blob: 5040f5d5ff7c558553f99dfa3c7a39373bdbe73b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/block-loader-interface.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/constants.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/geometry.h"
namespace block_verity {
class BlockLoaderInterface;
typedef void (*BlockVerifierCallback)(void* cookie, zx_status_t status);
// `BlockVerifier` loads the integrity data merkle tree into memory and then can
// be used to detect if any data block read from the device has changed since
// the device was sealed.
// Example usage:
// BlockVerifier verifier(geometry, root_hash, block_loader);
// verifier.PrepareAsync(this, OnVerifierReady);
// ... after OnVerifierReady called ...
// zx_status_t result = verifier.VerifyDataBlockSync(dev_offset, buf);
class BlockVerifier final {
// Note: `block_loader` is expected to be caller-owned and must outlive this
// `BlockVerfifier`
BlockVerifier(const Geometry& geometry,
const std::array<uint8_t, kHashOutputSize>& integrity_root_hash,
BlockLoaderInterface* block_loader);
// Disallow copy, assign, move
BlockVerifier(const BlockVerifier&) = delete;
BlockVerifier(BlockVerifier&&) = delete;
BlockVerifier& operator=(const BlockVerifier&) = delete;
BlockVerifier& operator=(BlockVerifier&&) = delete;
// Make whatever preparations are needed to be able to verify blocks, then
// trigger callback when done.
zx_status_t PrepareAsync(void* cookie, BlockVerifierCallback callback) __TA_EXCLUDES(&mtx_);
// Actually do the hashing to determine if the kBlockSize bytes of data
// pointed to by block_data correctly represent the contents of data block
// `block_index`. In the future, it might make sense to move to async
// block verification.
zx_status_t VerifyDataBlockSync(uint64_t data_block_index, const uint8_t* block_data)
// Issue the request to load integrity blocks to `block_loader_`.
void LoadIntegrityBlocks() __TA_EXCLUDES(&mtx_);
// Callback used with `LoadIntegrityBlocks`.
void OnIntegrityDataLoaded(zx_status_t status);
// The number of bytes that comprise the entire integrity section.
uint64_t GetIntegritySectionSizeInBytes() const;
// Translates a HashLocation into the absolute address at which it can be
// found mapped in this current address space.
const uint8_t* MemoryLocationForHash(HashLocation h) const;
// Translates an IntegrityBlockIndex into the absolute address at which it can
// be found mapped into the current address space.
const uint8_t* MemoryLocationForBlock(IntegrityBlockIndex i) const;
enum BlockVerifierState {
// State on construction.
// State when PrepareAsync is called but not completed
// State if PrepareAsync completes successfully.
// State if PrepareAsync fails, either immediately or asynchronously.
// Block I/O abstraction for making this testable.
BlockLoaderInterface* block_loader_;
// Device geometry. Safe to access without the mutex.
const Geometry geometry_;
BlockVerifierState state_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
fbl::Mutex mtx_;
// Copy of the root hash lent to us at initialization.
// Stays the same over the lifetime of this instance.
const std::array<uint8_t, kHashOutputSize> root_hash_;
// A vmo used to cache all integrity block data, and then mapped at
// `integrity_block_base_` below.
zx::vmo integrity_block_vmo_;
// The start address where that vmo is mapped, at which we can effectively
// look at all integrity data in a flat array.
const uint8_t* integrity_block_base_;
// Args to `PrepareAsync` that we save so we can call them back later,
// possibly across an async boundary.
void* cookie_;
BlockVerifierCallback callback_;
} // namespace block_verity