blob: bcb8022f6acfe2e4565c26e67c56c7900d2d35bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.mem;
using fuchsia.url;
using zx;
alias Method = string:1024;
/// An error occurred during the HTTP transaction.
type Error = strict enum {
/// Some other problem occurred that cannot be classified using one of the
/// more specific statuses. Retry is optional.
/// An HTTP parse error.
/// Indicates a channel (client or body sender) is closed.
/// Error occurred while connecting.
/// The deadline specified in Request has passed
/// An HTTP header field.
type Header = struct {
/// The name of the header field.
name bytes;
/// The value of the header field.
value bytes;
/// The body of an HTTP request.
type Body = strict resource union {
/// A buffer that will contain the complete request or response body.
1: buffer fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
/// A socket that will contain the streaming request or response body.
2: stream zx.handle:SOCKET;
/// An HTTP request.
type Request = resource table {
/// The HTTP method if applicable.
/// Defaults to "GET".
1: method Method;
/// The URL to load.
/// Required.
2: url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// Additional HTTP request headers.
3: headers vector<Header>:MAX;
/// The payload for the request body. For HTTP requests, the method must be
/// set to "POST" or "PUT". If a buffer is used for the body, a
/// Content-Length header will automatically be added.
4: body Body;
/// Determines when to give up on waiting for a response from the server. If no deadline is
/// provided, the implementation will provide a reasonable default.
5: deadline zx.time;
/// A description of the redirect the server requested.
/// The semantics of an HTTP redirect vary according to the status code use to
/// generate the redirect. This structure ensures that the loader and its client
/// agree on the interpretation of the redirect response from the server.
type RedirectTarget = table {
/// The HTTP method the server suggested for the redirect.
1: method Method;
/// The URL the server suggested for the redirect.
2: url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// The referrer the server suggested for the redirect.
3: referrer fuchsia.url.Url;
/// A response to an HTTP request.
type Response = resource table {
/// If the response resulted in a network level error, this field will be
/// set.
1: error Error;
/// The response body.
2: body zx.handle:SOCKET;
/// The final URL of the response, after redirects have been followed.
3: final_url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// The HTTP status code.
4: status_code uint32;
/// The HTTP status line.
5: status_line bytes;
/// The HTTP response headers.
6: headers vector<Header>:MAX;
/// A description of the redirect the server requested, if any.
7: redirect RedirectTarget;
/// An HTTP loader.
/// The loader can service many HTTP requests concurrently. The loader tracks
/// all the outstanding requests and will cancel them all if the client closes
/// the loader interface.
protocol Loader {
/// Initiate the given HTTP request, follow redirects, and return the final
/// response.
/// The loader will follow redirects (up to an implementation-defined limit)
/// and return the final response as a reply to this message. To cancel the
/// request, either close the loader interface or close the peer to the
/// `event` included in the `request`.
Fetch(resource struct {
request Request;
}) -> (resource struct {
response Response;
/// Initiate the given HTTP request and return all intermediate responses to
/// the given client.
/// Unlike `Fetch`, `Start` does not automatically follow all redirects.
/// Instead, each individual response along the redirect chain is delivered
/// to the `LoaderClient`.
Start(resource struct {
request Request;
client client_end:LoaderClient;
/// A client interface used with `Loader.Start`.
/// Closing the underlying channel will cancel the associated HTTP transaction.
protocol LoaderClient {
/// Called by the loader when the loader receives an HTTP response.
/// If the server has requested a redirect, then `redirect` in `response`
/// table will describe the target the server requested. To follow the
/// redirect, reply to this message. To not follow the redirect, close the
/// underlying channel.
OnResponse(resource struct {
response Response;
}) -> ();