem which connects clients to services.
/// This type implements the `Stream` trait and will yield the values
/// returned from calling `Service::connect` on the services it hosts.
/// This can be used to, for example, yield streams of channels, request
/// streams, futures to run, or any other value that should be processed
/// as the result of a request.
pub struct ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> {
/// Open connections to `ServiceFs` directories.
dir_connections: FuturesUnordered<DirConnection>,
/// Open connections to `ServiceFs` files.
file_connections: FuturesUnordered<FileConnection>,
/// Open connections to `ServiceFs` nodes (directories, files, or service).
node_connections: FuturesUnordered<NodeConnection>,
/// The tree of `ServiceFsNode`s.
/// The root is always a directory at index 0.
// FIXME(cramertj) move to a generational index and support
// removal of nodes.
nodes: Vec<ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy>>,
const ROOT_NODE: usize = 0;
const NO_FLAGS: u32 = 0;
impl<'a, Output: 'a> ServiceFs<ServiceObjLocal<'a, Output>> {
/// Create a new `ServiceFs` that is singlethreaded-only and does not
/// require services to implement `Send`.
pub fn new_local() -> Self {
Self {
dir_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
file_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
node_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
nodes: vec![ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children: HashMap::new() })],
impl<'a, Output: 'a> ServiceFs<ServiceObj<'a, Output>> {
/// Create a new `ServiceFs` that is multithreaded-capable and requires
/// services to implement `Send`.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
dir_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
file_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
node_connections: FuturesUnordered::new(),
nodes: vec![ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children: HashMap::new() })],
/// A directory within a `ServiceFs`.
/// Services and subdirectories can be added to it.
pub struct ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> {
position: usize,
fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
/// Finds the position at which a new directory should be added.
fn find_dir_insert_position<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait>(
fs: &mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
position: usize,
path: String,
) -> usize {
let new_node_position = fs.nodes.len();
let self_dir = fs.nodes[position].expect_dir_mut();
let &mut position = self_dir.entry(path.clone()).or_insert(new_node_position);
if position != new_node_position {
if let ServiceFsNode::Service(_) = &fs.nodes[position] {
panic!("Error adding dir to ServiceFs: existing service at \"{}\"", path)
fn dir<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait>(
fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
position: usize,
path: String,
) -> ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy> {
let new_node_position = fs.nodes.len();
let position = find_dir_insert_position(fs, position, path);
if position == new_node_position {
fs.nodes.push(ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children: HashMap::new() }));
ServiceFsDir { position, fs }
fn remote<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait>(
fs: &'a mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
position: usize,
name: String,
proxy: DirectoryProxy,
) {
let new_node_position = fs.nodes.len();
let position = find_dir_insert_position(fs, position, name);
if position == new_node_position {
fn add_entry<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait>(
fs: &mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
position: usize,
path: String,
entry: ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy>,
) {
let new_node_position = fs.nodes.len();
let self_dir = fs.nodes[position].expect_dir_mut();
let map_entry = self_dir.entry(path);
match map_entry {
Entry::Occupied(prev) => {
panic!("Duplicate ServiceFs entry added at path \"{}\"", prev.key())
Entry::Vacant(slot) => {
/// A `Service` implementation that proxies requests
/// to the outside environment.
/// Not intended for direct use. Use the `add_proxy_service`
/// function instead.
pub struct Proxy<S, O>(PhantomData<(S, fn() -> O)>);
impl<S: DiscoverableService, O> Service for Proxy<S, O> {
type Output = O;
fn connect(&mut self, channel: zx::Channel) -> Option<O> {
if let Err(e) = crate::client::connect_channel_to_service::<S>(channel) {
eprintln!("failed to proxy request to {}: {:?}", S::SERVICE_NAME, e);
/// A `Service` implementation that proxies requests to the given component.
/// Not intended for direct use. Use the `add_proxy_service_to` function instead.
pub struct ProxyTo<S, O> {
directory_request: Arc<zx::Channel>,
_phantom: PhantomData<(S, fn() -> O)>,
impl<S: DiscoverableService, O> Service for ProxyTo<S, O> {
type Output = O;
fn connect(&mut self, channel: zx::Channel) -> Option<O> {
if let Err(e) = fdio::service_connect_at(&self.directory_request, S::SERVICE_NAME, channel)
eprintln!("failed to proxy request to {}: {:?}", S::SERVICE_NAME, e);
struct LaunchData {
component_url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// A `Service` implementation that proxies requests
/// to a launched component.
