blob: 9a13ff26373328734e324b2cb62608592ce4fc49 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
if (is_fuchsia) {
# Controls whether the compiler emits full stack frames for function calls.
# This reduces performance but increases the ability to generate good
# stack traces, especially when we have bugs around unwind table generation.
# It applies only for Fuchsia targets (see below where it is unset).
# TODO( Theoretically unwind tables should be good enough so we can
# remove this option when the issues are addressed.
enable_frame_pointers = is_debug
# Controls whether the rust compiler uses v0 symbol mangling scheme
# (see
# The v0 symbol mangling scheme requires upstream LLVM support when demangling,
# so it is not on by default.
# TODO( Enable v0 mangling by default.
rust_v0_symbol_mangling = false
# No frame pointers for host compiles.
if (!is_fuchsia) {
enable_frame_pointers = false
# Turns on the rust compilation analysis generator. This will produce a
# directory $OUT/save-analysis-temp, which will dump all the source analysis
# that the compiler collected while analyzing the source. This config is
# included conditionally, see //build/config/ for details.
config("rust_analysis") {
rustflags = [ "-Zsave-analysis" ]
config("rust_edition_2018") {
rustflags = [ "--edition=2018" ]
config("rust_edition_2015") {
rustflags = [ "--edition=2015" ]
config("rust_opt_level_z") {
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
config("rust_no_features") {
rustflags = [ "-Zallow-features=" ]
config("netstack3_only_specialization_feature") {
rustflags = [
config("rust_2018_idioms") {
rustflags = [ "-Wrust-2018-idioms" ]
config("rust_target") {
rustflags = [
config("rust_panic_abort") {
rustflags = [
config("rust_v0_symbol_mangling") {
if (rust_v0_symbol_mangling) {
rustflags = [ "-Zsymbol-mangling-version=v0" ]
# TODO( remove this allowance
config("rust_allow_redundant_semicolons") {
rustflags = [ "-Aredundant-semicolons" ]
config("language") {
cflags_c = [ "-std=c11" ]
cflags_cc = [ "-std=c++$experimental_cxx_version" ]
if (current_os == "mac") {
# macOS needs this to not complain about C++17isms that older macOS
# system libc++ doesn't support. But we use our own toolchain's static
# libc++ anyway.
cflags_cc += [ "-faligned-allocation" ]
# libc++ headers mark some symbols as unavailable on macOS by default
# because the system libc++ doesn't support them. But we use our own
# toolchain's static libc++ anyway.
config("color_diagnostics") {
# GCC correctly defaults this from the terminal, so leave it alone.
if (!is_gcc) {
cflags = [ "-fcolor-diagnostics" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
# The macOS linker does not support `--color-diagnostics`.
if (current_os != "mac") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,--color-diagnostics" ]
config("crash-diagnostics-dir") {
if (!is_gcc && crash_diagnostics_dir != "") {
cflags = [ "-fcrash-diagnostics-dir=" +
rebase_path(crash_diagnostics_dir, root_build_dir) ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
config("time-trace") {
if (!is_gcc && time_trace) {
cflags = [ "-ftime-trace" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
config("compiler") {
cflags = []
cflags_cc = [ "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ]
cflags_objcc = [ "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ]
configs = [
if (!is_gcc) {
configs += [ ":clang_defaults" ]
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:compiler" ]
} else {
if (current_os == "linux") {
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:compiler" ]
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:compiler" ]
asmflags = cflags
# These flags are enabled by default in Fuchsia's Clang toolchain, but we set
# them explicitly to support other Clang toolchains and Clang-based tools.
config("clang_defaults") {
cflags = [ "-fexperimental-new-pass-manager" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
if (clang_embed_bitcode) {
cflags += [
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
asmflags += [ "-Wa,--mrelax-relocations=yes" ]
