blob: 523b2b8d2c012c9d0eee6ae855370ac6086c644d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fuchsia_async::{DurationExt, TimeoutExt},
fuchsia_vfs_watcher::{WatchEvent, Watcher as VfsWatcher},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::{Future, TryStreamExt},
io_util::{open_directory_in_namespace, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE},
log::{error, info},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
pub struct DeviceFile {
/// Open handle to the device file.
file: File,
/// The path of the device in the current namespace.
path: PathBuf,
/// Topological path of the device.
topo_path: PathBuf,
impl DeviceFile {
pub fn file(&self) -> &File {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn topo_path(&self) -> &Path {
impl DeviceFile {
pub fn open(path: &Path) -> Result<DeviceFile, Error> {
let f = open_rdwr(path)?;
let topo = fdio::device_get_topo_path(&f)?;
Ok(DeviceFile { file: f, path: path.to_path_buf(), topo_path: PathBuf::from(topo) })
/// Utility object for watching for device creation and removal events.
pub struct DeviceWatcher {
dir: PathBuf,
watcher: VfsWatcher,
timeout: zx::Duration,
/// Filter used when watching for new devices.
pub enum WatchFilter {
/// `DeviceWatcher::watch_new` resolves only for new device additions
/// `DeviceWatcher::watch_new` resolves for existing and new additions
impl DeviceWatcher {
pub async fn new(dir: &str, timeout: zx::Duration) -> Result<DeviceWatcher, Error> {
let dir_proxy = open_directory_in_namespace(dir, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)?;
Ok(DeviceWatcher {
dir: PathBuf::from(dir),
watcher: VfsWatcher::new(dir_proxy).await?,
/// Functions for watching devices. All of these return a Future that resolves when the desired
/// condition is met. The Future resolves in an error if the condition is not met within the
/// `timeout` interval that the DeviceWatcher was constructed with.
/// Wait until a new device is added under `topo_path`. If `existing` is false, then the Future is
/// satisfied only if the file is created after the creation of this DeviceWatcher or since the
/// last watch event related to this file.
pub fn watch_new<'a>(
&'a mut self,
topo_path: &'a Path,
filter: WatchFilter,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<DeviceFile, Error>> + 'a {
let events = match filter {
WatchFilter::AddedOnly => vec![WatchEvent::ADD_FILE],
WatchFilter::AddedOrExisting => vec![WatchEvent::ADD_FILE, WatchEvent::EXISTING],
self.watch_with_timeout(topo_path, events)
/// Similar to `watch_new` but returns a Future that is satisifed only if a file already existed
/// at the creation of this DeviceWatcher.
pub fn watch_existing<'a>(
&'a mut self,
topo_path: &'a Path,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<DeviceFile, Error>> + 'a {
self.watch_with_timeout(topo_path, vec![WatchEvent::EXISTING])
/// Wait until a device with the given `path` gets removed. The Future will time out if a
/// timeout has been set via set_timeout().
pub fn watch_removed<'a>(
&'a mut self,
path: &'a Path,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> + 'a {
let path_str = path.display();
let t = self.timeout;
self.removed_helper(path).on_timeout(t.after_now(), move || {
Err(format_err!("timed out waiting for device {}", path_str))
// Private functions:
// Helper for watching new or existing files. It is incorrect for `events` to contain
// `WatchEvent::REMOVE_FILE` as it is not possible to open a removed file and check its
// topological path.
async fn watch_helper<'a>(
&'a mut self,
topo_path: &'a Path,
events: Vec<WatchEvent>,
) -> Result<DeviceFile, Error> {
while let Some(msg) = self.watcher.try_next().await? {
if events.contains(&msg.event) {
let path = self.dir.join(msg.filename);
let dev = match DeviceFile::open(&path) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to open file (path: {}) {:#?}", path.to_string_lossy(), e);
// Ignore failures potentially triggered by devices we're not interested in.
if dev.topo_path().starts_with(topo_path) {
info!("found device: {:#?}", dev.path());
return Ok(dev);
// Helper that wraps `watch_helper` in a timeout.