/// Not intended for direct use. Use the `add_component_proxy_service`
/// function instead.
pub struct ComponentProxy<S: DiscoverableService, O> {
launch_data: Option<LaunchData>,
launched_app: Option<crate::client::App>,
_marker: PhantomData<(S, O)>,
impl<S: DiscoverableService, O> Service for ComponentProxy<S, O> {
type Output = O;
fn connect(&mut self, channel: zx::Channel) -> Option<Self::Output> {
let res = (|| {
if let Some(LaunchData { component_url, arguments }) = self.launch_data.take() {
self.launched_app = Some(crate::client::launch(
if let Some(app) = self.launched_app.as_ref() {
app.pass_to_named_service(S::SERVICE_NAME, channel.into())?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())
if let Err(e) = res {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to launch component: {:?}", e);
// Not part of a trait so that clients won't have to import a trait
// in order to call these functions.
macro_rules! add_functions {
() => {
/// Adds a service to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// Panics if any node has already been added at the given path.
pub fn add_service_at(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: impl Into<ServiceObjTy>,
) -> &mut Self {
self.add_entry_at(path.into(), ServiceFsNode::Service(service.into()))
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory.
/// `service` is a closure that accepts a `RequestStream`.
/// Each service being served must return an instance of the same type
/// (`ServiceObjTy::Output`). This is necessary in order to multiplex
/// multiple services over the same dispatcher code. The typical way
/// to do this is to create an `enum` with variants for each service
/// you want to serve.
/// ```ignore
/// enum MyServices {
/// EchoServer(EchoRequestStream),
/// CustomServer(CustomRequestStream),
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The constructor for a variant of the `MyServices` enum can be passed
/// as the `service` parameter.
/// ```ignore
/// let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
/// fs
/// .add_fidl_service(MyServices::EchoServer)
/// .add_fidl_service(MyServices::CustomServer)
/// .take_and_serve_directory_handle()?;
/// ```
/// `ServiceFs` can now be treated as a `Stream` of type `MyServices`.
/// ```ignore
/// const MAX_CONCURRENT: usize = 10_000;
/// fs.for_each_concurrent(MAX_CONCURRENT, |request: MyServices| {
/// match request {
/// MyServices::EchoServer(request) => handle_echo(request),
/// MyServices::CustomServer(request) => handle_custom(request),
/// }
/// }).await;
/// ```
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at the name provided by the
/// `[Discoverable]` annotation in the FIDL source.
pub fn add_fidl_service<F, RS>(&mut self, service: F) -> &mut Self
F: FnMut(RS) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
RS: RequestStream,
RS::Service: DiscoverableService,
FidlService<F, RS, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_fidl_service_at(RS::Service::SERVICE_NAME, service)
/// Adds a FIDL service to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// See [`add_fidl_service`](#method.add_fidl_service) for details.
pub fn add_fidl_service_at<F, RS>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: FnMut(RS) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
RS: RequestStream,
RS::Service: DiscoverableService,
FidlService<F, RS, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_service_at(path, FidlService::from(service))
/// Adds a FIDL Unified Service to the directory as the default instance.
/// The name of the default instance is
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[SERVICE_NAME]/[default]/` where `SERVICE_NAME` is
/// constructed from the FIDL library path and the name of the FIDL service.
/// # Example
/// For the following FIDL definition,
/// ```fidl
/// library;
/// service Bar {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The `SERVICE_NAME` of FIDL Service `Bar` would be ``.
pub fn add_unified_service<F, USR>(&mut self, service: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(USR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
USR: UnifiedServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, USR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_at(USR::Service::SERVICE_NAME, service)
/// Adds a FIDL Unified Service to the directory as the default instance at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// The name of the default instance is
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[path]/default/`.
pub fn add_unified_service_at<F, USR>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(USR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
USR: UnifiedServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, USR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_instance_at(path, DEFAULT_SERVICE_INSTANCE, service)
/// Adds a named instance of a FIDL Unified Service to the directory.
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[SERVICE_NAME]/[instance]/` where `SERVICE_NAME` is
/// constructed from the FIDL library path and the name of the FIDL service.
/// The `instance` must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// # Example
/// For the following FIDL definition,
/// ```fidl
/// library;
/// service Bar {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The `SERVICE_NAME` of FIDL Service `Bar` would be ``.
pub fn add_unified_service_instance<F, USR>(
&mut self,
instance: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(USR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
USR: UnifiedServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, USR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
self.add_unified_service_instance_at(USR::Service::SERVICE_NAME, instance, service)
/// Adds a named instance of a FIDL Unified Service to the directory at the given path.
/// The FIDL service will be hosted at `[path]/[instance]/`.
/// The `path` and `instance` must be single components containing no `/` characters.
pub fn add_unified_service_instance_at<F, USR>(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
instance: impl Into<String>,
service: F,
) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(USR) -> ServiceObjTy::Output,
F: Clone,
USR: UnifiedServiceRequest,
FidlServiceMember<F, USR, ServiceObjTy::Output>: Into<ServiceObjTy>,
// Create the service directory, with an instance subdirectory.
let mut dir = self.dir(path);
let mut dir = dir.dir(instance);
// Attach member protocols under the instance directory.
for member in USR::member_names() {
dir.add_service_at(*member, FidlServiceMember::from(service.clone()));
/// Adds a service that proxies requests to the current environment.
// NOTE: we'd like to be able to remove the type parameter `O` here,
// but unfortunately the bound `ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<S, ServiceObjTy::Output>>`
// makes type checking angry.
pub fn add_proxy_service<S: DiscoverableService, O>(&mut self) -> &mut Self
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<S, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
self.add_service_at(S::SERVICE_NAME, Proxy::<S, ServiceObjTy::Output>(PhantomData))
/// Adds a service that proxies requests to the given component.
