blob: f0a4266a949e7b7f68c389f7cdd5f7baf49bcdd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_zircon::{Duration, DurationNum};
pub const EMULATOR_DRIVER_PATH: &str = "/system/driver/";
pub const HOST_DRIVER_PATH: &str = "/system/driver/";
pub const EMULATOR_DEVICE_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-emulator";
pub const HCI_DEVICE_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-hci";
pub const HOST_DEVICE_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-host";
// Use a timeout of 4 minutes on integration tests.
// This time is expected to be:
// a) sufficient to avoid flakes due to infra or resource contention, except in many standard
// deviations of unlikeliness
// b) short enough to still provide useful feedback in those cases where asynchronous operations
// fail
// c) short enough to fail before the overall infra-imposed test timeout (currently 5 minutes),
// so that we can produce specific test-relevant information in the case of failure.
pub fn integration_timeout_duration() -> Duration {