blob: 5b632c6ec35e40debff7ef9592d9e18b93930b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/cpp/channel_read.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace fdf {
ChannelReadBase::ChannelReadBase(fdf_handle_t channel, uint32_t options,
fdf_channel_read_handler_t* handler)
: channel_read_{{ASYNC_STATE_INIT}, handler, channel, options} {}
ChannelReadBase::~ChannelReadBase() {
// TODO( Re-enable this check once we implement cancelling of requests.
// ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!dispatcher_);
zx_status_t ChannelReadBase::Begin(fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
if (dispatcher_) {
dispatcher_ = dispatcher;
fdf_status_t status = fdf_channel_wait_async(dispatcher, &channel_read_, channel_read_.options);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
dispatcher_ = nullptr;
return status;
ChannelRead::ChannelRead(fdf_handle_t channel, uint32_t options, Handler handler)
: ChannelReadBase(channel, options, &ChannelRead::CallHandler), handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
ChannelRead::~ChannelRead() {
// TODO( Re-enable this check once we implement cancelling of requests.
// ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!is_pending());
void ChannelRead::CallHandler(fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fdf_channel_read_t* read,
fdf_status_t status) {
auto self = Dispatch<ChannelRead>(read);
self->handler_(dispatcher, self, status);
} // namespace fdf