blob: 1081ca069e38bab438fd0e97f5949192b056d097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.sdio;
using zx;
/// SDIO max block size is 2048, so this is an arbitrary limit of 1024 blocks.
const MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE uint32 = 0x200000;
type SdioFuncHwInfo = struct {
manufacturer_id uint32;
product_id uint32;
max_blk_size uint32;
max_tran_speed uint32;
fn_intf_code uint8;
type SdioDeviceCapabilities = strict enum : uint32 {
SRW = 0x2;
LOW_SPEED = 0x10;
HIGH_SPEED = 0x20;
HIGH_POWER = 0x40;
FOUR_BIT_BUS = 0x80;
HS_SDR12 = 0x100;
HS_SDR25 = 0x200;
UHS_SDR50 = 0x400;
UHS_SDR104 = 0x800;
UHS_DDR50 = 0x1000;
TYPE_A = 0x2000;
TYPE_B = 0x4000;
TYPE_C = 0x8000;
TYPE_D = 0x10000;
type SdioDeviceHwInfo = struct {
/// number of sdio funcs including func 0
num_funcs uint32;
sdio_vsn uint32;
cccr_vsn uint32;
caps uint32;
type SdioHwInfo = struct {
dev_hw_info SdioDeviceHwInfo;
funcs_hw_info array<SdioFuncHwInfo, 8>;
host_max_transfer_size uint32;
type SdioRwTxn = resource struct {
addr uint32;
data_size uint32;
incr bool;
write bool;
use_dma bool;
/// Used if use_dma is true
dma_vmo zx.handle:<VMO, optional>;
/// Used if use_dma is false
virt vector<uint8>:<MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE, optional>;
/// offset into dma_vmo or virt
buf_offset uint64;
protocol Device {
GetDevHwInfo() -> (struct {
hw_info SdioHwInfo;
}) error zx.status;
EnableFn() -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
DisableFn() -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
EnableFnIntr() -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
DisableFnIntr() -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
UpdateBlockSize(struct {
blk_sz uint16;
deflt bool;
}) -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
GetBlockSize() -> (struct {
cur_blk_size uint16;
}) error zx.status;
DoRwTxn(resource struct {
txn SdioRwTxn;
}) -> (resource struct {
txn SdioRwTxn;
}) error zx.status;
DoRwByte(struct {
write bool;
addr uint32;
write_byte uint8;
}) -> (struct {
read_byte uint8;
}) error zx.status;
GetInBandIntr() -> (resource struct {
irq zx.handle:INTERRUPT;
}) error zx.status;
/// The following functions access the card common control registers (CCCR) on function 0.
/// Aborts an I/O operation occurring on the specified function.
IoAbort() -> (struct {}) error zx.status;
/// Returns true if an interrupt is pending for function fn_idx, false otherwise.
IntrPending() -> (struct {
pending bool;
}) error zx.status;
/// Reads or writes to a vendor CCCR register. addr must be in [0xF0, 0xFF].
DoVendorControlRwByte(struct {
write bool;
addr uint8;
write_byte uint8;
}) -> (struct {
read_byte uint8;
}) error zx.status;