blob: 438882754a3f8e8ed6111a8c815d711d9669ecc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show File, Platform, Process, ProcessResult, WebSocket;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'dump.dart';
import 'sl4f_client.dart';
import 'trace_processing/metrics_spec.dart';
import 'trace_processing/trace_importing.dart';
String _removeSuffix(String string, String suffix) {
if (!string.endsWith(suffix)) {
throw ArgumentError('String "$string" does not end with "$suffix"');
return string.substring(0, string.length - suffix.length);
String _traceExtension({bool binary, bool compress}) {
String extension = 'json';
if (binary) {
extension = 'fxt';
if (compress) {
extension += '.gz';
return extension;
File _replaceExtension(File file, String newExtension) {
String basePath = file.path;
final firstExtension = path.extension(basePath);
basePath = path.withoutExtension(basePath);
if (firstExtension == '.gz') {
basePath = path.withoutExtension(basePath);
return File('$basePath.$newExtension');
// Chromium tracing tools requires only one "Compositor", "CrBrowserMain",
// "CrRendererMain" and "VizCompositorThread" appears in the tracing
// json file, so we need to remove these names in the Fuchsia trace files
// to avoid name collision.
// Note that this function mutates the value of argument [rootTraceObject].
Map<String, dynamic> _renameChromiumProcessesInFuchsiaTrace(
Map<String, dynamic> rootTraceObject) {
if (!rootTraceObject.containsKey('systemTraceEvents') ||
!rootTraceObject['systemTraceEvents'].containsKey('events')) {
return rootTraceObject;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> events =
for (final Map<String, dynamic> event in events) {
if (event['ph'] == 't' && event.containsKey('name')) {
final String name = event['name'];
if (name == 'Compositor' ||
name == 'CrBrowserMain' ||
name == 'CrRendererMain' ||
name == 'VizCompositorThread') {
event['name'] = '${name}_Fuchsia';
return rootTraceObject;
final _log = Logger('Performance');
/// Manages system-wide performance tracing and processing.
/// Use [initializeTracing] to initialize the tracing subsystem on specific
/// categories, along with [TraceSession] to start the tracing on the action you
/// want to measure. Then use the various convert and process methods to further
/// analyze the raw traces.
/// See for more on tracing
/// concepts.
class Performance {
// Names of environment variables used for tagging test results when
// uploading to the Catapult performance dashboard.
static const String _catapultDashboardMasterVarName =
static const String _catapultDashboardBotVarName = 'CATAPULT_DASHBOARD_BOT';
static const String _buildbucketIdVarName = 'BUILDBUCKET_ID';
static const String _buildCreateTimeVarName = 'BUILD_CREATE_TIME';
static const String _releaseVersion = 'RELEASE_VERSION';
final Sl4f _sl4f;
final Dump _dump;
/// Constructs a [Performance] object.
Performance(this._sl4f, [Dump dump]) : _dump = dump ?? Dump();
/// Closes the underlying HTTP client.
/// This need not be called if the Sl4f client is closed instead.
void close() {
/// Initialize system-wide tracing subsystem and get a [TraceSession] object
/// to manage the session and get the results.
/// There can only be one trace session going at the same time.
Future<TraceSession> initializeTracing(
{List<String> categories, int bufferSize}) async {'Performance: Initializing trace session');
final params = {};
if (categories != null) {
params['categories'] = categories;
if (bufferSize != null) {
params['buffer_size'] = bufferSize;
await _sl4f.request('tracing_facade.Initialize', params);
return TraceSession(_sl4f, _dump);
/// Terminate all existing trace sessions without collecting trace data.
Future<void> terminateExistingTraceSession() async {'Performance: Terminating any existing trace session');
await _sl4f
.request('tracing_facade.Terminate', {'results_destination': 'Ignore'});
/// Starts a Chrome trace from the given [webSocketUrl] with the default
/// categories.
/// [webSocketUrl] can be obtained from
/// [Webdriver.webSocketDebuggerUrlsForHost]. Returns a WebSocket object that
/// is to be passed to [stopChromeTrace] to stop and download the trace data.
/// TODO( Allow tracing users to specify categories to trace.
Future<WebSocket> startChromeTrace(String webSocketUrl) async {
final webSocket = await WebSocket.connect(webSocketUrl);'Starting chrome trace');
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'Tracing.start',
'params': {},
'id': 1,
return webSocket;
/// Stops a Chrome trace that was started by [startChromeTrace] and writes it
/// to a file.
/// Returns the file containing the trace data. Calling [stopChromeTrace] on
/// the same [webSocket] twice will throw an error.
