blob: d91fd5237c171d0ee968ef50be8262df612c4a6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread_controller.h"
namespace zxdb {
class MockThread : public Thread, public Stack::Delegate {
// The process and frame pointers must outlive this class.
explicit MockThread(Process* process)
: Thread(process->session()), process_(process), stack_(this) {}
// Thread implementation:
Process* GetProcess() const override { return process_; }
uint64_t GetKoid() const override { return 1234; }
const std::string& GetName() const override { return thread_name_; }
debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State GetState() const override {
return debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State::kSuspended;
debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::BlockedReason GetBlockedReason() const override {
return debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kNotBlocked;
void Pause(fit::callback<void()> on_paused) override {
FROM_HERE, [on_paused = std::move(on_paused)]() mutable { on_paused(); });
void Continue(bool forward_exception) override {}
void ContinueWith(std::unique_ptr<ThreadController> controller,
fit::callback<void(const Err&)> on_continue) override {}
void JumpTo(uint64_t new_address, fit::callback<void(const Err&)> cb) override {}
void NotifyControllerDone(ThreadController* controller) override {}
void StepInstruction() override {}
const Stack& GetStack() const override { return stack_; }
Stack& GetStack() override { return stack_; }
// Stack::Delegate implementation.
void SyncFramesForStack(fit::callback<void(const Err&)> callback) override {
FX_NOTREACHED(); // All frames are available.
std::unique_ptr<Frame> MakeFrameForStack(const debug_ipc::StackFrame& input,
Location location) override {
FX_NOTREACHED(); // Should not get called since we provide stack frames.
return std::unique_ptr<Frame>();
Location GetSymbolizedLocationForStackFrame(const debug_ipc::StackFrame& input) override {
return Location(Location::State::kSymbolized, input.ip);
std::string thread_name_ = "test thread";
Process* process_;
Stack stack_;
} // namespace zxdb