blob: 8ca106197f55ea07766bc338465d6b8ff8778082 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/fidl_allocator.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/object_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/vector_view.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <src/lib/fidl/llcpp/tests/types_test_utils.h>
// Tests the allocation of a uint32 vector which fits inside the initial buffer.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32VectorConstructed) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 10;
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
vector[i] = i;
// Tests that trivially destructible objects don't create deallocation data.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32VectorDeallocation) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 10;
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector1(allocator, kCount);
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector2(allocator, kCount);
// Checks that the second buffer has been allocated right after the first one.
ASSERT_EQ( + kCount,;
// Tests the allocation of big uint32 vectors. The first vector fits within the initial buffer.
// Each other vector needs an extra allocated block.
TEST(FidlAllocator, BigUint32VectorsConstructed) {
fidl::FidlAllocator<4096> allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 4000;
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector1(allocator, kCount);
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector2(allocator, kCount);
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector3(allocator, kCount);
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector4(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
vector1[i] = i;
vector2[i] = i;
vector3[i] = i;
vector4[i] = i;
// Tests the allocation of a huge uint32 vector. The vector doesn't fit within the initial buffer
// and it doesn't fit within a standard extra block. That means that a tailored buffer is
// allocated to fit the vector.
TEST(FidlAllocator, HugeUint32VectorConstructed) {
fidl::FidlAllocator<256> allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 8000;
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
vector[i] = i;
// Tests the allocation of an event vector which fits inside the initial buffer.
TEST(FidlAllocator, EventVectorConstructed) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 10;
fidl::VectorView<zx::event> vector(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
zx::event::create(0, &vector[i]);
// Tests the allocation of an event vector which fits inside the initial buffer. The vector view's
// content is allocated after the construction of the vector view.
TEST(FidlAllocator, EventVectorAllocated) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 10;
fidl::VectorView<zx::event> vector;
vector.Allocate(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
zx::event::create(0, &vector[i]);
// Tests the allocation of an event vector which doesn't fit inside the initial buffer.
TEST(FidlAllocator, LargeEventVectorConstructed) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator<256> allocator;
constexpr int kCount = 100;
fidl::VectorView<zx::event> vector(allocator, kCount);
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
zx::event::create(0, &vector[i]);
// Tests a mixed allocation. Each event vector is allocated in the remaining space within the block
// needed to allocate the previous uint32 vector.
TEST(FidlAllocator, MixedVectorConstructed) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
constexpr int kCountUint32 = 4000;
constexpr int kCountEvent = 10;
// Needs an extra block.
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector1(allocator, kCountUint32);
// Fits within the current extra block.
fidl::VectorView<zx::event> vector2(allocator, kCountEvent);
// Needs another extra block.
fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> vector3(allocator, kCountUint32);
// Fits within the second extra block.
fidl::VectorView<zx::event> vector4(allocator, kCountEvent);
for (int i = 0; i < kCountEvent; ++i) {
zx::event::create(0, &vector2[i]);
zx::event::create(0, &vector4[i]);
// Tests the allocation of strings.
TEST(FidlAllocator, StringConstructed) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
char buffer[100];
strcpy(buffer, "hello");
fidl::StringView hello(allocator, buffer);
// Use the same buffer to check that the string is copied.
strcpy(buffer, "world");
fidl::StringView world(allocator, buffer);
fidl::StringView hello2(allocator, hello.get());
std::string buffer2("another string");
fidl::StringView another_string(allocator, buffer2);
// Use the same buffer to check that the string is copied.
buffer2 = std::string("one last string");
fidl::StringView one_last_string(allocator, buffer2);
// Checks that all the allocations have been correctly done and that none of them clubber another
// one.
EXPECT_EQ(hello.get(), "hello");
EXPECT_EQ(world.get(), "world");
EXPECT_EQ(hello2.get(), "hello");
EXPECT_EQ(another_string.get(), "another string");
EXPECT_EQ(one_last_string.get(), "one last string");
// Tests the allocation of strings.
TEST(FidlAllocator, StringSet) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
char buffer[100];
strcpy(buffer, "hello");
fidl::StringView hello;
hello.Set(allocator, buffer);
// Use the same buffer to check that the string is copied.
strcpy(buffer, "world");
fidl::StringView world;
world.Set(allocator, buffer);
fidl::StringView hello2;
hello2.Set(allocator, hello.get());
std::string buffer2("another string");
fidl::StringView another_string;
another_string.Set(allocator, buffer2);
// Use the same buffer to check that the string is copied.
buffer2 = std::string("one last string");
fidl::StringView one_last_string;
one_last_string.Set(allocator, buffer2);
// Checks that all the allocations have been correctly done and that none of them clubber another
// one.
EXPECT_EQ(hello.get(), "hello");
EXPECT_EQ(world.get(), "world");
EXPECT_EQ(hello2.get(), "hello");
EXPECT_EQ(another_string.get(), "another string");
EXPECT_EQ(one_last_string.get(), "one last string");
// Tests the allocation of a uint32 instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32InstanceConstructedThenInitialized) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_1(allocator);
*instance_1 = 10;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_2(allocator);
*instance_2 = 20;
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_1, 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_2, 20U);
// Tests the allocation of a uint32 instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32InstanceDirectlyConstructed) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_1(allocator, 10);
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_2(allocator, 20);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_1, 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_2, 20U);
// Tests the allocation of an event instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, EventInstanceConstructed) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<zx::event> instance_1(allocator);
zx::event::create(0, instance_1.get());
fidl::ObjectView<zx::event> instance_2(allocator);
zx::event::create(0, instance_2.get());
// Tests the allocation of a uint32 instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32InstanceAllocatedThenInitialized) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_1;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_2;
*instance_1 = 10;
*instance_2 = 20;
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_1, 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_2, 20U);
// Tests the allocation of a uint32 instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, Uint32InstanceDirectlyAllocated) {
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_1;
fidl::ObjectView<uint32_t> instance_2;
instance_1.Allocate(allocator, 10);
instance_2.Allocate(allocator, 20);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_1, 10U);
EXPECT_EQ(*instance_2, 20U);
// Tests the allocation of an event instance.
TEST(FidlAllocator, EventInstanceAllocated) {
llcpp_types_test_utils::HandleChecker handle_checker;
fidl::FidlAllocator allocator;
fidl::ObjectView<zx::event> instance_1;
fidl::ObjectView<zx::event> instance_2;
zx::event::create(0, instance_1.get());
zx::event::create(0, instance_2.get());