Future<File> stopChromeTrace(WebSocket webSocket,
{@required String traceName}) async {'Stopping and saving chrome trace');
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'Tracing.end',
'params': {},
'id': 2,
final traceEvents = [];
await for (final content in webSocket) {
final obj = json.decode(content);
if (obj['method'] == 'Tracing.tracingComplete') {
} else if (obj['method'] == 'Tracing.dataCollected') {
await webSocket.close();'Writing chrome trace to file');
return _dump.writeAsBytes('$traceName-chrome-trace', 'json',
/// Combine [fuchsiaTrace] and [chromeTrace] into a merged JSON-format trace.
/// [fuchsiaTrace] must be a trace file in JSON format (not FXT).
Future<File> mergeTraces(
{@required File fuchsiaTrace,
@required File chromeTrace,
@required String traceName}) async {
final fuchsiaTraceData = _renameChromiumProcessesInFuchsiaTrace(
json.decode(await fuchsiaTrace.readAsString()));
final chromeTraceData = json.decode(await chromeTrace.readAsString());
final mergedTraceData = fuchsiaTraceData;
return _dump.writeAsBytes('$traceName-merged-trace', 'json',
/// A helper function that runs a process with the given args.
/// Used by the test to capture the parameters passed to [].
/// Returns [true] if the process ran successfully, [false] otherwise.
Future<bool> runProcess(String executablePath, List<String> args) async {'Performance: Running $executablePath ${args.join(" ")}');
final ProcessResult results = await, args);;
return results.exitCode == 0;
/// Convert the specified [traceFile] from fxt or fxt.gz to json or json.gz.
/// In typical uses, [traceFile] should be the return value of a call to
/// [TraceSession.terminateAndDownload].
/// By default, this function guesses whether the input is compressed by
/// examining [traceFile]'s extension. This can be overridden by passing a
/// value for [compressedInput]. If [compressedOutput] is set to true, then
/// this will produce a json.gz file instead of a json file.
/// Returns the [File] generated by trace2json.
Future<File> convertTraceFileToJson(String trace2jsonPath, File traceFile,
{bool compressedInput, bool compressedOutput = false}) async {'Performance: Converting ${traceFile.absolute.path} to json');
final String outputExtension =
_traceExtension(binary: false, compress: compressedOutput);
final File outputFile = _replaceExtension(traceFile, outputExtension);
final args = [
if (compressedInput ?? path.extension(traceFile.path) == '.gz') {
if (compressedOutput) {
final trace2json = Platform.script.resolve(trace2jsonPath).toFilePath();
if (!await runProcess(trace2json, args)) {
return null;
return outputFile;
/// Convert [traceData] from fxt format to json.
/// In typical uses, [traceData] will be the return value of a call to
/// [TraceSession.terminateAndDownloadAsBytes].
Future<String> convertTraceDataToJson(
String trace2jsonPath, List<int> traceData) async {'Performance: Converting in-memory trace to json');
final trace2json = Platform.script.resolve(trace2jsonPath).toFilePath();
final trace2jsonProcess = await Process.start(trace2json, []);
final output = trace2jsonProcess.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).join('');
await trace2jsonProcess.stdin.close();
// Start the stderr consumer to ensure that the trace2json process does not
// block on writing to stderr.
final stderr = trace2jsonProcess.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).join('');
final exitCode = await trace2jsonProcess.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('trace2json exit code $exitCode stderr: ${await stderr}');
await stderr;
return (await output);
/// Runs the provided [MetricsSpecSet] on the given [trace].
/// It sets the output file location to be the same as the source.
/// It will also run the catapult converter if the [converterPath] was provided.
/// The [converterPath] must be relative to the script path.
/// [registry] defines the set of known metrics processors, which can be
/// specified to allow processing of custom metrics.
/// TODO( Avoid explicitly passing the [converterPath].
/// Returns the benchmark result [File] generated by the processor.
Future<File> processTrace(MetricsSpecSet metricsSpecSet, File trace,
{String converterPath,
Map<String, MetricsProcessor> registry = defaultMetricsRegistry}) async {'Processing trace: ${trace.path}');
final outputFileName =
final model = await createModelFromFile(trace);
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> results = [];
for (final metricsSpec in metricsSpecSet.metricsSpecs) {'Applying metricsSpec ${} to ${trace.path}');
final testCaseResultss =
processMetrics(model, metricsSpec, registry: registry);
for (final testCaseResults in testCaseResultss) {
results.add(testCaseResults.toJson(testSuite: metricsSpecSet.testName));
File processedResultFile = File(outputFileName);'Processing trace completed.');
if (converterPath != null) {
await convertResults(
converterPath, processedResultFile, Platform.environment);
return processedResultFile;
/// Send the given perf test results for upload to the Catapult Dashboard.
/// This converts the results to Catapult format. If uploading to Catapult is
/// enabled, this puts the resulting file in a directory with a filename
/// indicating that it should be uploaded.
Future<void> convertResults(String converterPath, File result,
Map<String, String> environment) async {'Converting the results into the catapult format');
var master = environment[_catapultDashboardMasterVarName];
var bot = environment[_catapultDashboardBotVarName];
final buildbucketId = environment[_buildbucketIdVarName];
final buildCreateTime = environment[_buildCreateTimeVarName];
var releaseVersion = environment[_releaseVersion];
bool uploadEnabled = true;
String logurl;
int timestamp;
if (master == null && bot == null) {
'convertResults: Infra env vars are not set; treating as a local run.');
bot = 'local-bot';
master = 'local-master';
logurl = '';
timestamp = new;
// Disable uploading so that we don't accidentally upload with the
// dummy values set here.
uploadEnabled = false;
} else if (master != null &&
bot != null &&
buildbucketId != null &&
buildCreateTime != null) {
logurl = '$buildbucketId';
timestamp = int.parse(buildCreateTime);
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
'Catapult-related infra env vars are not set consistently');
final resultsPath = result.absolute.path;
// The infra recipe looks for the filename extension '.catapult_json',
// so uploading to the Catapult performance dashboard is disabled if we
// use a different extension.
final catapultExtension =
uploadEnabled ? '.catapult_json' : '.catapult_json_disabled';
final outputFileName =
_removeSuffix(resultsPath, '.fuchsiaperf.json') + catapultExtension;
List<String> args = [
if (releaseVersion != null) {
args.addAll(['--product-versions', releaseVersion]);
final converter = Platform.script.resolve(converterPath).toFilePath();
if (!await runProcess(converter, args)) {
throw AssertionError('Running catapult_converter failed');
}'Conversion to catapult results format completed.'
' Output file: $outputFileName');
/// Starts logging temperature data into the temperature_logger trace
/// category.
/// The temperature sensors will be polled and a trace event produced after
/// each [interval] amount of time. If [duration] is specified, then logging
/// will automatically stop after that amount of time has elapsed. If
/// [duration] is not specified, then logging will continue until explicitly
/// stopped.
/// This function will fail if logging is already started.
Future<void> startTemperatureLogging({
@required Duration interval,
Duration duration,
}) async {
'Start temperature logging: interval $interval duration $duration');
if (duration == null) {
await _sl4f.request('temperature_facade.StartLoggingForever', {
'interval_ms': interval.inMilliseconds,
} else {
await _sl4f.request('temperature_facade.StartLogging', {
'interval_ms': interval.inMilliseconds,
'duration_ms': duration.inMilliseconds,
/// Stops logging temperature data in temperature_logger trace category.
/// This function will still succeed if logging is already stopped.
Future<void> stopTemperatureLogging() async {'Stop temperature logging');
await _sl4f.request('temperature_facade.StopLogging', {});
/// Handle a tracing session.
class TraceSession {
final Sl4f _sl4f;
final Dump _dump;
bool _closed;
TraceSession(this._sl4f, this._dump) : _closed = false;
bool get closed => _closed;
/// Start tracing.
Future<void> start() async {
if (_closed) {
throw StateError('Cannot start: Session already terminated');
}'Tracing: starting trace');
await _sl4f.request('tracing_facade.Start');
/// Stop tracing.
Future<void> stop() async {
if (_closed) {
throw StateError('Cannot stop: Session already terminated');
}'Tracing: stopping trace');
await _sl4f.request('tracing_facade.Stop');
/// Terminate the trace session and download the trace data, returning a
/// [File] object with the Fuchsia trace format data.
/// After a call to [terminateAndDownload], further calls on the
/// [TraceSession] object will throw a [StateError].
Future<File> terminateAndDownload(String traceName) async {
final traceData = await terminateAndDownloadAsBytes();
return _dump.writeAsBytes('$traceName-trace', 'fxt', traceData);
/// Terminate the trace session and download the trace data, returning a list
/// of bytes in Fuchsia trace format.
/// After a call to [terminateAndDownloadAsBytes], further calls on the
/// [TraceSession] object will throw a [StateError].
Future<List<int>> terminateAndDownloadAsBytes() async {
if (_closed) {
throw StateError('Cannot terminate: Session already terminated');
}'Tracing: terminating trace');
final response = await _sl4f.request('tracing_facade.Terminate');
_closed = true;
final traceData = base64.decode(response['data']);
return traceData;