blob: d79f9158bbed179b49255ae79c6e41d78aa3139b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
fidl ""
var primitiveTypes = map[fidl.PrimitiveSubtype]string{
fidl.Bool: "bool",
fidl.Int8: "int8_t",
fidl.Int16: "int16_t",
fidl.Int32: "int32_t",
fidl.Int64: "int64_t",
fidl.Uint8: "uint8_t",
fidl.Uint16: "uint16_t",
fidl.Uint32: "uint32_t",
fidl.Uint64: "uint64_t",
fidl.Float32: "float",
fidl.Float64: "double",
func mustReadJSONIr(filename string) fidl.Root {
root, err := fidl.ReadJSONIr(filename)
if err != nil {
return root
func main() {
cmdlineflags := GetFlags()
options := make(Options)
flag.Var(&options, "options",
"comma-separated list if name=value pairs.")
if !flag.Parsed() || !cmdlineflags.Valid() {
results := GenerateFidl(*cmdlineflags.templatePath,
if results != nil {
log.Printf("Error running generator: %v", results)
// Amendments to be applied to a fidl.Root
type Amendments struct {
ExcludedDecls []fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier `json:"exclusions,omitempty"`
func (a Amendments) Amend(root fidl.Root) fidl.Root {
return a.ApplyExclusions(root)
func (a Amendments) ApplyExclusions(root fidl.Root) fidl.Root {
if len(a.ExcludedDecls) == 0 {
return root
excludeMap := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]struct{})
for _, excludedDecl := range a.ExcludedDecls {
excludeMap[excludedDecl] = struct{}{}
delete(root.Decls, excludedDecl)
newConsts := root.Consts[:0]
for _, element := range root.Consts {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newConsts = append(newConsts, element)
root.Consts = newConsts
newEnums := root.Enums[:0]
for _, element := range root.Enums {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newEnums = append(newEnums, element)
root.Enums = newEnums
newProtocols := root.Protocols[:0]
for _, element := range root.Protocols {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newProtocols = append(newProtocols, element)
root.Protocols = newProtocols
newStructs := root.Structs[:0]
for _, element := range root.Structs {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newStructs = append(newStructs, element)
root.Structs = newStructs
newTables := root.Tables[:0]
for _, element := range root.Tables {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newTables = append(newTables, element)
root.Tables = newTables
newUnions := root.Unions[:0]
for _, element := range root.Unions {
_, found := excludeMap[element.Name]
if !found {
newUnions = append(newUnions, element)
root.Unions = newUnions
newDeclOrder := root.DeclOrder[:0]
for _, element := range root.DeclOrder {
_, found := excludeMap[element]
if !found {
newDeclOrder = append(newDeclOrder, element)
root.DeclOrder = newDeclOrder
return root
// Root struct passed as the initial 'dot' for the template.
type Root struct {
OutputBase string
templates *template.Template
options Options
constsByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Const
enumsByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Enum
protocolsByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Protocol
structsByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Struct
tablesByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Table
unionsByName map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Union
librariesByName map[fidl.EncodedLibraryIdentifier]*fidl.Library
func NewRoot(ir fidl.Root, outputBase string, templates *template.Template, options Options) *Root {
constsByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Const)
for index, member := range ir.Consts {
constsByName[member.Name] = &ir.Consts[index]
enumsByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Enum)
for index, member := range ir.Enums {
enumsByName[member.Name] = &ir.Enums[index]
protocolsByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Protocol)
for index, member := range ir.Protocols {
protocolsByName[member.Name] = &ir.Protocols[index]
// filter out all anonymous structs
allStructs := ir.Structs
ir.Structs = make([]fidl.Struct, 0)
for _, member := range allStructs {
if member.Anonymous {
ir.Structs = append(ir.Structs, member)
structsByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Struct)
for index, member := range ir.Structs {
structsByName[member.Name] = &ir.Structs[index]
tablesByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Table)
for index, member := range ir.Tables {
tablesByName[member.Name] = &ir.Tables[index]
unionsByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier]*fidl.Union)
for index, member := range ir.Unions {
unionsByName[member.Name] = &ir.Unions[index]
librariesByName := make(map[fidl.EncodedLibraryIdentifier]*fidl.Library)
for index, member := range ir.Libraries {
librariesByName[member.Name] = &ir.Libraries[index]
return &Root{
// Applies the specified template to the specified data and writes the output
// to outputPath.
