blob: e2a2bf001ccc1ef8263797fb6af30fb36fec6111 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! AccountHandler manages the state of a single Fuchsia account and its personae on a Fuchsia
//! device, and provides access to authentication tokens for Service Provider accounts associated
//! with the Fuchsia account.
mod account;
mod account_handler;
mod auth_provider_supplier;
mod common;
mod inspect;
mod lock_request;
mod persona;
mod pre_auth;
mod stored_account;
mod fake_account_handler_context;
mod fake_authenticator;
mod test_util;
use crate::account_handler::AccountHandler;
use crate::common::AccountLifetime;
use account_common::{AccountManagerError, LocalAccountId};
use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_identity_internal::AccountHandlerContextMarker;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_service;
use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
use fuchsia_inspect::Inspector;
use futures::StreamExt;
use log::{error, info};
use std::sync::Arc;
type TokenManager = token_manager::TokenManager<auth_provider_supplier::AuthProviderSupplier>;
const DATA_DIR: &str = "/data";
/// This command line flag (prefixed with `--`) results in an in-memory ephemeral account.
const EPHEMERAL_FLAG: &str = "ephemeral";
/// This required command line option (prefixed with `--`), followed by a decimal string,
/// determines the local account identifier.
const ACCOUNT_ID_OPTION: &str = "account_id";
// TODO(dnordstrom): Remove all panics.
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut opts = getopts::Options::new();
opts.optflag("", EPHEMERAL_FLAG, "this account is an in-memory ephemeral account");
opts.reqopt("", ACCOUNT_ID_OPTION, "set the local account id", "ID");
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
let options = opts.parse(args)?;
let lifetime = if options.opt_present(EPHEMERAL_FLAG) {
} else {
AccountLifetime::Persistent { account_dir: DATA_DIR.into() }
let account_id = {
let account_id = options.opt_str(ACCOUNT_ID_OPTION).expect("Internal getopts error");
"`{}` should be provided as an unsigned 64-bit integer (in decimal).",
&format!("id<{}>", &account_id.to_canonical_string()),
.expect("Can't init logger");
info!("Starting account handler");
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new().context("Error creating executor")?;
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new();
inspector.serve(&mut fs)?;
// TODO(dnordstrom): Find a testable way to inject global capabilities.
let context = connect_to_service::<AccountHandlerContextMarker>()
.expect("Error connecting to the AccountHandlerContext service");
let pre_auth_manager = create_pre_auth_manager(&lifetime, &account_id)?;
let account_handler =
Arc::new(AccountHandler::new(context, account_id, lifetime, pre_auth_manager, &inspector));
fs.dir("svc").add_fidl_service(move |stream| {
let account_handler_clone = Arc::clone(&account_handler);
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Error handling AccountHandlerControl channel: {:?}", e))
info!("Stopping account handler");
/// Returns a pre-auth manager given the current lifetime and account id.
fn create_pre_auth_manager(
lifetime: &AccountLifetime,
id: &LocalAccountId,
) -> Result<Arc<dyn pre_auth::Manager>, AccountManagerError> {
if lifetime == &AccountLifetime::Ephemeral {
} else {
let store_name = format!("account_handler/{}", &id.to_canonical_string());