blob: 26b11410dac28891b2a3b885338cfc9ca1fcd555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart' show zip;
import 'sl4f_client.dart';
import 'ssh.dart';
/// Clockwise rotation of the screen.
enum Rotation {
/// Send screen interactions to the device using Scenic.
/// This operates on a physical screen coordinate system where the top left is
/// (0,0) and the bottom right is (1000, 1000). It's possible to indicate how is
/// the screen rotated which will transform the coordinates so that the physical
/// (0,0) is on the top left.
class Input {
final Ssh ssh;
final Rotation _screenRotation;
final Sl4f _sl4f;
/// Construct an [Input] object.
/// You can change the default [screenRotation] to compensate for.
Input(Sl4f sl4f, [this._screenRotation = Rotation.degrees0])
: ssh = sl4f.ssh,
_sl4f = sl4f;
/// Taps on the screen at coordinates ([coord.x], [coord.y]).
/// Coordinates must be in the range of [0, 1000] and are scaled to the screen
/// size on the device, and they are rotated to compensate for the clockwise
/// [screenRotation].
/// [tap_event_count]: Number of tap events to send ([duration] is divided
/// over the tap events). Defaults to 1.
/// [duration]: Duration of the event(s) in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
/// These defaults are set in the input facade.
Future<bool> tap(Point<int> coord,
{Rotation screenRotation, int tapEventCount, int duration}) async {
final tcoord = _rotate(coord, screenRotation);
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.Tap', {
'x': tcoord.x,
'y': tcoord.y,
if (tapEventCount != null) 'tap_event_count': tapEventCount,
if (duration != null) 'duration': duration,
return result == 'Success';
/// Multi-Finger taps on the screen.
/// [fingers] are represented by a list of [Point]
/// Each finger x, y must be in the range of [0, 1000] and
/// are scaled to the screen size on the device, and they
/// are rotated to compensate for the clockwise [screenRotation].
/// [tap_event_count]: Number of tap events to send ([duration] is divided
/// over the tap events). Defaults to 1.
/// [duration]: Duration of the event(s) in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
/// These defaults are set in the input facade.
Future<bool> multiFingerTap(List<Point<int>> fingers,
{Rotation screenRotation, int tapEventCount, int duration}) async {
// Convert each Point finger to Touch json matching the FIDL struct `Touch`
// defined in sdk/fidl/fuchsia.ui.input/input_reports.fidl
// Example:
// {'finger_id': 1, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0}
List<Map<String, int>> fingersJson = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fingers.length; i++) {
final tcoord = _rotate(fingers[i], screenRotation);
'finger_id': i + 1, // finger_id starts at 1.
'x': tcoord.x,
'y': tcoord.y,
// width and height are required. We default them to 0 size.
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.MultiFingerTap', {
'fingers': fingersJson,
if (tapEventCount != null) 'tap_event_count': tapEventCount,
if (duration != null) 'duration': duration,
return result == 'Success';
/// Swipes on the screen from coordinates ([from.x], [from.y]) to ([to.x],
/// [to.y]).
/// Coordinates must be in the range of [0, 1000] are scaled to the screen
/// size on the device, and they are rotated to compensate for the clockwise
/// [screenRotation]. How long the swipe lasts can be controlled with
/// [duration].
Future<bool> swipe(Point<int> from, Point<int> to,
{Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
Rotation screenRotation}) async {
final tfrom = _rotate(from, screenRotation);
final tto = _rotate(to, screenRotation);
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.Swipe', {
'x0': tfrom.x,
'y0': tfrom.y,
'x1': tto.x,
'y1': tto.y,
'duration': duration.inMilliseconds,
return result == 'Success';
/// Swipes fingers from coordinates ([from[finger].x], [from[finger].y]) to
/// ([to[finger].x], [to[finger].y]).
/// Coordinates must be in the range of [0, 1000], are scaled to the screen
/// size on the device, and they are rotated to compensate for the clockwise
/// [screenRotation]. How long the swipe lasts can be controlled with
/// [duration].
/// The swipe will include a DOWN event, one MOVE event every 17 milliseconds,
/// and an UP event. If [duration] is less than 17 milliseconds, no MOVE events
/// will be generated.
Future<bool> multiFingerSwipe(List<Point<int>> from, List<Point<int>> to,
{Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
Rotation screenRotation}) async {
final tfrom = => _rotate(fingerFrom, screenRotation));
final tto = => _rotate(fingerTo, screenRotation));
final fingers = zip([tfrom, tto])
.map((fingerPos) => {
'x0': fingerPos[0].x,
'y0': fingerPos[0].y,
'x1': fingerPos[1].x,
'y1': fingerPos[1].y
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.MultiFingerSwipe', {
'fingers': fingers,
'duration': duration.inMilliseconds,
return result == 'Success';
/// Enters [text], as if typed on a keyboard, with [keyEventDuration]
/// between key events.
/// [text] must be non-empty, and the characters within [text] must be
/// representable using the current keyboard layout and locale.
/// At present, it is assumed that the current layout and locale are
/// "US-QWERTY" and "en-US", respectively.
/// The number of events generated is [>= 2 * text.length]:
/// * To account for both key-down and key-up events for every character.
/// * To account for modifier keys (e.g. capital letters require pressing the
/// shift key).
Future<bool> text(String text,
{Duration keyEventDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 1)}) async {
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.Text', {
'text': text,
'key_event_duration': keyEventDuration.inMilliseconds,
return result == 'Success';
/// Simulates a single key down + up sequence, for the given [hidUsageId],
/// with [keyEventDuration] between key events.
/// [hidUsageId] must be representable as an unsigned 16-bit integer.
/// Otherwise, this method throws an [ArgumentError].
/// [hidUsageId] will be interpreted as a "Usage ID" per
// "HID Usage Table Conventions" in
/// and will be interpreted in the context of "Usage Page" 0x07,
/// which is the "Keyboard/Keypad" page.
/// Because Usage IDs are defined by an external standard, it is impractical
/// to perform detailed validation. Hence, any unsigned 16-bit value can be
/// injected successfully. Interpretation of unrecognized values is subject to
/// the choices of the system under test.
/// Per, this method will be replaced with a method that deals in
/// `fuchsia.input.Key`s, instead of HID Usage IDs.
Future<bool> keyPress(int hidUsageId,
{Duration keyPressDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 1)}) async {
const int maxHidUsageId = 0xFFFF;
if (hidUsageId > maxHidUsageId) {
throw new ArgumentError('hidUsageId is too large: $hidUsageId');
} else if (hidUsageId < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError('hidUsageId is negative: $hidUsageId');
final result = await _sl4f.request('input_facade.KeyPress', {
'hid_usage_id': hidUsageId,
'key_press_duration': keyPressDuration.inMilliseconds,
return result == 'Success';
/// Compensates for the given [screenRotation] (or the class's default
/// rotation) and clamps the coordinates to the valid range [0, 1000].
/// If null is provided, the default specified in the constructor is used.
Point<int> _rotate(Point<int> coord, Rotation screenRotation) {
final rotation = screenRotation ?? _screenRotation;
Point<int> rotatedCoord;
switch (rotation) {
case Rotation.degrees0:
rotatedCoord = coord;
case Rotation.degrees90:
rotatedCoord = Point<int>(1000 - coord.y, coord.x);
case Rotation.degrees180:
rotatedCoord = Point<int>(1000 - coord.x, 1000 - coord.y);
case Rotation.degrees270:
rotatedCoord = Point<int>(coord.y, 1000 - coord.x);
return _clamp(rotatedCoord);
/// Clamps coordinates so they remain in the [0, 1000] range.
Point<int> _clamp(Point<int> coord) =>
Point(coord.x.clamp(0, 1000), coord.y.clamp(0, 1000));