func (root Root) Generate(outputPath string, template string, data interface{}) (string, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(outputPath), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return "", err
f, err := os.Create(outputPath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer f.Close()
err = root.templates.ExecuteTemplate(f, template, data)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
// Returns an output file path with the specified extension.
func (root Root) Output(ext string) string {
return root.OutputBase + ext
// Gets a constant by name.
func (root Root) GetConst(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Const {
return root.constsByName[name]
// Gets an enum by name.
func (root Root) GetEnum(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Enum {
return root.enumsByName[name]
// Gets a protocol by name.
func (root Root) GetProtocol(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Protocol {
return root.protocolsByName[name]
// Gets a struct by name.
func (root Root) GetStruct(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Struct {
return root.structsByName[name]
// Gets a struct by name.
func (root Root) GetTable(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Table {
return root.tablesByName[name]
// Gets a union by name.
func (root Root) GetUnion(name fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) *fidl.Union {
return root.unionsByName[name]
// Gets a library by name.
func (root Root) GetLibrary(name fidl.EncodedLibraryIdentifier) *fidl.Library {
return root.librariesByName[name]
// Generates code using the specified template.
func GenerateFidl(templatePath string, ir fidl.Root, outputBase *string, options Options) error {
returnBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(templatePath)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading from %s: %v", templatePath, err)
tmpls := template.New("Templates")
root := NewRoot(ir, *outputBase, tmpls, options)
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
// Gets the decltype for an EncodedCompoundIdentifier.
"declType": func(eci fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) fidl.DeclType {
if root.Name == eci.LibraryName() {
return root.Decls[eci]
library := root.GetLibrary(eci.LibraryName())
return library.Decls[eci].Type
// Determines if an EncodedCompoundIdentifier refers to a local definition.
"isLocal": func(eci fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier) bool {
return root.Name == eci.LibraryName()
// Converts an identifier to snake case.
"toSnakeCase": func(id fidl.Identifier) string {
return fidl.ToSnakeCase(string(id))
// Converts an identifier to upper camel case.
"toUpperCamelCase": func(id fidl.Identifier) string {
return fidl.ToUpperCamelCase(string(id))
// Converts an identifier to lower camel case.
"toLowerCamelCase": func(id fidl.Identifier) string {
return fidl.ToLowerCamelCase(string(id))
// Converts an identifier to friendly case.
"toFriendlyCase": func(id fidl.Identifier) string {
return fidl.ToFriendlyCase(string(id))
// Removes a leading 'k' from an identifier.
"removeLeadingK": func(id fidl.Identifier) string {
return fidl.RemoveLeadingK(string(id))
// Gets an option value (as a string) by name.
"getOption": func(name string) string {
return root.options[name]
// Gets an option (as an Identifier) by name.
"getOptionAsIdentifier": func(name string) fidl.Identifier {
return fidl.Identifier(root.options[name])
// Gets an option (as an EncodedLibraryIdentifier) by name.
"getOptionAsEncodedLibraryIdentifier": func(name string) fidl.EncodedLibraryIdentifier {
return fidl.EncodedLibraryIdentifier(root.options[name])
// Gets an option (as an EncodedCompoundIdentifier) by name.
"getOptionAsEncodedCompoundIdentifier": func(name string) fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier {
return fidl.EncodedCompoundIdentifier(root.options[name])
// Returns the template executed
"execTmpl": func(template string, data interface{}) (string, error) {
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
err = root.templates.ExecuteTemplate(buffer, template, data)
return buffer.String(), err
// Determines if a protocol is discoverable.
"isDiscoverable": func(i fidl.Protocol) bool {
_, found := i.LookupAttribute("Discoverable")
return found
// Determines if a method is transitional.
"isTransitional": func(m fidl.Method) bool {
_, found := m.LookupAttribute("Transitional")
return found
// Converts a primitive subtype to its C equivalent.
"toCType": func(p fidl.PrimitiveSubtype) string {
return primitiveTypes[p]
err = tmpls.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "Main", root)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil