blob: 8370457fd1a99580a4964b0bf66ea66932096834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !build_with_native_toolchain
//go:generate go run blockgen.go
package inspect
import (
const (
minOrderShift = uint64(4)
minOrderSize = 1 << minOrderShift
maxOrderShift = minOrderShift + uint64(nOrders) - 1
maxOrderSize = 1 << maxOrderShift
minVMOSize = 4096
minAllocSize = uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(Block{}))
maxPayload = maxOrderSize - uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(Block{}))
// BlockIndex is a type that represents the index of a block.
type BlockIndex uint64
// heap holds internal state about the allocator.
type heap struct {
mtx sync.Mutex
vmo zx.VMO
vmoAddr zx.Vaddr
curSize uint64
maxSize uint64
allocatedBlocks uint64
freeBlocks [8]BlockIndex
func getBuddy(i BlockIndex, o BlockOrder) BlockIndex {
return i ^ (1 << o)
// newHeap returns a pointer to a new heap object that can be used for allocating Blocks. When an
// error is encountered, the supplied pointer will be nil, and the error will signify which operation
// failed.
func newHeap(maxSize uint64) (*heap, error) {
// Ensure that we're at least the minimum size, and pad the max size to a page boundary.
if maxSize < minVMOSize {
maxSize = minVMOSize
if maxSize&0xfff != 0 {
maxSize += (4096 - (maxSize & 4095)) & 4095
// Create and map a new VMO of the requested size.
vmo, err := zx.NewVMO(maxSize, zx.VMOOption(0))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vaddr, err := zx.VMARRoot.Map(0, vmo, 0, maxSize, zx.VMFlagPermRead|zx.VMFlagPermWrite)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize the heap and make minVMOSize of it available for allocation.
h := &heap{
curSize: 0,
maxSize: maxSize,
vmo: vmo,
vmoAddr: vaddr,
return h, nil
func (h *heap) dump() (string, error) {
out := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
fmt.Fprintf(out, "heap state: %+v\n", h)
off := uint64(0)
for off < h.curSize {
if h.curSize-off < uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(Block{})) {
return out.String(), fmt.Errorf("Block at %d doesn't fit in remaining space\n", off)
b := (*Block)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(h.vmoAddr) + uintptr(off)))
order := b.GetOrder()
if order > BlockOrder(maxOrderShift) {
return out.String(), fmt.Errorf("block order %d at offset %d invalid\n", order, off)
if BlockOrder(h.curSize-off) < orderSize[order] {
return out.String(), fmt.Errorf("block order %d can't fit in remaining space at offset %d\n", order, off)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "Block[%d]: %s\n", off, b)
off += uint64(orderSize[order])
return out.String(), nil
// close releases resources associated with the heap when this call is the final reference to the heap.
// It returns an error if releasing resources fails for any reason.
func (h *heap) close() error {
if h.allocatedBlocks > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("won't free heap with %d outstanding allocations", h.allocatedBlocks)
defer h.mtx.Unlock()
if err := zx.VMARRoot.Unmap(h.vmoAddr, h.maxSize); err != nil {
return err
return h.vmo.Close()
// getVMO returns a read-only handle to the heap's VMO. On error, it returns an invalid handle
// and an error signifying the failure. The returned duplicated handle must be closed using the
// heap's CloseVMO method.
func (h *heap) getVMO() (zx.VMO, error) {
defer h.mtx.Unlock()
handle := zx.Handle(h.vmo)
d, err := handle.Duplicate(zx.RightRead)
return zx.VMO(d), err
// getBlock returns a pointer to a Block at the specified index. It returns a nil Block and an error when the supplied
// index is out of bounds of the underlying VMO, or if the span covered by the block would be out of bounds.
func (h *heap) getBlock(i BlockIndex) (*Block, error) {
// Check that the smallest block could fit within the VMO.
if uintptr(h.vmoAddr)+uintptr(i*minOrderSize)+unsafe.Sizeof(Block{}) > uintptr(h.vmoAddr)+uintptr(h.maxSize) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block %d is out of bounds", i)
// Check that the block at this index doesn't extend past the end of the VMO.
b := (*Block)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(h.vmoAddr) + uintptr(i*minOrderSize)))
if uintptr(h.vmoAddr)+uintptr(i*minOrderSize)+uintptr(orderSize[b.GetOrder()]) > uintptr(h.vmoAddr)+uintptr(h.maxSize) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("block %d extends out of bounds", i)
return b, nil
func (h *heap) isFree(i BlockIndex, expectedOrder BlockOrder) bool {
if i >= BlockIndex(h.curSize/minOrderSize) {
return false
b, err := h.getBlock(i)
if err != nil {
return false
return b.GetType() == FreeBlockType && b.GetOrder() == expectedOrder
// allocate returns the index of a block that fits the requested size. On error, it returns a zeroed
// BlockIndex and a non-nil error.
func (h *heap) allocate(minSize uint64) (BlockIndex, error) {
defer h.mtx.Unlock()
// Determine the minimum size class that will fit the requested allocation.
minOrder := nOrders
for i, v := range orderSize {
if BlockOrder(minSize) <= v {
minOrder = uint(i)
if minOrder >= 8 {
return BlockIndex(0), errors.New("supplied size doesn't fit in any pool buckets")
// Try to find a free block in this size class.
nextOrder := nOrders
for i := minOrder; i < nOrders; i++ {
if h.isFree(h.freeBlocks[i], BlockOrder(i)) {
nextOrder = i
// We failed to find a free block, so extend the range of the VMO and use a newly-free block.
if nextOrder == nOrders {
if err := h.extend(h.curSize * 2); err != nil {
return BlockIndex(0), err
nextOrder = nOrders - 1
// We have a block; split it repeatedly until it is the minimum acceptable size to fit the allocation.
bi := h.freeBlocks[nextOrder]
for {
b, err := h.getBlock(bi)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if b.GetOrder() > BlockOrder(minOrder) {
if h.splitBlock(bi) == false {
return 0, errors.New("failed to split block")
} else {
return bi, nil
// free frees the block at the supplied BlockIndex.
func (h *heap) free(i BlockIndex) {
defer h.mtx.Unlock()
block, err := h.getBlock(i)
if err != nil {
buddyIdx := getBuddy(i, block.GetOrder())
buddy, err := h.getBlock(buddyIdx)
if err != nil {
// Merge buddies of the freed block until the buddy is either not free, or we hit the maximum block size.
for buddy.GetType() == FreeBlockType && block.GetOrder() < BlockOrder(nOrders-1) && block.GetOrder() == buddy.GetOrder() {
blockPtr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(block))
buddyPtr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buddy))
if buddyPtr < blockPtr {
block, buddy = buddy, block
i, buddyIdx = buddyIdx, i
block.SetOrder(block.GetOrder() + 1)
buddyIdx = getBuddy(i, block.GetOrder())
buddy, err = h.getBlock(buddyIdx)
if err != nil {
// Put the block back onto the freelist.
block.Free(block.GetOrder(), h.freeBlocks[block.GetOrder()])
h.freeBlocks[block.GetOrder()] = i
func (h *heap) splitBlock(i BlockIndex) bool {
b, err := h.getBlock(i)
if err != nil {
return false
if b.GetOrder() >= BlockOrder(nOrders) {
return false
// Lower the order on the original block and find its new buddy, adding both to the freelist of the new order.
newOrder := b.GetOrder() - 1
buddyIdx := getBuddy(i, newOrder)
buddy, err := h.getBlock(buddyIdx)
if err != nil {
return false
b.Free(newOrder, buddyIdx)
buddy.Free(newOrder, h.freeBlocks[newOrder])
h.freeBlocks[newOrder] = i
return true
func (h *heap) removeFree(i BlockIndex) bool {
b, err := h.getBlock(i)
if err != nil {
return false
rmBlock := b.AsFreeBlock()
order := rmBlock.GetOrder()
if order >= BlockOrder(nOrders) {
return false
// Fast path: unlink this block from the head of the list.
next := h.freeBlocks[order]
if next == i {
h.freeBlocks[order] = BlockIndex(rmBlock.GetNextFree())
return true
// Slow path: iterate through the freelist until we find the position for this block and unlink it from that position.
for h.isFree(next, order) {
b, err = h.getBlock(next)
if err != nil {
return false
cur := b.AsFreeBlock()
next = BlockIndex(cur.GetNextFree())
if next == i {
return true
return false
func (h *heap) extend(newSize uint64) error {
if h.curSize == h.maxSize && newSize > h.maxSize {
return errors.New("heap already at maximum size")
// Bound the new size to the maximum size
if newSize > h.maxSize {
newSize = h.maxSize
if h.curSize > newSize {
return nil
minIdx := BlockIndex(h.curSize / minOrderSize)
lastIdx := h.freeBlocks[nOrders-1]
curIdx := BlockIndex((newSize - (newSize & (minVMOSize - 1))) / minOrderSize)
for {
curIdx -= maxOrderSize / minOrderSize
b, err := h.getBlock(curIdx)
if err != nil {
return err
b.Free(BlockOrder(nOrders-1), lastIdx)
lastIdx = curIdx
if curIdx <= minIdx {
h.freeBlocks[nOrders-1] = lastIdx
h.curSize = newSize
return nil