blob: 0c5303ba2e7da9ecff0ad28e2b0b24e329063c38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/block-loader-interface.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/block-verifier.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/device-info.h"
namespace block_verity {
// See ddk::Device in ddktl/device.h
class VerifiedDevice;
using VerifiedDeviceType =
ddk::Device<VerifiedDevice, ddk::GetProtocolable, ddk::GetSizable, ddk::Unbindable>;
// A DDK device that speaks the ddk block protocol, providing a block device
// that exposes the data section of the device for reads. It verifies each read
// against the integrity data merkle tree rooted in the hash provided at
// construction time.
class VerifiedDevice final : public VerifiedDeviceType,
public ddk::BlockImplProtocol<VerifiedDevice, ddk::base_protocol>,
public BlockLoaderInterface {
VerifiedDevice(zx_device_t* parent, DeviceInfo&& info,
const std::array<uint8_t, kHashOutputSize>& integrity_root_hash);
// Disallow copy, assign, and move.
VerifiedDevice(const VerifiedDevice&) = delete;
VerifiedDevice(VerifiedDevice&&) = delete;
VerifiedDevice& operator=(const VerifiedDevice&) = delete;
VerifiedDevice& operator=(VerifiedDevice&&) = delete;
~VerifiedDevice() = default;
uint64_t op_size() { return info_.op_size; }
// Do fallible construction and request BlockVerifier prepare for verified
// reads.
zx_status_t Init();
// ddk::Device methods; see ddktl/device.h
zx_status_t DdkGetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, void* out);
zx_off_t DdkGetSize();
void DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn);
void DdkRelease();
// ddk::BlockProtocol methods; see fuchsia/hardware/block/cpp/banjo.h
void BlockImplQuery(block_info_t* out_info, size_t* out_op_size);
void BlockImplQueue(block_op_t* block_op, block_impl_queue_callback completion_cb, void* cookie)
// `block_verity::BlockLoaderInterface`
void RequestBlocks(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t block_count, zx::vmo& vmo, void* cookie,
BlockLoaderCallback callback) override;
// Callback for reads initiated by `RequestBlocks` (the `BlockLoaderInterface`
// implementation)
void OnBlockLoaderRequestComplete(zx_status_t status, block_op_t* block);
// The callback that we give to the underlying block device when we queue
// operations against it. It simply translates block offsets back and completes the
// matched block requests.
void OnClientBlockRequestComplete(zx_status_t status, block_op_t* block);
// Callback for `BlockVerifier::PrepareAsync`
void OnBlockVerifierPrepareComplete(zx_status_t status);
// Completes the block operation by calling the appropriate callback with the
// appropriate status.
void BlockComplete(block_op_t* block, zx_status_t status) __TA_REQUIRES(mtx_);
void ForwardTranslatedBlockOp(block_op_t* block_op) __TA_REQUIRES(mtx_);
// Completes the UnbindTxn if outstanding_block_requests_ has gone to 0.
void TeardownIfQuiesced() __TA_REQUIRES(mtx_);
enum DeviceState {
// The device is not ready. It will transition to kLoading when
// Init is called.
// The device is waiting for integrity data to be read in from disk.
// The device is ready to serve read requests.
// The device has been told to unbind and is completing queued requests, but
// rejects new requests.
// The device has completed teardown and is ready to be removed.
// The device has hit an unrecoverable error and will fail all requests
// until unbound.
// Current device state.
DeviceState state_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
fbl::Mutex mtx_;
// A single block op request buffer, allocated to be the size of the parent
// block op size request.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> block_op_buf_;
// Tracks the number of block I/O requests that we have sent to the backing
// storage but that have not yet completed. We need to wait for this to go to
// zero before we complete unbinding.
uint64_t outstanding_block_requests_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
// A linked list of block requests that we have received while state was `kLoading`
// which we have deferred passing to the block driver until after integrity
// data is loaded. Should be empty unless state is `kLoading` and we've
// received inbound block requests; after transitioning to `kActive`, this
// should be an empty list.
list_node_t deferred_requests_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
// Device configuration, as provided by the DeviceManager at creation. Its
// constness allows it to be used without holding the lock.
const DeviceInfo info_;
// A reference to an unbind transaction when we need to delay replying until
// we've completed some other work.
std::optional<ddk::UnbindTxn> unbind_txn_;
// Verifies data blocks that we've loaded against integrity information. Used
// to ensure we complete reads successfully iff the block data matches the
// integrity data.
BlockVerifier block_verifier_;
} // namespace block_verity