blob: 1c6a705b00643afcadac0ca7c99744c4dfd2f355 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// NOTE: The comments that have [START/END ...] in them are used to identify
// code snippets that appear in the documentation. Please be aware that
// changes in these blocks will affect the documentation on
// [START imports]
// The server uses async code to be able to listen for incoming Echo requests and connections
// asynchronously.
import 'dart:async';
// The fidl package contains general utility code for using FIDL in Dart.
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart' as fidl;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_examples/fidl_async.dart' as fidl_echo;
// The fuchsia_services package interfaces with the Fuchsia system. In particular, it is used
// to expose a service to other components
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart' as sys;
import 'package:fuchsia_logger/logger.dart';
// [END imports]
// [START impl]
// Create an implementation for the Echo protocol by overriding the
// fidl_echo.Echo class from the bindings
class _EchoImpl extends fidl_echo.Echo {
// The stream controller for the stream of OnString events
final _onStringStreamController = StreamController<String>();
// Implementation of EchoString that just echoes the request value back
Future<String> echoString(String value) async {'Received EchoString request: $value');
return value;
// Implementing of SendString that sends an OnString event back with the
// request value
Future<void> sendString(String value) async {'Received SendString request: $value');
// Returns the stream of OnString events. _binding will listen to this stream
// and encode and send events to the client.
Stream<String> get onString =>;
// [END impl]
// [START main]
void main(List<String> args) {
setupLogger(name: 'echo-server');
// Each FIDL protocol class has an accompanying Binding class, which takes
// an implementation of the protocol and a channel, and dispatches incoming
// requests on the channel to the protocol implementation.
final binding = fidl_echo.EchoBinding();'Running Echo server');
// Serves the implementation by passing it a handler for incoming requests,
// and the name of the protocol it is providing.
final context = sys.StartupContext.fromStartupInfo();
final echo = _EchoImpl();
(fidl.InterfaceRequest<fidl_echo.Echo> serverEnd) =>
binding.bind(echo, serverEnd),
// [END main]