blob: 0882b0cb064176d0dddeff94676253c91ff0d865 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.element;
using fuchsia.mem;
/// Maximum length of `AnnotationKey.namespace`.
/// Maximum length of `AnnotationKey.value`.
/// Maximum number of annotations for a single element or view.
const uint32 MAX_ANNOTATIONS_PER_ELEMENT = 1024;
/// The key of an [`fuchsia.element/Annotation`].
struct AnnotationKey {
/// A namespace that disambiguates groups of keys across clients.
/// This is intended to group related keys together under the same
/// identifier, and avoid naming collisions. For example, a session may
/// use a custom namespace to define annotations that are specific
/// to its implementation.
/// The namespace is required and must be non-empty.
/// The namespace "global" is represents the global namespace, reserved for
/// annotations common across many products and session components.
/// To ensure compatibility, clients should use a unique namespace,
/// like a UUID or the client's component URL, when introducing new keys.
/// An identifier for this annotation, uniquely identifying the annotation
/// within `namespace`.
/// The value of an [`fuchsia.element/Annotation`].
/// The actual field used depends on the type of annotation.
resource union AnnotationValue {
1: string:MAX text;
2: fuchsia.mem.Buffer buffer;
/// An annotation defined dynamically by key/value pair.
/// The Session Framework does not constrain the contents of `key` and `value`
/// in any way. Cooperating components that exchange annotations must define
/// and validate annotation entries based on their own conventions.
resource struct Annotation {
/// An identfier for this annotation.
AnnotationKey key;
/// The content of this annotation.
AnnotationValue value;
/// A list of annotations on an element or its graphical view.
alias Annotations = vector<Annotation>:MAX_ANNOTATIONS_PER_ELEMENT;
/// A list of annotation keys.
alias AnnotationKeys = vector<AnnotationKey>:MAX_ANNOTATIONS_PER_ELEMENT;
/// An interface to create, read, update, and delete annotations,
/// typically on an element or its view.
protocol AnnotationController {
/// Adds, updates, and removes annotations.
/// The server is expected to adhere to the following conventions:
/// * If a key in `annotations_to_set` is new, a new annotation is added
/// * If a key in `annotations_to_set` already exists, the annotation value is updated
/// * If a key in `annotations_to_delete` does not exist, it is ignored
/// Annotations with the same key cannot be set and deleted in the same operation.
/// If the operation results in an error, the annotations remain unchanged,
/// and will not be partially updated.
/// * error `UpdateAnnotationsError.INVALID_ARGS` if the same key exists in
/// both `annotations_to_set` and `annotations_to_delete`.
/// * error `UpdateAnnotationsError.INVALID_ARGS` if a key in `annotations_to_set` or
/// `annotations_to_delete` has an empty namespace.
/// * error `UpdateAnnotationsError.INVALID_ARGS` if an `AnnotationValue.buffer` in
/// `annotations_to_set` could not be read.
/// * error `UpdateAnnotationsError.TOO_MANY_ANNOTATIONS` if the operation results
/// in more than `MAX_ANNOTATIONS_PER_ELEMENT` annotations existing.
UpdateAnnotations(Annotations annotations_to_set, AnnotationKeys annotations_to_delete)
-> () error UpdateAnnotationsError;
/// Returns the current `Annotations` for the element.
/// * error `GetAnnotationsError` if the annotations could not be returned.
GetAnnotations() -> (Annotations annotations) error GetAnnotationsError;
/// An error returned from `AnnotationController/UpdateAnnotations`
enum UpdateAnnotationsError {
/// The arguments passed to `UpdateAnnotations` are malformed.
/// The total number of annotations will exceed [`MAX_ANNOTATIONS_PER_ELEMENT`]
/// as a result of updating the annotations.
/// An error returned from `ElementController/GetAnnotations`.
enum GetAnnotationsError {
/// The `AnnotationValue.buffer` of an annotation could not be read.