# We want to force a recompile and relink of the world whenever our toolchain
# changes since artifacts from an older version of the toolchain may or may not
# be compatible with newer ones.
# To achieve this, we insert an unused flag in the compile line.
config("toolchain_version_stamp") {
if (clang_prefix == default_clang_prefix) {
clang_version = read_file(
defines = [ "TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=${clang_version.instance_id}" ]
rustflags = [ "--cfg=__rust_toolchain=\"${rustc_version_string}\"" ]
config("relative_paths") {
# TODO( Keep in sync with //zircon/public/gn/config:relative_paths
# until build unification completes.
if (is_gcc) {
if (use_goma) {
# TODO( `-fdebug-prefix-map` is also used by Goma to canonicalize
# build commands, allowing it to reuse compilation results for users running
# out of different working directories. However, it only supports a single
# "-fdebug-prefix-map" prefix. Attempting to provide more than one causes
# canonicalization to fail, meaning that builds running out of different
# directories won't share cache results. For now, we just provide a single
# debug-prefix-map, even though more would be ideal.
# Map "/some/dir/fuchsia" to "../..".
cflags = [ "-fdebug-prefix-map=" + rebase_path("$zx/..") + "=" +
rebase_path("$zx/..", root_build_dir) ]
} else {
cflags = [
# Map "/some/dir/fuchsia/out/" to ".".
"-fdebug-prefix-map=" + rebase_path(root_build_dir) + "=.",
# Map "/some/dir/fuchsia/out" to "..".
"-fdebug-prefix-map=" + rebase_path("$root_build_dir/..") + "=..",
# Map "/some/dir/fuchsia" to "../..".
"-fdebug-prefix-map=" + rebase_path("$zx/..") + "=" +
rebase_path("$zx/..", root_build_dir),
} else {
# Make builds independent of the absolute file path. -fdebug-prefix-map=
# can be used to the same effect, but it requires putting the absolute path
# to the build directory in the compile command, thus making it dependent
# on the absolute path of build directory. -fdebug-compilation-dir is
# designed to address this issue, making both debug info and the compile
# command itself independent of the absolute path of the build directory.
cflags = [
if (!is_gcc) {
# This makes sure that include directories in the toolchain are
# represented as relative to the build directory (because that's how we
# invoke the compiler), rather than absolute. This can affect __FILE__
# expansions (e.g. assertions in system headers). We normally run a
# compiler that's someplace within the source tree, so its absolute
# installation path will have a prefix matching `absolute_path` and
# hence be mapped to `relative_path` in the debugging information, so
# this should actually be superfluous for purposes of the debugging
# information.
cflags += [ "-no-canonical-prefixes" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
if (current_os == "win") {
ldflags += [
# This embeds just "name.pdb" in the binary instead of the absolute
# path to the PDB file.
# This embeds a fake Windows-style absolute path rather than the real
# build-time absolute path in the PDB file. Windows apparently
# requires an absolute path here, so we use an arbitrary fake one for
# reproducibility.
rustflags = [
rebase_path("//") + "=" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
config("debug") {
# TODO(phosek): remove this config when nothing refers on it.
config("release") {
defines = [ "NDEBUG=1" ]
config("exceptions") {
cflags_cc = [ "-fexceptions" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
ldflags = cflags_cc
config("no_exceptions") {
cflags_cc = [ "-fno-exceptions" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
ldflags = cflags_cc
config("rtti") {
cflags_cc = [ "-frtti" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
ldflags = cflags_cc
config("no_rtti") {
cflags_cc = [ "-fno-rtti" ]
cflags_objcc = cflags_cc
ldflags = cflags_cc
config("default_include_dirs") {
include_dirs = [
config("linker_gc") {
cflags = [
ldflags = cflags
if (current_os == "mac") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,-dead_strip" ]
} else if (current_os == "win") {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,/opt:ref" ]
} else {
ldflags += [ "-Wl,--gc-sections" ]
config("linker_string_merging") {
if (current_os == "win") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,/opt:lldtailmerge" ]
} else if (current_os != "mac") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-O2" ]
