blob: 03e4a9acfa513835a1e109cce0cbf2ace79c966b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! This module defines a framework for using the crate::expectations module in
//! asynchronous situations, where you wish you detect the satisfiability of the
//! expectations at some undetermined point in the future.
//! An `ExpectationFuture` implements `Future` and will complete when the
//! underlying state satisfies the predicate. Failure can be detected by wrapping
//! the future in a timeout, as is implemented by the method `when_satisfied`.
//! To use `ExpectationFuture`s, you must implement `ExpectableState` for the
//! type of state you wish to track, which defines how the state will update and
//! notify tasks that are waiting on state changes.
//! A common pattern is to await the expectation of a given state, and then
//! check further predicate expectations to determine success or failure at that
//! point in time.
//! e.g.
//! ```ignore
//! // Wait for the action to have completed one way or the other
//! let state = state.when_satisfied(action_complete, timeout).await?;
//! // Then check that the action completed successfully
//! action_success.satisfied(state)
//! ```
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fuchsia_async::{DurationExt, TimeoutExt},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{future::BoxFuture, FutureExt},
parking_lot::{MappedRwLockWriteGuard, RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard},
task::{self, Poll},
use crate::expectation::Predicate;
/// Future that completes once a Predicate is satisfied for the `T::State` type
/// where `T` is some type that allows monitoring of State updates
pub struct ExpectationFuture<T: ExpectableState> {
state: T,
expectation: Predicate<T::State>,
waker_key: Option<usize>,
impl<T: ExpectableState> ExpectationFuture<T> {
fn new(state: T, expectation: Predicate<T::State>) -> ExpectationFuture<T> {
ExpectationFuture { state, expectation, waker_key: None }
fn clear_waker(&mut self) {
if let Some(key) = self.waker_key {
self.waker_key = None;
fn store_task(&mut self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) {
let key = self.state.store_task(cx);
self.waker_key = Some(key);
impl<T: ExpectableState> std::marker::Unpin for ExpectationFuture<T> {}
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
impl<T: ExpectableState> Future for ExpectationFuture<T> {
type Output = T::State;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let state =;
if self.expectation.satisfied(&state) {
} else {
/// Trait for objects that allow futures to trigger based on state changes
/// This trait will commonly be used via the `ExpectableStateExt` extension
/// trait which provides the convenient `when_satisfied` function.
/// You can implement this trait for your own types which implement their own
/// state tracking and notification of futures, or you can use the
/// `ExpectationHarness` struct in this module which provides a ready to use
/// implementation.
pub trait ExpectableState: Clone {
/// Type of current state we are tracking
type State: 'static;
/// Register a task as needing waking when state changes
fn store_task(&mut self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> usize;
/// Remove a task from being tracked. Called by `ExpectationFuture` when
/// polled.
fn remove_task(&mut self, key: usize);
/// Notify all pending tasks that state has changed
fn notify_state_changed(&self);
/// Read a snapshot of the current State
fn read(&self) -> Self::State;
pub trait ExpectableStateExt: ExpectableState + Sized {
/// Convenience method for awaiting expectations on the underlying state
/// Provides a simple syntax for asynchronously awaiting expectations:
/// ```ignore
/// // Wait for the action to have completed one way or the other
/// let state = state.when_satisfied(action_complete, timeout).await?;
/// ```
fn when_satisfied(
expectation: Predicate<Self::State>,
timeout: zx::Duration,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<Self::State, Error>>;
impl<T: ExpectableState + Sized> ExpectableStateExt for T
T: Send + Sync + 'static,
T::State: Send + Sync + 'static,
fn when_satisfied(
expectation: Predicate<T::State>,
timeout: zx::Duration,
) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<Self::State, Error>> {
let state = self.clone();
let exp = expectation.clone();
ExpectationFuture::new(self.clone(), expectation)
.map(|s| Ok(s))
.on_timeout(timeout.after_now(), move || {
let state =;
let result = exp.assert_satisfied(&state);|_| state).map_err(|err| {
format_err!("Timed out waiting for expectation, last result:\n{:?}", err)
/// Inner state for the `Expectable` helper type
pub struct ExpectableInner<S, A> {
// Current state
pub state: S,
// Pending Tasks
tasks: Slab<task::Waker>,
// Auxillary shared data
pub aux: A,
/// `Expectable<S,A>` is an easy way to build an implementation of `ExpectableState` to await upon.
/// The Aux type `A` is commonly used to hold a FIDL Proxy to drive the behavior under test.
pub type Expectable<S, A> = Arc<RwLock<ExpectableInner<S, A>>>;
pub fn expectable<S, A>(state: S, aux: A) -> Expectable<S, A> {
Arc::new(RwLock::new(ExpectableInner { state, tasks: Slab::new(), aux }))
impl<S: Clone + 'static, A> ExpectableState for Expectable<S, A> {
type State = S;
/// Register a task as needing waking when state changes
fn store_task(&mut self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> usize {
/// Remove a task from being tracked
fn remove_task(&mut self, key: usize) {
let mut harness = self.write();
if harness.tasks.contains(key) {
/// Notify all pending tasks that state has changed
fn notify_state_changed(&self) {
for task in &RwLock::read(self).tasks {
fn read(&self) -> Self::State {
/// A trait to provide convenience methods on Expectable types held within wrapping harnesses
pub trait ExpectableExt<S, A> {
/// Mutable access the auxilliary data
fn aux(&self) -> MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'_, A>;
/// Mutable access to the state
fn write_state(&self) -> MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'_, S>;
// All `Expectable<S,A>` provide these methods, and thus so do any types implementing `Deref` whose
// targets are `Expectable<S,A>`
impl<S, A> ExpectableExt<S, A> for Expectable<S, A> {
fn aux(&self) -> MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'_, A> {
RwLockWriteGuard::map(self.write(), |harness| &mut harness.aux)
fn write_state(&self) -> MappedRwLockWriteGuard<'_, S> {
RwLockWriteGuard::map(self.write(), |harness| &mut harness.state)