blob: 6eaf468b0a2717e23ce2e3dccfa0f555188dcf69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
use futures::prelude::*;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use regex::{Captures, Error, Regex, RegexSet};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{borrow::Cow, convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc};
mod serialize;
pub use serialize::{Redacted, RedactedItem};
pub const UNREDACTED_CANARY_MESSAGE: &str = "Log redaction canary: \
Email: alice@website.tld, \
IPv4:, \
IPv4_New:, \
IPv4_Dup:, \
IPv461: ::ffff:, \
IPv462: ::ffff:ab12:cd34, \
IPv6: 2001:503:eEa3:0:0:0:0:30, \
IPv6C: fec8::7d84:c1dc:ab34:656a, \
IPv6LL: fe80::7d84:c1dc:ab34:656a, \
UUID: ddd0fA34-1016-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002, \
MAC: de:ad:BE:EF:42:5a, \
HTTP:, \
// NOTE: The integers in this string are brittle but deterministic. See the comment in the impl
// of Redactor for explanation.
pub const REDACTED_CANARY_MESSAGE: &str = "Log redaction canary: \
Email: <REDACTED-EMAIL>, IPv4: <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>, IPv4_New: <REDACTED-IPV4: 2>, \
IPv4_Dup: <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>, IPv461: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 3>, \
IPv462: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 7>, \
IPv6: <REDACTED-IPV6: 5>, IPv6C: <REDACTED-IPV6: 6>, IPv6LL: fe80::<REDACTED-IPV6-LL: 4>, \
pub fn emit_canary() {
tracing::info!("{}", UNREDACTED_CANARY_MESSAGE);
/// A `Redactor` is responsible for removing text patterns that seem like user data in logs.
pub struct Redactor {
/// Used to determine which regexes match, each pattern has the same index as in `replacements`.
to_redact: RegexSet,
/// Used to replace substrings of matching text, each pattern has the same index as in
/// `to_redact`.
replacements: Vec<PatternReplacer>,
/// Caches previously seen data to associate with a unique ID.
/// Requires a mutex for interior mutability because Redactor is shared between multiple
/// threads using an Arc.
redaction_cache: Mutex<RedactionIdCache>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum MapType {
// Don't use the map.
// Just use and replace the entire match.
// Use the whole match to get the id, then replace just the second half.
// Just like a RedactionPattern, but holds the compiled version of the regex.
struct PatternReplacer {
matcher: Regex,
replacement: &'static str,
use_map: MapType,
impl TryFrom<&RedactionPattern> for PatternReplacer {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(p: &RedactionPattern) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let RedactionPattern { replacement, matcher, use_map } = p;
Ok(Self { matcher: Regex::new(matcher)?, replacement, use_map: *use_map })
struct RedactionPattern {
// A regex to find
matcher: &'static str,
// A replacement string for it
replacement: &'static str,
// Whether to use RedactionIdCache and inject the small number into `replacement`
use_map: MapType,
struct RedactionIdCache {
values: HashMap<String, String>,
impl RedactionIdCache {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { values: HashMap::new() }
fn get_id<'a>(&'a mut self, value: String) -> &'a str {
let next_id = self.values.len() + 1;
self.values.entry(value).or_insert_with(|| format!("{}", next_id))
const DEFAULT_REDACTION_PATTERNS: &[RedactionPattern] = &[
// Email stub alice@website.tld
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"[a-zA-Z0-9]*@[a-zA-Z0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z]*",
replacement: "<REDACTED-EMAIL>",
use_map: MapType::No,
// IPv4 Address
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"\b(((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))\b",
replacement: "<REDACTED-IPV4: {}>",
use_map: MapType::ReplaceAll,
// Link local IPv6
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"\bfe80::((?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4})\b",
replacement: "fe80::<REDACTED-IPV6-LL: {}>",
use_map: MapType::ReplaceAll,
// IPv6 without ::
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"\b((?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4})\b",
replacement: "<REDACTED-IPV6: {}>",
use_map: MapType::ReplaceAll,
// IPv6 with ::
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"\b((?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:)+:(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:)*[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4})\b",
replacement: "<REDACTED-IPV6: {}>",
use_map: MapType::ReplaceAll,
// IPv6 starting with :: for ipv4
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"::ffff:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}\b",
replacement: "::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: {}>",
use_map: MapType::ReplaceAll,
// uuid
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-\b[0-9a-fA-F]{12}",
replacement: "<REDACTED-UUID>",
use_map: MapType::No,
// mac address
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r"\b(?P<oui>([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}([\.:-])){3})([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}([\.:-])){2}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\b",
replacement: "REDACTED-MAC: ", // MapType::Mac is handled differently
use_map: MapType::Mac,
// http(s) urls
RedactionPattern {
matcher: r#"https?://[^"',;!<> ]*"#,
replacement: "<REDACTED-URL>",
use_map: MapType::No,
impl Redactor {
pub fn noop() -> Self {
pub fn with_static_patterns() -> Self {
fn new(patterns: &[RedactionPattern]) -> Result<Self, regex::Error> {
let matchers = patterns.iter().map(|p| p.matcher).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let to_redact = RegexSet::new(matchers)?;
let replacements =
patterns.iter().map(PatternReplacer::try_from).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
Ok(Self { to_redact, replacements, redaction_cache: Mutex::new(RedactionIdCache::new()) })
// Note: Each new redacted string is given an increasing number. It's important for testing
// that the strings are encountered in a predictable sequence.
// Currently the redacted strings are encountered in this sequence:
// - the outer loop iterates over the DEFAULT_REDACTION_PATTERN matchers
// - the inner loop goes left to right in the string being edited.
/// Replace any instances of this redactor's patterns with the value of [`REPLACEMENT`].
pub fn redact_text<'t>(&self, text: &'t str) -> Cow<'t, str> {
let mut redacted = Cow::Borrowed(text);
for idx in self.to_redact.matches(text) {
let replacer = &self.replacements[idx];
redacted = Cow::Owned(
match replacer.use_map {
MapType::No => replacer.matcher.replace_all(&redacted, replacer.replacement),
MapType::ReplaceAll => {
replacer.matcher.replace_all(&redacted, |caps: &'_ Captures<'_>| {
let mut cache = self.redaction_cache.lock();
let id = cache.get_id(caps[0].to_string());
replacer.replacement.replace("{}", &id)
MapType::Mac => {
replacer.matcher.replace_all(&redacted, |caps: &'_ Captures<'_>| {
let oui ="oui");
let mut cache = self.redaction_cache.lock();
let id = cache.get_id(caps[0].to_string());
oui.map_or("regex error", |o| o.as_str()),
/// Returns a wrapper around `item` which implements [`serde::Serialize`], redacting from
/// any strings in `item`, recursively.
pub fn redact<'m, 'r, M>(&'r self, item: &'m M) -> Redacted<'m, 'r, M>
M: ?Sized + Serialize,
Redacted { inner: item, redactor: self }
pub fn redact_stream<M: Serialize + 'static>(
self: &Arc<Self>,
stream: impl Stream<Item = Arc<M>>,
) -> impl Stream<Item = RedactedItem<M>> {
let redactor = self.clone(); |inner| RedactedItem { inner, redactor: redactor.clone() })
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::logs::message::{Message, Severity, TEST_IDENTITY};
use diagnostics_data::{LogsField, LogsHierarchy, LogsProperty};
use futures::stream::iter as iter2stream;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn test_message(contents: &str) -> Message {
0u64, // time
0, // size
0, // dropped_logs
vec![LogsProperty::String(LogsField::Msg, contents.to_string())],
macro_rules! test_redaction {
($($test_name:ident: $input:expr => $output:expr,)+) => {
fn [<redact_ $test_name>] () {
let noop = Redactor::noop();
let real = Redactor::with_static_patterns();
assert_eq!(noop.redact_text($input), $input, "no-op redaction must match input exactly");
assert_eq!(real.redact_text($input), $output);
fn [<redact_json_ $test_name>] () {
let input = test_message($input);
let output = test_message($output);
let noop = Redactor::noop();
let real = Redactor::with_static_patterns();
let input_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&input).unwrap();
let expected_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&output).unwrap();
let noop_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&noop.redact(&input)).unwrap();
let real_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&real.redact(&input)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(noop_json, input_json, "no-op redaction must match input exactly");
assert_eq!(real_json, expected_json);
// Each entry in test_redaction uses its own instance of Redactor so all numbers are 1.