# Each optimize_$optimize config below corresponds to a single setting that's
# controlled by the optimize argument. The default_optimize level is set to
# optimize_$optimize for convenience, but individual targets can override their
# optimization level by remove default_optimize and manually applying one of
# the configs below.
# The linker_gc_$optimize configs are an exact parallel. default_linker_gc
# is separate from default_optimize so it can be removed separately.
# NOTE: Keep in sync with //zircon/public/gn/config/
config("optimize_none") {
cflags = [ "-O0" ]
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=0" ]
config("optimize_debug") {
if (false) {
# TODO(phosek): consider different settings to improve performance.
# -Og is what the compiler documents as "optimize the debugging
# experience", but zxdb team has reported Clang's -Og is problematic.
# This should have a bug# for a detailed bug about -Og and/or Rust-O1
# making debugging difficult in known specific reproducible ways.
cflags = [ "-Og" ]
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
} else {
configs = [ ":optimize_none" ]
config("optimize_default") {
cflags = [ "-O2" ]
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=2" ]
config("optimize_size") {
if (is_gcc) {
cflags = [ "-Os" ]
} else {
cflags = [ "-Oz" ]
ldflags = cflags
if (!is_gcc && clang_ml_inliner) {
cflags += [
# `release` uses AOT model embedded inside the compiler.
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=z" ]
configs = [ ":linker_string_merging" ]
config("optimize_speed") {
cflags = [ "-O3" ]
ldflags = cflags
# TODO( This should be the same as for C/C++. Also,
# we don't fully understand why -Os is smaller than -Oz.
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=s" ]
configs = [ ":linker_string_merging" ]
config("optimize_sanitizer") {
# Instrumentation adds overhead that is greatly improved by optimization.
# -O1 is well-tested with the instrumentation modes and does not degrade the
# comprehensibility of backtraces produced by sanitizer failures.
cflags = [ "-O1" ]
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Copt-level=1" ]
config("optimize_profile") {
# TODO( Perhaps use a different default.
configs = [ ":optimize_none" ]
config("default_optimize") {
configs = [ ":optimize_${optimize}" ]
config("linker_gc_none") {
# No linker GC when wholly unoptimized.
# Linker GC is a good default for most cases.
config("linker_gc_debug") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc" ]
config("linker_gc_default") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc" ]
config("linker_gc_size") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc" ]
config("linker_gc_speed") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc" ]
config("linker_gc_sanitizer") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc" ]
config("linker_gc_profile") {
# TODO( See if we can enable linker GC for profile.
config("default_linker_gc") {
configs = [ ":linker_gc_$optimize" ]
# Each of the debuginfo_$debuginfo configs below corresponds to a single setting
# that controls the amount of debugging information used and is controlled by
# the debuginfo argument. The default_debuginfo level is set to
# debuginfo_$debuginfo for convenience, but individual targets can override
# their debuginfo level by manually applying one of the configs below.
# NOTE: Keep in sync with //zircon/public/gn/config/
config("debuginfo_none") {
cflags = [ "-g0" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Cdebuginfo=0" ]
config("debuginfo_backtrace") {
cflags = [ "-g1" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Cdebuginfo=1" ]
config("debuginfo_debug") {
cflags = [ "-g3" ]
asmflags = cflags
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Cdebuginfo=2" ]
config("default_debuginfo") {
configs = [ ":debuginfo_${debuginfo}" ]
if (debuginfo != "none" && current_os == "win") {
# TODO( This produces the .pdb file, but it doesn't seem
# to get the DWARF data out of the main output file.
ldflags = [ "-Wl,/debug:full" ]
config("default_frame_pointers") {
if (enable_frame_pointers) {
configs = [ ":frame_pointers" ]
} else {
configs = [ ":no_frame_pointers" ]
config("frame_pointers") {
cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
ldflags = cflags
rustflags = [ "-Cforce-frame-pointers" ]
config("no_frame_pointers") {
cflags = [ "-fomit-frame-pointer" ]
