blob: 25ab0a1fd887aafe2f192ead2eecb4caf1c04441 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::audio;
use crate::interface_tests::ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct;
use crate::interface_tests::Services;
use crate::interface_tests::ENV_NAME;
use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage;
use fidl_fuchsia_settings::{
AudioInput, AudioMarker, AudioRequest, AudioSettings, AudioStreamSettings, Volume,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
use futures::prelude::*;
fn verify_streams(
streams: Vec<AudioStreamSettings>,
expected: &'static ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct,
) {
let extracted_stream_settings = streams.get(0).unwrap();
if let (Some(stream), Some(expected_stream)) =
assert_eq!(stream, expected_stream);
if let (Some(source), Some(expected_source)) =
(extracted_stream_settings.source, expected.source)
assert_eq!(source, expected_source);
if let Some(user_volume) = extracted_stream_settings.user_volume.as_ref() {
if let (Some(level), Some(expected_level)) = (user_volume.level, expected.level) {
assert_eq!(level, expected_level);
if let (Some(volume_muted), Some(expected_volume_muted)) =
(user_volume.muted, expected.volume_muted)
assert_eq!(volume_muted, expected_volume_muted);
async fn validate_audio(expected: &'static ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct) -> Result<(), Error> {
let env = create_service!(Services::Audio,
AudioRequest::Set { settings, responder } => {
if let Some(streams) = settings.streams {
verify_streams(streams, expected);
responder.send(&mut (Ok(())))?;
} else if let Some(input) = settings.input {
if let (Some(input_muted), Some(expected_input_muted)) =
(input.muted, expected.input_muted) {
assert_eq!(input_muted, expected_input_muted);
responder.send(&mut (Ok(())))?;
AudioRequest::Watch { responder } => {
responder.send(AudioSettings {
streams: Some(vec![AudioStreamSettings {
stream: Some(AudioRenderUsage::Media),
source: Some(fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource::User),
user_volume: Some(Volume {
level: Some(0.6),
muted: Some(false),
input: Some(AudioInput {
muted: Some(true),
let audio_service =
env.connect_to_protocol::<AudioMarker>().context("Failed to connect to audio service")?;
async fn test_audio() -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("audio service tests");
println!(" client calls audio watch");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: None,
source: None,
level: None,
volume_muted: None,
input_muted: None,
println!(" client calls set audio input - stream");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: Some(AudioRenderUsage::Background),
source: None,
level: None,
volume_muted: None,
input_muted: None,
println!(" client calls set audio input - source");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: None,
source: Some(fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource::System),
level: None,
volume_muted: None,
input_muted: None,
println!(" client calls set audio input - level");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: None,
source: None,
level: Some(0.3),
volume_muted: None,
input_muted: None,
println!(" client calls set audio input - volume_muted");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: None,
source: None,
level: None,
volume_muted: Some(true),
input_muted: None,
println!(" client calls set audio input - input_muted");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: None,
source: None,
level: None,
volume_muted: None,
input_muted: Some(false),
println!(" client calls set audio input - multiple");
validate_audio(&ExpectedStreamSettingsStruct {
stream: Some(AudioRenderUsage::Media),
source: Some(fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource::User),
level: Some(0.6),
volume_muted: Some(false),
input_muted: Some(true),