// Except MAC which contains two slightly different addresses, to verify we map the entire
// address and not just the part we replace.
test_redaction! {
email: "Email: alice@website.tld" => "Email: <REDACTED-EMAIL>",
ipv4: "IPv4:" => "IPv4: <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>",
ipv4_in_6: "IPv46: ::ffff:" => "IPv46: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 1>",
ipv4_in_6_hex: "IPv46h: ::ffff:ab12:34cd" => "IPv46h: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 1>",
ipv6: "IPv6: 2001:503:eEa3:0:0:0:0:30" => "IPv6: <REDACTED-IPV6: 1>",
ipv6_colon: "IPv6C: [::/0 via fe82::7d84:c1dc:ab34:656a nic 4]" =>
"IPv6C: [::/0 via <REDACTED-IPV6: 1> nic 4]",
ipv6_ll: "IPv6LL: fe80::7d84:c1dc:ab34:656a" => "IPv6LL: fe80::<REDACTED-IPV6-LL: 1>",
uuid: "UUID: ddd0fA34-1016-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002" => "UUID: <REDACTED-UUID>",
mac_address: "MAC address: 00:0a:95:9F:68:16 12:34:95:9F:68:16" =>
"MAC address: 00:0a:95:<REDACTED-MAC: 1> 12:34:95:<REDACTED-MAC: 2>",
http: "HTTP:" =>
https: "HTTPS:" =>
combined: "Combined: Email alice@website.tld, IPv4" =>
"Combined: Email <REDACTED-EMAIL>, IPv4 <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>",
preserve: "service::fidl service:fidl" => "service::fidl service:fidl",
// A single Redactor is used for every line in the stream, so the numbers grow.
async fn redact_all_in_stream() {
let data = vec![
("Email: alice@website.tld", "Email: <REDACTED-EMAIL>"),
("IPv4:", "IPv4: <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>"),
("IPv46: ::ffff:", "IPv46: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 2>"),
("IPv46h: ::ffff:ab12:34cd", "IPv46h: ::ffff:<REDACTED-IPV4: 3>"),
("IPv6: 2001:503:eEa3:0:0:0:0:30", "IPv6: <REDACTED-IPV6: 4>"),
("IPv4.1:", "IPv4.1: <REDACTED-IPV4: 5>"),
("IPv4.2:", "IPv4.2: <REDACTED-IPV4: 1>"),
let inputs =
data.iter().map(|(input, _)| Arc::new(test_message(input))).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let outputs =
data.iter().map(|(_, output)| Arc::new(test_message(output))).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let noop = Arc::new(Redactor::noop());
let real = Arc::new(Redactor::with_static_patterns());
let input_stream = iter2stream(inputs.clone());
let noop_stream = noop.redact_stream(iter2stream(inputs.clone()));
let real_stream = real.redact_stream(iter2stream(inputs.clone()));
let output_stream = iter2stream(outputs);
let mut all_streams =;
while let Some((((input, noop), real), output)) = {
let input_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&*input).unwrap();
let expected_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&*output).unwrap();
let noop_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&noop).unwrap();
let real_json = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&real).unwrap();
assert_eq!(noop_json, input_json, "no-op redaction must match input exactly");
assert_eq!(real_json, expected_json);