ldflags = cflags
# rustc automatically does this for release builds, and there's no way to
# force it for non-release.
config("default_warnings") {
cflags = [
# TODO( Temporarily disable C99 designator warnings introduced in
# After the new Clang toolchain lands
# and we do some cleanup, this will be re-enabled.
# TODO( Temporarily disable this warning until we roll toolchain.
# Then we can re-enable it and cleanup instances it appears.
# TODO( Keep this flag here while it is enabled in ZN to keep the
# flags unified.
# TODO( Temporarily disable this warning until we roll toolchain,
# then come back and fix the instances this appears after rolling.
# TODO( Temporarily disable this warning until we disable it
# individually for affected third_party libraries.
cflags_cc = [
# TODO( Keep this flag here while it is enabled in ZN to keep the
# flags unified.
# TODO( Temporarily disable this warning until we roll toolchain,
# then come back and fix the instances this appears after rolling.
# TODO( Temporarily disable this warning until we roll toolchain,
# then come back and fix the instances this appears after rolling.
# TODO( clean up instances of this outside of third party code.
config("Wno-reorder-init-list") {
cflags = [ "-Wno-reorder-init-list" ]
visibility = [
# TODO( clean up instances of this outside of third party code.
config("Wno-unused-function") {
cflags = [ "-Wno-unused-function" ]
visibility = [
# TODO( clean up instances of this outside of third party code.
config("Wno-conversion") {
cflags = [ "-Wno-conversion" ]
visibility = [
# TODO( clean up instances of this outside of third party code.
# This is the same as "Wno-conversion" above but without a visibility list.
# This in turn allows us to have generated code depend on this config. Having
# an explicit allowlist for generated code (e.g. fidl_cpp template expansions)
# is not practical.
# Please use with care, or not at all.
config("Wno-conversion-generated") {
cflags = [ "-Wno-conversion" ]
config("symbol_visibility_hidden") {
# Disable libc++ visibility annotations to make sure that the compiler option
# has effect on symbols defined in libc++ headers. Note that we don't want to
# disable these annotations altogether to ensure that our toolchain is usable
# outside of our build since not every user uses hidden visibility by default.
cflags = [ "-fvisibility=hidden" ]
config("symbol_no_undefined") {
if (current_os == "mac") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-undefined,error" ]
} else {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--no-undefined" ]
config("shared_library_config") {
configs = []
cflags = []
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:shared_library_config" ]
} else if (current_os == "linux") {
cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:mac_dynamic_flags" ]
config("executable_config") {
configs = []
if (current_os == "fuchsia") {
configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:executable_config" ]
} else if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [
config("default_libs") {
configs = []
if (current_os == "mac") {
configs += [ "//build/config/mac:default_libs" ]
config("no-shadow-call-stack") {
if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
cflags = [ "-fsanitize=no-shadow-call-stack" ]
# Defines a Rust cfg flag with the value of the rust_panic build arg.
# Useful for changing behavior of code based on panic behavior.
config("rust_panic_cfg") {
rustflags = [ "--cfg=rust_panic=\"${rust_panic}\"" ]
config("werror") {
if (!use_ccache) {
cflags = [
# Declarations marked as deprecated should cause build failures, rather
# they should emit warnings to notify developers about the use of
# deprecated interfaces.
# Do not add additional -Wno-error to this config.
asmflags = [ "-Wa,--fatal-warnings" ]
cflags += asmflags
rustflags = [ "-Dwarnings" ]
config("temporarily_disable_ubsan_do_not_use") {
cflags = [ "-fno-sanitize=undefined" ]
config("no_stack_protector") {
cflags = [ "-fno-stack-protector" ]
config("no_sanitizers") {
cflags = [
configs = [ ":no_stack_protector" ]
config("no_profile") {
# The difference between this config and removing //build/config/profile is
# the dynamic linker setting which is necessary for it to use at runtime with
# the libraries it was linked against.
cflags = [
# IMPORTANT: Keep the configs below in sync with //zircon/public/gn/config/
# TODO( Remove above comment after build unification.
config("icf") {
# This changes C/C++ semantics and might be incompatible with third-party
# code that relies on function pointers comparison.
if (current_os == "win" && (linker == "lld" || !is_gcc)) {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,/opt:icf=all" ]
} else if (linker == "gold" || linker == "lld") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--icf=all" ]
# "_ALL_SOURCE" is used by some system headers to expose more features (say in fcntl.h) beyond those
# strictly defined in standard.
config("all_source") {
defines = [ "_ALL_SOURCE" ]
config("thread_safety_annotations") {
if (!is_gcc) {
cflags = [ "-Wthread-safety" ]
# Tools that must be executed locally.
pool("local") {
depth = default_concurrent_jobs.local