// NOTE: we'd like to be able to remove the type parameter `O` here,
// but unfortunately the bound `ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<S, ServiceObjTy::Output>>`
// makes type checking angry.
pub fn add_proxy_service_to<S: DiscoverableService, O>(
&mut self,
directory_request: Arc<zx::Channel>,
) -> &mut Self
ServiceObjTy: From<ProxyTo<S, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
ProxyTo::<S, ServiceObjTy::Output> { directory_request, _phantom: PhantomData },
/// Add a service to the `ServicesServer` that will launch a component
/// upon request, proxying requests to the launched component.
pub fn add_component_proxy_service<S: DiscoverableService, O>(
&mut self,
component_url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
) -> &mut Self
ServiceObjTy: From<ComponentProxy<S, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
ComponentProxy {
launch_data: Some(LaunchData { component_url, arguments }),
launched_app: None,
_marker: PhantomData,
/// Adds a VMO file to the directory at the given path.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// Panics if any node has already been added at the given path.
pub fn add_vmo_file_at(
&mut self,
path: impl Into<String>,
vmo: zx::Vmo,
offset: u64,
length: u64,
) -> &mut Self {
self.add_entry_at(path.into(), ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { vmo, offset, length })
impl<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy> {
/// Returns a reference to the subdirectory at the given path,
/// creating one if none exists.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// Panics if a service has already been added at the given path.
pub fn dir<'b>(&'b mut self, path: impl Into<String>) -> ServiceFsDir<'b, ServiceObjTy> {
dir(self.fs, self.position, path.into())
/// Adds a new remote directory served over the given DirectoryProxy.
/// The name must not contain any '/' characters.
pub fn add_remote(&mut self, name: impl Into<String>, proxy: DirectoryProxy) {
remote(self.fs, self.position, name.into(), proxy)
fn add_entry_at(&mut self, path: String, entry: ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy>) -> &mut Self {
add_entry(self.fs, self.position, path, entry);
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
/// Returns a reference to the subdirectory at the given path,
/// creating one if none exists.
/// The path must be a single component containing no `/` characters.
/// Panics if a service has already been added at the given path.
pub fn dir<'a>(&'a mut self, path: impl Into<String>) -> ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy> {
dir(self, ROOT_NODE, path.into())
/// Get a reference to the root directory as a `ServiceFsDir`.
/// This can be useful when writing code which hosts some set of services on
/// a directory and wants to be agnostic to whether that directory
/// is the root `ServiceFs` or a subdirectory.
/// Such a function can take an `&mut ServiceFsDir<...>` as an argument,
/// allowing callers to provide either a subdirectory or `fs.root_dir()`.
pub fn root_dir<'a>(&'a mut self) -> ServiceFsDir<'a, ServiceObjTy> {
ServiceFsDir { position: ROOT_NODE, fs: self }
/// Adds a new remote directory served over the given DirectoryProxy.
/// The name must not contain any '/' characters.
pub fn add_remote(&mut self, name: impl Into<String>, proxy: DirectoryProxy) {
remote(self, ROOT_NODE, name.into(), proxy)
fn add_entry_at(&mut self, path: String, entry: ServiceFsNode<ServiceObjTy>) -> &mut Self {
add_entry(self, ROOT_NODE, path, entry);
/// Start serving directory protocol service requests via a `ServiceList`.
/// The resulting `ServiceList` can be attached to a new environment in
/// order to provide child components with access to these services.
pub fn host_services_list(&mut self) -> Result<ServiceList, Error> {
let names = self.nodes[ROOT_NODE]
.filter(|(_, v)| self.nodes[**v].is_service())
.map(|(k, _)| k)
let (chan1, chan2) = zx::Channel::create()?;
Ok(ServiceList { names, provider: None, host_directory: Some(chan2) })
/// Returns the list of all directories in the root directory
fn root_directories_list(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.filter(|(_, v)| self.nodes[**v].is_directory())
.map(|(k, _)| k)
/// Creates a new environment that only has access to the services provided through this
/// `ServiceFs` and the enclosing environment's `Loader` service, appending a few random
/// bytes to the given `environment_label_prefix` to ensure this environment has a unique
/// name.
/// Note that the resulting `NestedEnvironment` must be kept alive for the environment to
/// continue to exist. Once dropped, the environment and all components launched within it
/// will be destroyed.
pub fn create_salted_nested_environment<O>(
&mut self,
environment_label_prefix: &str,
) -> Result<NestedEnvironment, Error>
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<LoaderMarker, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
let mut salt = [0; 4];
fuchsia_zircon::cprng_draw(&mut salt[..]).expect("zx_cprng_draw does not fail");
let environment_label = format!("{}_{}", environment_label_prefix, hex::encode(&salt));
/// Creates a new environment that only has access to the services provided through this
/// `ServiceFs` and the enclosing environment's `Loader` service.
