blob: 895c3012d1a1ddabac8ad44959d7132d9d9afc25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !build_with_native_toolchain
package inspect
import (
type debugBlock struct {
i BlockIndex
t BlockType
o BlockOrder
e error
func matchLayout(t *testing.T, h *heap, l []debugBlock) {
var db debugBlock
i := 0
off := uint64(0)
for off < h.curSize {
if h.curSize-off < uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(Block{})) {
t.Fatalf("block doesn't fit in remaining space")
if i >= len(l) {
t.Fatalf("offset doesn't match blocks")
b := (*Block)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(h.vmoAddr) + uintptr(off)))
order := b.GetOrder()
if order > BlockOrder(maxOrderShift) {
t.Fatalf("invalid block order found")
if BlockOrder(h.curSize-off) < orderSize[order] {
t.Fatalf("block can't fit in remaining space")
db = debugBlock{BlockIndex(off / minOrderSize), b.GetType(), b.GetOrder(), nil}
tb := l[i]
if db.i != tb.i {
t.Errorf("heap block %d has index %d; want index %d", i, db.i, tb.i)
if db.t != tb.t {
t.Errorf("heap block %d has type %d; want type %d", i, db.t, tb.t)
if db.o != tb.o {
t.Errorf("heap block %d has order %d; want order %d", i, db.o, tb.o)
off += uint64(orderSize[order])
func TestHeapCreation(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(4096)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create heap")
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
func TestHeapAllocation(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(4096)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create heap: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := h.close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close heap: %v", err)
// Allocating a series of small blocks should result in in-order block indexes.
expectedBlocks := []BlockIndex{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
for i, v := range expectedBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(minAllocSize)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed allocation %d: %v", i, err)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("expectedBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, i)
// Free blocks, leaving some in the middle to ensure they chain.
freeBlocks := []BlockIndex{2, 4, 0}
for _, v := range freeBlocks {
// Allocate the small blocks again to see that we get the same ones in reverse order.
revBlocks := []BlockIndex{0, 4, 2}
for i, v := range revBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(minAllocSize)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed reverse allocation %d: %v\n", i, err)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("revBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, v)
// Free all but the first two blocks and check that the heap structure matches.
freeBlocks = []BlockIndex{4, 2, 3, 5}
for _, v := range freeBlocks {
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, ReservedBlockType, 0, nil},
{1, ReservedBlockType, 0, nil},
{2, FreeBlockType, 1, nil},
{4, FreeBlockType, 2, nil},
{8, FreeBlockType, 3, nil},
{16, FreeBlockType, 4, nil},
{32, FreeBlockType, 5, nil},
{64, FreeBlockType, 6, nil},
{128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
// Make a small free hole at offset 0, then allocate something large to ensure it occupies the largest block.
bi, err := h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("allocation for large allocation test failed: %v", err)
if bi != BlockIndex(128) {
t.Errorf("large allocation got block %d; want 128", bi)
// Free the last small allocation; this should merge all buddies allowing us to grab a large allocation in the first
// half of the VMO.
bi, err = h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("allocation for second large allocation test failed: %v", err)
if bi != BlockIndex(0) {
t.Errorf("second large allocation got block %d; want 0", bi)
blockLayout = []debugBlock{
{0, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
func TestReverseFree(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(4096)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create heap: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := h.close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close heap: %v", err)
bi, err := h.allocate(1024)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to perform first allocation: %v", err)
if bi != BlockIndex(0) {
t.Errorf("first allocation got index %d; want 0", bi)
bi, err = h.allocate(1024)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to perform second allocation: %v", err)
if bi != BlockIndex(64) {
t.Errorf("second allocation got index %d; want 64", bi)
// Ensure freed blocks are merged and we can use the whole space at index 0.
bi, err = h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("final allocation failed: %v", err)
if bi != BlockIndex(0) {
t.Errorf("final allocation got index %d; want 0", bi)
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
func TestMerge(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(4096)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create heap: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := h.close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close heap: %v", err)
// In this test, we perform 4 small allocations, and then free the allocations at indices 2, 0, and 1.
// This results in the final free seeing a situation like:
// The first two of these spaces should be merged into a block of order 1; the allocation at the end
// should prevent merging into a block of order 2.
expectedBlocks := []BlockIndex{0, 1, 2, 3}
for i, v := range expectedBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(minAllocSize)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed allocation %d: %v", i, err)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("expectedBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, v)
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, FreeBlockType, 1, nil},
{2, FreeBlockType, 0, nil},
{3, ReservedBlockType, 0, nil},
{4, FreeBlockType, 2, nil},
{8, FreeBlockType, 3, nil},
{16, FreeBlockType, 4, nil},
{32, FreeBlockType, 5, nil},
{64, FreeBlockType, 6, nil},
{128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
matchLayout(t, h, []debugBlock{{0, FreeBlockType, 7, nil}, {128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil}})
func TestHeapExtend(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(128 * 1024)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create heap: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := h.close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close heap: %v", err)
// Allocate several large blocks so the heap needs to be extended.
expectedBlocks := []BlockIndex{0, 128, 256}
for i, v := range expectedBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed allocation %d: %v", i, err)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("expectedBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, v)
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{256, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{384, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
// Allocate a couple more.
expectedBlocks = []BlockIndex{384, 512}
for i, v := range expectedBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed second allocation %d", i)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("expectedBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, v)
blockLayout = []debugBlock{
{0, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{256, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{384, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{512, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{640, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{768, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
{896, FreeBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)
func TestHeapExtendFailure(t *testing.T) {
h, err := newHeap(3 * 4096)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create heap: %v", err)
defer func() {
if err := h.close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close heap: %v", err)
expectedBlocks := []BlockIndex{0, 128, 256, 384, 512, 640}
for i, v := range expectedBlocks {
bi, err := h.allocate(2048)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed allocation %d: %v", i, err)
if bi != v {
t.Errorf("expectedBlocks: h.allocate(%d) = %d; want %d", minAllocSize, bi, v)
// Now, a new allocation should fail.
bi, err := h.allocate(2048)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected allocation to fail; it succeeded instead, returning index %d", bi)
blockLayout := []debugBlock{
{0, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{128, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{256, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{384, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{512, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
{640, ReservedBlockType, 7, nil},
matchLayout(t, h, blockLayout)