fn watch_with_timeout<'a>(
&'a mut self,
topo_path: &'a Path,
events: Vec<WatchEvent>,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<DeviceFile, Error>> + 'a {
let t = self.timeout;
let path_str = topo_path.display();
self.watch_helper(topo_path, events).on_timeout(t.after_now(), move || {
Err(format_err!("timed out waiting for device {}", path_str))
// Helper for watching for removal.
async fn removed_helper<'a>(&'a mut self, path: &'a Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(msg) = self.watcher.try_next().await? {
match msg.event {
WatchEvent::REMOVE_FILE => {
if self.dir.join(msg.filename) == path {
return Ok(());
_ => (),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_device_test::{
DeviceSynchronousProxy, RootDeviceSynchronousProxy, CONTROL_DEVICE,
const TIMEOUT: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(10);
fn create_test_dev(name: &str) -> Result<DeviceFile, Error> {
let control = open_rdwr(CONTROL_DEVICE)?;
let mut root_dev = RootDeviceSynchronousProxy::new(fdio::clone_channel(&control)?);
let (local, remote) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let (status, path) =
root_dev.create_device(name, Some(remote), zx::Time::after(TIMEOUT))?;
let path =
PathBuf::from(path.ok_or(format_err!("RootDevice.CreateDevice returned null path"))?);
let file = fdio::create_fd(zx::Handle::from(local))?;
let topo_path = PathBuf::from(fdio::device_get_topo_path(&file)?);
Ok(DeviceFile { file, path, topo_path })
fn remove_test_dev(dev: &DeviceFile) -> Result<(), Error> {
let channel = fdio::clone_channel(dev.file())?;
let mut device = DeviceSynchronousProxy::new(channel);
#[ignore] // TODO( Re-enable once test flake is resolved
async fn test_watch_new() {
let mut watcher = DeviceWatcher::new(CONTROL_DEVICE, TIMEOUT)
.expect("Failed to create watcher for test devices");
let dev = create_test_dev("test-watch-new").expect("Failed to create test device");
error!("created: {:?}", dev.topo_path());
let found = watcher
.watch_new(dev.topo_path(), WatchFilter::AddedOnly)
.expect("Expected to be notified of new test device");
assert_eq!(dev.path(), found.path());
assert_eq!(dev.topo_path(), found.topo_path());
// Calling with the `existing` flag should succeed.
let mut watcher = DeviceWatcher::new(CONTROL_DEVICE, TIMEOUT)
.expect("Failed to create watcher for test devices");
let found = watcher
.watch_new(dev.topo_path(), WatchFilter::AddedOrExisting)
.expect("Expected to be notified of existing test device");
assert_eq!(dev.path(), found.path());
assert_eq!(dev.topo_path(), found.topo_path());
// Cleanup after ourselves
remove_test_dev(&dev).expect("Failed to remove test device");
#[ignore] // TODO( Re-enable once test flake is resolved
async fn test_watch_existing() {
let dev = create_test_dev("test-watch-existing").expect("Failed to create test device");
let mut watcher = DeviceWatcher::new(CONTROL_DEVICE, TIMEOUT)
.expect("Failed to create watcher for test devices");
let found = watcher
.expect("Expected to be notified of new test device");
assert_eq!(dev.path(), found.path());
assert_eq!(dev.topo_path(), found.topo_path());
// Cleanup after ourselves
remove_test_dev(&dev).expect("Failed to remove test device");
#[ignore] // TODO( Re-enable once test flake is resolved
async fn test_watch_removed() {
let dev = create_test_dev("test-watch-removed").expect("Failed to create test device");
let mut watcher = DeviceWatcher::new(CONTROL_DEVICE, TIMEOUT)
.expect("Failed to create watcher for test devices");
remove_test_dev(&dev).expect("Failed to remove test device");
let _ = watcher
.expect("Expected to be notified of device removal");
#[ignore] // TODO( Re-enable once test flake is resolved
async fn test_watch_timeout() {
let mut watcher = DeviceWatcher::new(CONTROL_DEVICE, zx::Duration::from_nanos(0))
.expect("Failed to create watcher");
let path = PathBuf::from("/device_watcher/test_watch_timeout");
let result = watcher.watch_new(&path, WatchFilter::AddedOnly).await;
let result = watcher.watch_new(&path, WatchFilter::AddedOrExisting).await;
let result = watcher.watch_existing(&path).await;
let result = watcher.watch_removed(&path).await;