/// Note that the resulting `NestedEnvironment` must be kept alive for the environment to
/// continue to exist. Once dropped, the environment and all components launched within it
/// will be destroyed.
pub fn create_nested_environment<O>(
&mut self,
environment_label: &str,
) -> Result<NestedEnvironment, Error>
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<LoaderMarker, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
EnvironmentOptions {
inherit_parent_services: false,
use_parent_runners: false,
kill_on_oom: false,
delete_storage_on_death: false,
/// Creates a new environment, with custom options, that only has access to the services
/// provided through this `ServiceFs` and the enclosing environment's `Loader` service.
/// Note that the resulting `NestedEnvironment` must be kept alive for the environment to
/// continue to exist. Once dropped, the environment and all components launched within it
/// will be destroyed.
pub fn create_nested_environment_with_options<O>(
&mut self,
environment_label: &str,
mut options: EnvironmentOptions,
) -> Result<NestedEnvironment, Error>
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<LoaderMarker, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
let env = crate::client::connect_to_service::<EnvironmentMarker>()
.context("connecting to current environment")?;
let services_with_loader = self.add_proxy_service::<LoaderMarker, _>();
// Services added in any subdirectories won't be provided to the nested environment, which
// is an important detail that developers are likely to overlook. If there are any
// subdirectories in this ServiceFs, return an error, because what we're about to do
// probably doesn't line up with what the developer expects.
if !services_with_loader.root_directories_list().is_empty() {
return Err(format_err!(
"services in sub-directories will not be added to nested environment"
let mut service_list = services_with_loader.host_services_list()?;
let (new_env, new_env_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let (controller, controller_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let (launcher, launcher_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let (directory_request, directory_server_end) = zx::Channel::create()?;
Some(&mut service_list),
&mut options,
.context("creating isolated environment")?;
new_env.get_launcher(launcher_server_end).context("getting nested environment launcher")?;
Ok(NestedEnvironment { controller, launcher, directory_request })
/// Starts a new component inside an environment that only has access to
/// the services provided through this `ServicesServer`.
/// Note that the resulting `App` and `EnvironmentControllerProxy` must be kept
/// alive for the component to continue running. Once they are dropped, the
/// component will be destroyed.
pub fn launch_component_in_nested_environment<O>(
&mut self,
url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
environment_label: &str,
) -> Result<(EnvironmentControllerProxy, crate::client::App), Error>
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<LoaderMarker, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
let (new_env_controller, app) = self.launch_component_in_nested_environment_with_options(
Ok((new_env_controller, app))
/// Starts a new component inside an isolated environment with custom launch
/// options, see the comment for |launch_component_in_nested_environment()|
/// above.
pub fn launch_component_in_nested_environment_with_options<O>(
&mut self,
url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
options: crate::client::LaunchOptions,
environment_label: &str,
) -> Result<(EnvironmentControllerProxy, crate::client::App), Error>
ServiceObjTy: From<Proxy<LoaderMarker, O>>,
ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait<Output = O>,
let NestedEnvironment { controller, launcher, directory_request: _ } =
let app = crate::client::launch_with_options(&launcher, url, arguments, options)?;
Ok((controller, app))
/// `NestedEnvironment` represents an environment nested within another.
/// When `NestedEnvironment` is dropped, the environment and all components started within it
/// will be terminated.
#[must_use = "Dropping `NestedEnvironment` will cause the environment to be terminated."]
pub struct NestedEnvironment {
controller: EnvironmentControllerProxy,
launcher: LauncherProxy,
directory_request: zx::Channel,
impl NestedEnvironment {
/// Returns a reference to the environment's controller.
pub fn controller(&self) -> &EnvironmentControllerProxy {
/// Returns a reference to the environment's launcher.
pub fn launcher(&self) -> &LauncherProxy {
/// Connect to a service provided by this environment.
pub fn connect_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>(&self) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create()?;
/// Connect to a service by passing a channel for the server.
pub fn pass_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>(
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.pass_to_named_service(S::SERVICE_NAME, server_channel)
/// Connect to a service by name.
pub fn pass_to_named_service(
service_name: &str,
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fdio::service_connect_at(&self.directory_request, service_name, server_channel)?;
enum ConnectionState {
/// A client connection to a directory of `ServiceFs`.
type DirConnection = NextWith<DirectoryRequestStream, DirConnectionData>;
struct DirConnectionData {
/// The current node of the `DirConnection` in the `ServiceFs`
/// filesystem.
position: usize,
/// Buffer and position of current DirectoryRequest::ReadDirents
dirents_buf: Option<(Vec<u8>, usize)>,
/// A client connection to a file in `ServiceFs`.
type FileConnection = NextWith<FileRequestStream, FileConnectionData>;
struct FileConnectionData {
position: usize,
seek_offset: u64,
/// A client connection to any node in `ServiceFs`.
type NodeConnection = NextWith<NodeRequestStream, NodeConnectionData>;
struct NodeConnectionData {
position: usize,
/// An error indicating the startup handle on which the FIDL server
/// attempted to start was missing.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
#[error("The startup handle on which the FIDL server attempted to start was missing.")]
