blob: dc5c081879a48e62f64232bdc92ef36898ac28d6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("factory") {
defines = [ "FACTORY_BUILD" ]
config("rndis") {
defines = [ "ENABLE_RNDIS=1" ]
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-bind") {
rules = "sherlock.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock.bindbc"
tests = "sherlock-bind-tests.json"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("luis-bind") {
rules = "luis.bind"
header_output = "luis-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis.bindbc"
tests = "luis-bind-tests.json"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-buttons-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-buttons.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-buttons-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-buttons-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-touch-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-touch.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-touch-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-touch-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("luis-touch-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-touch.bind"
header_output = "luis-touch-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-touch-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-pwm-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-pwm.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-pwm-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-pwm-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-backlight-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-backlight.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-backlight-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-backlight-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-display-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-display.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-display-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-display_bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-mali-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-mali.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-mali-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-mali-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-spi-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-spi.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-spi-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-spi-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-tee-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-tee.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-tee-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-tee-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-bluetooth-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-bluetooth.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-bluetooth-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-bluetooth-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-video-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-video.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-video-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-video-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-video-enc-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-video-enc.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-video-enc-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-video-enc-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-hevc-enc-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-hevc-enc.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-hevc-enc-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-hevc-enc-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("luis-cpu-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-cpu.bind"
header_output = "luis-cpu-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-cpu-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-cpu-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-cpu.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-cpu-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-cpu-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-emmc-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-emmc.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-emmc-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-emmc-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-nna-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-nna.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-nna-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-nna-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-securemem-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-securemem.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-securemem-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-securemem-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("aml-usb-phy-v2-bind") {
rules = "bind/aml-usb-phy-v2.bind"
header_output = "aml-usb-phy-v2-bind.h"
bind_output = "aml-usb-phy-v2-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("dwc2-phy-bind") {
rules = "bind/dwc2-phy.bind"
header_output = "dwc2-phy-bind.h"
bind_output = "dwc2-phy-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("xhci-bind") {
rules = "bind/xhci.bind"
header_output = "xhci-bind.h"
bind_output = "xhci-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("gpio-light-bind") {
rules = "bind/gpio-light.bind"
header_output = "gpio-light-bind.h"
bind_output = "gpio-light-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-light-sensor-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-light-sensor.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-light-sensor-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-light-sensor-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-ot-radio-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-ot-radio.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-ot-radio-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-ot-radio-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-thermal-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-thermal.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-thermal-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-thermal-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-sdio-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-sdio.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-sdio-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-sdio-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-wifi-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-wifi.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-wifi-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-wifi-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("imx227-sensor-bind") {
rules = "bind/imx227-sensor.bind"
header_output = "imx227-sensor-bind.h"
bind_output = "imx227-sensor-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("camera-gdc-bind") {
rules = "bind/camera-gdc.bind"
header_output = "camera-gdc-bind.h"
bind_output = "camera-gdc-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("camera-ge2d-bind") {
rules = "bind/camera-ge2d.bind"
header_output = "camera-ge2d-bind.h"
bind_output = "camera-ge2d-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("camera-isp-bind") {
rules = "bind/camera-isp.bind"
header_output = "camera-isp-bind.h"
bind_output = "camera-isp-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("camera-controller-bind") {
rules = "bind/camera-controller.bind"
header_output = "camera-controller-bind.h"
bind_output = "camera-controller-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("luis-codec-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-codec.bind"
header_output = "luis-codec-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-codec-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-woofer-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-woofer.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-woofer-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-woofer-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-tweeter-left-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-tweeter-left.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-tweeter-left-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-tweeter-left-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("sherlock-tweeter-right-bind") {
rules = "bind/sherlock-tweeter-right.bind"
header_output = "sherlock-tweeter-right-bind.h"
bind_output = "sherlock-tweeter-right-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("ernie-tweeter-bind") {
rules = "bind/ernie-tweeter.bind"
header_output = "ernie-tweeter-bind.h"
bind_output = "ernie-tweeter-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("ernie-woofer-bind") {
rules = "bind/ernie-woofer.bind"
header_output = "ernie-woofer-bind.h"
bind_output = "ernie-woofer-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("luis-power-domain-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-power-domain.bind"
header_output = "luis-power-domain-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-power-domain-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.power" ]
driver_bind_rules("luis-power-impl-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-power-impl.bind"
header_output = "luis-power-impl-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-power-impl-bind.bc"
deps = [
driver_bind_rules("luis-0p8-ee-buck-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-0p8-ee-buck.bind"
header_output = "luis-0p8-ee-buck-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-0p8-ee-buck-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
driver_bind_rules("luis-cpu-a-buck-bind") {
rules = "bind/luis-cpu-a-buck.bind"
header_output = "luis-cpu-a-buck-bind.h"
bind_output = "luis-cpu-a-buck-bind.bc"
deps = [ "//src/devices/bind/fuchsia.i2c" ]
template("sherlock_driver") {
fuchsia_driver(target_name + "-driver") {
output_name = invoker.target_name
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
configs += [
if (use_factory) {
configs += [ ":factory" ]
if (enable_rndis) {
configs += [ ":rndis" ]
sources = [
deps = [
# TODO(fxb/38132): Migrate to the new bind rules and delete the below
# We need both headers to build but we can only depend on one bindfile at a time.
deps += [
if (defined(is_luis) && is_luis) {
defines = [ "IS_LUIS=1" ]
deps += [ ":luis-bind" ]
} else {
deps += [ ":sherlock-bind" ]
fuchsia_driver_component(target_name) {
deps = [ ":${target_name}-driver" ]
sherlock_driver("sherlock") {
use_factory = false
enable_rndis = false
sherlock_driver("sherlock-factory") {
use_factory = true
enable_rndis = false
sherlock_driver("sherlock-factory-rndis") {
use_factory = true
enable_rndis = true
sherlock_driver("luis") {
use_factory = false
enable_rndis = false
is_luis = true
sherlock_driver("luis-factory") {
use_factory = true
enable_rndis = false
is_luis = true
sherlock_driver("luis-factory-rndis") {
use_factory = true
enable_rndis = true
is_luis = true
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [