blob: ece7b9d1d02fd5cf58aec319eb4c922096210666 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.accessibility.virtualkeyboard;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
/// Provides the ability to register a virtual keyboard.
/// This protocol exists to bind `Listener`s to `View`s (via `ViewRef`s).
/// The binding allows, e.g., the accessibility subsystem determine if an
/// interaction with the `View` should result in a focus transfer.
/// # Roles
/// This protocol will typically be:
/// * Implemented by platform components which implement accessibility.
/// For example, a11y_manager.
/// * Consumed by components which provide a GUI affordance for text input.
protocol Registry {
/// Registers the `View` referenced by `view_ref` as a `View`
/// which may contain a virtual keyboard.
/// The presence or absence of a virtual keyboard within the `View`
/// may change dynamically.
/// * The initial state is indicated by `is_visible`.
/// * The `Registry` consumer will update state by invoking
/// methods on the provided `request<Listener>`.
/// # Notes
/// * The implementer may limit the number of simultaneous registrations
/// allowed (e.g. only allowing a single registration at a time).
/// * The implementer should monitor the provided `ViewRef` for a
/// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal (see documentation for
/// `fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefControl`).
/// * If the request would exceed the simultaneous registration limit,
/// or when the `ViewRef` receives `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`, the
/// implementer should dispose of `listener`.
Register(resource struct {
view_ref fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef;
is_visible bool;
listener server_end:Listener;
/// Provides the ability to inform an interested party ("listener") of changes
/// in virtual keyboard state (e.g. visibility).
/// # Roles
/// This protocol will typically be:
/// * Implemented by platform components which implement accessibility.
/// For example, a11y_manager.
/// * Consumed by components which provide a GUI affordance for text input.
/// # Notes
/// When the consumer of this protocol observes that the channel is closed,
/// it (the protocol consumer) should retry `Registry.Register()`, applying
/// back-off logic to avoid tight loops.
protocol Listener {
/// Informs the `Listener` of a change in keyboard visibility.
/// Consumers of this protocol should wait for each call to be acknowledged
/// before calling again, to avoid queueing large numbers of updates.
OnVisibilityChanged(struct {
updated_visibility bool;
}) -> ();