pub struct MissingStartupHandle;
fn send_failed_on_open(
object: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>,
status: zx::sys::zx_status_t,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (_stream, control_handle) = object
.context("fail to convert to stream and control handle")?;
control_handle.send_on_open_(status, None).context("fail sending OnOpenEvent")?;
fn maybe_send_error(
object: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>,
flags: u32,
error: zx::sys::zx_status_t,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if (flags & OPEN_FLAG_DESCRIBE) != 0 {
send_failed_on_open(object, error)?;
fn handle_potentially_unsupported_flags(
object: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>,
flags: u32,
supported_flags_bitmask: u32,
) -> Result<ServerEnd<NodeMarker>, Error> {
let unsupported_flags = flags & !supported_flags_bitmask;
if unsupported_flags != 0 {
maybe_send_error(object, flags, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)?;
return Err(format_err!("unsupported flags: {:b}", unsupported_flags));
} else {
macro_rules! unsupported {
($responder:ident $($args:tt)*) => {
$responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED $($args)*)
// Can't be a single function because DirectoryRequestStream,
// FileRequestStream, and NodeRequestStream don't have matching types, even though their
// function signatures are identical.
macro_rules! send_info_fn {
($(($name:ident, $stream:ty),)*) => { $(
fn $name(stream: &$stream, info: Option<NodeInfo>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(mut info) = info {
.send_on_open_(zx::sys::ZX_OK, Some(&mut info))
.context("fail sending OnOpen event")?;
)* }
(send_info_dir, DirectoryRequestStream),
(send_info_file, FileRequestStream),
(send_info_node, NodeRequestStream),
fn into_async(chan: zx::Channel) -> Result<fasync::Channel, Error> {
Ok(fasync::Channel::from_channel(chan).context("failure to convert to async channel")?)
enum DescendResult<'a> {
LocalChildren(&'a HashMap<String, usize>),
RemoteDir((&'a DirectoryProxy, String)),
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
/// Removes the `DirectoryRequest` startup handle for the current
/// component and adds connects it to this `ServiceFs` as a client.
/// Multiple calls to this function from the same component will
/// result in `Err(MissingStartupHandle)`.
pub fn take_and_serve_directory_handle(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let startup_handle = fuchsia_runtime::take_startup_handle(
/// Add a channel to serve this `ServiceFs` filesystem on. The `ServiceFs`
/// will continue to be provided over previously added channels, including
/// the one added if `take_and_serve_directory_handle` was called.
pub fn serve_connection(&mut self, chan: zx::Channel) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
match self.serve_connection_at(chan.into(), ROOT_NODE, None, NO_FLAGS)? {
Some(_) => panic!("root directory connection should not return output"),
None => {}
/// Serve a connection at a specific node.
fn serve_connection_at(
&mut self,
object: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>,
position: usize,
name: Option<&str>,
flags: u32,
) -> Result<Option<ServiceObjTy::Output>, Error> {
let node = &self.nodes[position];
// Forward requests for a remote directory to that directory.
match node {
ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Remote(proxy)) => {
proxy.clone(flags, object)?;
return Ok(None);
_ => {}
// It is not an error if the other end of the channel is already
// closed: the client may call Directory::Open, send a channel chan,
// then write a request on their local end of chan. If the request
// does not expect a response (eg. Directory::Open in a subdirectory),
// the client may close chan immediately afterwards. We should keep
// our end of the channel until we have processed all incoming requests.
.signal_peer(Signals::NONE, Signals::USER_0)
.or_else(|e| match e {
zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED => Ok(()),
e => Err(e),
.context("ServiceFs signal_peer failed")?;
let info = if (flags & OPEN_FLAG_DESCRIBE) != 0 {
} else {
let is_directory = if let ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } = node { true } else { false };
if (flags & OPEN_FLAG_DIRECTORY != 0) && !is_directory {
send_failed_on_open(object, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_DIR)?;
return Ok(None);
if (flags & OPEN_FLAG_NOT_DIRECTORY != 0) && is_directory {
send_failed_on_open(object, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_FILE)?;
return Ok(None);
if flags & OPEN_FLAG_NODE_REFERENCE != 0 {
let chan = into_async(object.into_channel())?;
let stream = NodeRequestStream::from_channel(chan);
send_info_node(&stream, info)?;
.push(NodeConnection::new(stream, NodeConnectionData { position }));
return Ok(None);
let chan = object.into_channel();
match &mut self.nodes[position] {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } => {
let chan = into_async(chan)?;
let stream = DirectoryRequestStream::from_channel(chan);
send_info_dir(&stream, info)?;
DirConnectionData { position, dirents_buf: None },
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { .. } => {
let chan = into_async(chan)?;
let stream = FileRequestStream::from_channel(chan);
send_info_file(&stream, info)?;
FileConnectionData { position, seek_offset: 0 },
ServiceFsNode::Service(service) => {
if let Some(name) = name {
Ok(service.service().connect_at(name, chan))
} else {
fn handle_clone(
&mut self,
flags: u32,
object: ServerEnd<NodeMarker>,
position: usize,
) -> Option<ServiceObjTy::Output> {
match (|| {
let object =
handle_potentially_unsupported_flags(object, flags, CLONE_REQ_SUPPORTED_FLAGS)?;
self.serve_connection_at(object, position, None, flags)
})() {
Ok(output) => output,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to clone: {:?}", e);
// TODO( Remove default handling after methods landed.
fn handle_dir_request(
&mut self,
request: DirectoryRequest,
connection: &mut DirConnectionData,
) -> Result<(Option<ServiceObjTy::Output>, ConnectionState), Error> {
assert!(self.nodes.len() > connection.position);
match request {
DirectoryRequest::Clone { flags, object, control_handle: _ } => {
match self.handle_clone(flags, object, connection.position) {
Some(_) => panic!("cloning directory connection should not return output"),
None => {}
DirectoryRequest::Close { responder } => {
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Closed));
DirectoryRequest::Open { flags, mode, path, object, control_handle: _ } => {
if path == "." {
let object = handle_potentially_unsupported_flags(
match self.serve_connection_at(object, connection.position, None, flags) {
Ok(Some(_)) => panic!("serving directory '.' should not return output"),
Ok(None) => {}
Err(e) => eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to serve '.': {:?}", e),
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open));
} else if path == "" {
maybe_send_error(object, flags, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_BAD_PATH)?;
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open));
let mut segments = path.rsplitn(2, "/");
let end_segment =;
let directory_segment =;
let descend_result = match self.descend(connection.position, directory_segment) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(_) => {
maybe_send_error(object, flags, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_BAD_PATH)?;
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open));
match descend_result {
DescendResult::LocalChildren(children) => {
// Some flags are unsupported when dealing with local children.
// When the descend ends up at a remote dir, do not check the flags.
let object = handle_potentially_unsupported_flags(
if let Some(&next_node_pos) = children.get(end_segment) {
let output = self.serve_connection_at(
return Ok((output, ConnectionState::Open));
} else {
maybe_send_error(object, flags, zx::sys::ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND)?;
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open));
DescendResult::RemoteDir((proxy, remaining_path)) => {
let remaining_path = vec![remaining_path, end_segment.to_owned()]
.filter(|x| x.len() > 0)
.join("/");, mode, &remaining_path, object)?;
return Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open));
DirectoryRequest::Describe { responder } => {
let mut info = self.describe_node(connection.position)?;
responder.send(&mut info)?;
DirectoryRequest::GetAttr { responder } => {
let mut attrs = self.node_attrs(connection.position);
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &mut attrs)?
DirectoryRequest::SetAttr { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
DirectoryRequest::Sync { responder } => unsupported!(responder)?,
DirectoryRequest::Unlink { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
DirectoryRequest::ReadDirents { max_bytes, responder } => {
let children = self.children_for_dir(connection.position)?;
let dirents_buf = connection
.get_or_insert_with(|| (self.to_dirent_bytes(&children), 0));
let (dirents_buf, offset) = (&mut dirents_buf.0, &mut dirents_buf.1);
if *offset >= dirents_buf.len() {
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &[])?;
} else {
let new_offset = std::cmp::min(dirents_buf.len(), *offset + max_bytes as usize);
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &dirents_buf[*offset..new_offset])?;
*offset = new_offset;
DirectoryRequest::Rewind { responder } => {
connection.dirents_buf = None;
DirectoryRequest::GetToken { responder } => unsupported!(responder, None)?,
DirectoryRequest::Rename { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
DirectoryRequest::Link { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
DirectoryRequest::Watch { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
_ => {}
Ok((None, ConnectionState::Open))
// TODO( Remove default handling after methods landed.
fn handle_file_request(
&mut self,
request: FileRequest,
connection: &mut FileConnectionData,
) -> Result<ConnectionState, Error> {
match request {
FileRequest::Clone { flags, object, control_handle: _ } => {
match self.handle_clone(flags, object, connection.position) {
Some(_) => panic!("file clone should not return output"),
None => {}
FileRequest::Close { responder } => {
return Ok(ConnectionState::Closed);
FileRequest::Describe { responder } => {
let mut info = self.describe_node(connection.position)?;
responder.send(&mut info)?;
FileRequest::Sync { responder } => unsupported!(responder)?,
FileRequest::GetAttr { responder } => {
let mut attrs = self.node_attrs(connection.position);
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &mut attrs)?
FileRequest::SetAttr { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
// FIXME(cramertj) enforce READ rights
FileRequest::Read { count, responder } => match &self.nodes[connection.position] {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } | ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => {
panic!("read on non-file node")
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { vmo, length, offset } => {
let actual_count = min(count, length.saturating_sub(connection.seek_offset));
let mut data = vec![0; actual_count as usize];
let status = data, offset.saturating_add(connection.seek_offset));
match status {
Ok(()) => {
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &data)?;
connection.seek_offset += actual_count;
Err(s) => responder.send(s.into_raw(), &[])?,
FileRequest::ReadAt { count, offset: read_offset, responder } => {
match &self.nodes[connection.position] {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } | ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => {
panic!("read-at on non-file node")
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { vmo, length, offset } => {
let length = *length;
let offset = *offset;
let actual_offset = min(offset.saturating_add(read_offset), length);
let actual_count = min(count, length.saturating_sub(actual_offset));
let mut data = vec![0; actual_count as usize];
let status = data, actual_offset);
match status {
Ok(()) => responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &data)?,
Err(s) => responder.send(s.into_raw(), &[])?,
FileRequest::Write { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder, 0)?,
FileRequest::WriteAt { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder, 0)?,
FileRequest::Seek { offset, start, responder } => {
let start = match start {
SeekOrigin::Start => 0,
SeekOrigin::Current => connection.seek_offset,
SeekOrigin::End => match &self.nodes[connection.position] {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } | ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => {
panic!("seek on non-file node")
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { length, .. } => *length,
let new_offset: u64 = if offset.is_positive() {
start.saturating_add(offset as u64)
} else if offset == i64::min_value() {
} else {
start.saturating_sub(offset.abs() as u64)
connection.seek_offset = new_offset;
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, new_offset)?;
FileRequest::Truncate { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
FileRequest::GetFlags { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder, 0)?,
FileRequest::SetFlags { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
FileRequest::GetBuffer { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder, None)?,
_ => {}
// TODO( Remove default handling after methods landed.
fn handle_node_request(
&mut self,
request: NodeRequest,
connection: &mut NodeConnectionData,
) -> Result<ConnectionState, Error> {
match request {
NodeRequest::Clone { flags, object, control_handle: _ } => {
if flags & OPEN_FLAG_NODE_REFERENCE == 0 {
// we cannot connect the object-- it is requesting more than a
// node reference, which is not allowed from within a node reference.
return Ok(ConnectionState::Open);
match self.handle_clone(flags, object, connection.position) {
Some(_) => panic!("cloning node connection should not return output"),
None => {}
NodeRequest::Close { responder } => {
return Ok(ConnectionState::Closed);
NodeRequest::Describe { responder } => {
let mut info = self.describe_node(connection.position)?;
responder.send(&mut info)?;
NodeRequest::Sync { responder } => unsupported!(responder)?,
NodeRequest::GetAttr { responder } => {
let mut attrs = self.node_attrs(connection.position);
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, &mut attrs)?
NodeRequest::SetAttr { responder, .. } => unsupported!(responder)?,
_ => {}
fn describe_node(&self, pos: usize) -> Result<NodeInfo, Error> {
Ok(match self.nodes.get(pos).expect("describe on missing node") {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } => NodeInfo::Directory(DirectoryObject),
ServiceFsNode::Service(..) => NodeInfo::Service(fidl_fuchsia_io::Service),
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { vmo, offset, length } => {
let vmo = vmo
.context("error duplicating VmoFile handle in describe_node")?;
let (offset, length) = (*offset, *length);
NodeInfo::Vmofile(fidl_fuchsia_io::Vmofile { vmo, offset, length })
fn node_attrs(&self, pos: usize) -> NodeAttributes {
let mut attrs = NodeAttributes {
mode: libc::S_IRUSR,
id: fidl_fuchsia_io::INO_UNKNOWN,
content_size: 0,
storage_size: 0,
link_count: 1,
creation_time: 0,
modification_time: 0,
match self.nodes.get(pos).expect("attrs on missing node") {
ServiceFsNode::Directory { .. } => {
attrs.mode |= fidl_fuchsia_io::MODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
ServiceFsNode::VmoFile { vmo: _, offset: _, length } => {
attrs.mode |= fidl_fuchsia_io::MODE_TYPE_FILE;
attrs.content_size = *length;
attrs.storage_size = *length;
ServiceFsNode::Service(_) => {
attrs.mode |= fidl_fuchsia_io::MODE_TYPE_SERVICE;
/// Traverse directory listings at |path| starting from node |start_pos|, returning either
/// the index of the local directory given by the path or a reference to a proxy for a remote
/// directory, along with the remaining parts of the path.
fn descend(&self, start_pos: usize, path: Option<&str>) -> Result<DescendResult<'_>, Error> {
let mut pos = start_pos;
if let Some(path) = path {
for (index, segment) in path.split("/").enumerate() {
let children = self.children_for_dir(pos)?;
match children.get(segment) {
Some(next_pos) => pos = *next_pos,
_ => return Err(format_err!("segment not found: {}", segment)),
match self.nodes.get(pos).expect(&format!("missing node {}", pos)) {
ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Remote(proxy)) => {
return Ok(DescendResult::RemoteDir((
path.split("/").skip(index + 1).collect::<Vec<&str>>().join("/"),
_ => {}
/// Retrieve directory listing of node |pos|. Return an error if |pos| is not a directory
/// node
fn children_for_dir(&self, pos: usize) -> Result<&HashMap<String, usize>, Error> {
let node = self.nodes.get(pos).expect(&format!("missing node {}", pos));
match node {
ServiceFsNode::Directory(Directory::Local { children }) => Ok(children),
_ => return Err(format_err!("node not a directory: {}", pos)),
fn to_dirent_bytes(&self, nodes: &HashMap<String, usize>) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = vec![];
for (name, node) in nodes.iter() {
let typ = self.nodes.get(*node).expect("missing child").to_dirent_type();
if let Err(e) = write_dirent_bytes(&mut buf, *node as u64, typ, name) {
eprintln!("failed encoding dirent for node {}: {}", *node, e);
fn write_dirent_bytes(buf: &mut Vec<u8>, ino: u64, typ: u8, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Safe to unwrap since `Write::write` on a `Vec` should never fail.
buf.write_u8(name.len() as u8).unwrap();
buf.write_u8(typ as u8).unwrap();
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> Unpin for ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {}
struct PollState {
// `true` if *any* items so far have made progress.
made_progress: bool,
// Only `true` if *all* items so far are complete.
is_complete: bool,
impl Default for PollState {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { made_progress: false, is_complete: true }
impl PollState {
const NO_PROGRESS: PollState = PollState { made_progress: false, is_complete: false };
const SOME_PROGRESS: PollState = PollState { made_progress: true, is_complete: false };
const COMPLETE: PollState = PollState { made_progress: false, is_complete: true };
fn merge(&mut self, other: PollState) {
self.made_progress |= other.made_progress;
self.is_complete &= other.is_complete;
// FIXME(cramertj) it'd be nice to abstract away the common
// bits of these two functions.
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
fn poll_serve_dir_connection(
&mut self,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> (Option<ServiceObjTy::Output>, PollState) {
let (request, dir_stream, mut dir_connection_data) =
match self.dir_connections.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
// a client request
Poll::Ready(Some(Some(x))) => x,
// this client_connection has terminated
Poll::Ready(Some(None)) => return (None, PollState::SOME_PROGRESS),
// all client connections have terminated
Poll::Ready(None) => return (None, PollState::COMPLETE),
Poll::Pending => return (None, PollState::NO_PROGRESS),
let request = match request {
Ok(request) => request,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to parse an incoming directory request: {:?}", e);
return (None, PollState::SOME_PROGRESS);
match self.handle_dir_request(request, &mut dir_connection_data) {
Ok((value, connection_state)) => {
if let ConnectionState::Open = connection_state {
// Requeue the client to receive new requests
self.dir_connections.push(DirConnection::new(dir_stream, dir_connection_data));
(value, PollState::SOME_PROGRESS)
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to handle an incoming directory request: {:?}", e);
(None, PollState::SOME_PROGRESS)
fn poll_serve_file_connection(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> PollState {
let (request, file_stream, mut file_connection_data) =
match self.file_connections.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
// a client request
Poll::Ready(Some(Some(x))) => x,
// This client connection has terminated
Poll::Ready(Some(None)) => return PollState::SOME_PROGRESS,
// all client connections have terminated
Poll::Ready(None) => return PollState::COMPLETE,
Poll::Pending => return PollState::NO_PROGRESS,
let request = match request {
Ok(request) => request,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to parse an incoming file request: {:?}", e);
return PollState::SOME_PROGRESS;
match self.handle_file_request(request, &mut file_connection_data) {
Ok(ConnectionState::Open) => {
// Requeue the client to receive new requests
self.file_connections.push(FileConnection::new(file_stream, file_connection_data));
Ok(ConnectionState::Closed) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to handle an incoming file request: {:?}", e);
fn poll_serve_node_connection(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> PollState {
let (request, node_stream, mut node_connection_data) =
match self.node_connections.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
// a client request
Poll::Ready(Some(Some(x))) => x,
// This client connection has terminated
Poll::Ready(Some(None)) => return PollState::SOME_PROGRESS,
// all client connections have terminated
Poll::Ready(None) => return PollState::COMPLETE,
Poll::Pending => return PollState::NO_PROGRESS,
let request = match request {
Ok(request) => request,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to parse an incoming node request: {:?}", e);
return PollState::SOME_PROGRESS;
match self.handle_node_request(request, &mut node_connection_data) {
Ok(ConnectionState::Open) => {
// Requeue the client to receive new requests
self.node_connections.push(NodeConnection::new(node_stream, node_connection_data));
Ok(ConnectionState::Closed) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("ServiceFs failed to handle an incoming node request: {:?}", e);
impl<ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait> Stream for ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy> {
type Item = ServiceObjTy::Output;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
loop {
let mut iter_state = PollState::default();
let (output, state) = self.poll_serve_dir_connection(cx);
if let Some(output) = output {
return Poll::Ready(Some(output));
let state = self.poll_serve_file_connection(cx);
let state = self.poll_serve_node_connection(cx);
// Return `None` to end the stream if all connections are done being served.
if iter_state.is_complete {
return Poll::Ready(None);
// Otherwise, return `Pending` if no new requests were available to serve.
if !iter_state.made_progress {
return Poll::Pending;