blob: fc1566c63e54edfde1be2830d36404a554d4e453 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
/// Maximum numbers of supported frame types for rx or tx.
// NOTE(brunodalbo) 4 seems a sensible number for maximum number of frame types
// supported by a single device. Most common use cases are going to use 1 or 2
// types (1 if device operates at L2, 2 if at L3).
const MAX_FRAME_TYPES uint32 = 4;
/// Maximum length of session label.
const MAX_SESSION_NAME uint32 = 64;
/// Maximum number of acceleration flags.
/// Each descriptor has 16 bits of space for acceleration flags ([`RxFlags`] and
/// [`TxFlags`]) thus the maximum number of reported accelerations is 16. Each
/// descriptor reports which accelerations were applied (`RxFlags`) or are
/// requested (`TxFlags`) by mapping indexes in the vector of supported
/// accelerations ([`Info.rx_accel`] and ([`Info.tx_accel`]) to bits in the
/// respective acceleration flags bitfield.
const MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS uint32 = 16;
/// Network device information.
type DeviceInfo = table {
/// Minimum descriptor length, in 64-bit words. Required.
/// The minimum length that each buffer descriptor must have for correct
/// operation with this device. Devices that support extra frame metadata
/// inform larger minimum descriptor lengths that reflect the minimum space
/// needed to be able to store frame metadata.
1: min_descriptor_length uint8;
/// Accepted descriptor version. Required.
2: descriptor_version uint8;
/// Maximum number of items in rx FIFO (per session). Required.
/// `rx_depth` is calculated based on the size of the actual backing
/// hardware rx queue.
3: rx_depth uint16;
/// Maximum number of items in tx FIFO (per session). Required.
/// `tx_depth` is calculated based on the size of the actual backing
/// hardware tx queue.
4: tx_depth uint16;
/// Alignment requirement for buffers in the data VMO.
/// All buffers in the data VMO *must* be aligned to `buffer_alignment`
/// relative to the start of the VMO. `buffer_alignment == 0` is never
/// reported. Required.
5: buffer_alignment uint32;
/// Maximum supported length of buffers in the data VMO, in bytes.
/// Absent if no maximum buffer length is defined. Must be nonzero.
6: max_buffer_length uint32;
/// The minimum rx buffer length required for device. Required.
7: min_rx_buffer_length uint32;
/// The minimum tx buffer length required for the device. Required.
/// This value accounts only for tx payload length, `min_tx_buffer_head` and
/// `min_tx_buffer_tail` are not part of this value.
/// Clients must zero pad outgoing frames to meet the required minimum
/// length.
8: min_tx_buffer_length uint32;
/// The number of bytes the device requests be free as `head` space in a tx
/// buffer. Required.
9: min_tx_buffer_head uint16;
/// The amount of bytes the device requests be free as `tail` space in a tx
/// buffer. Required.
10: min_tx_buffer_tail uint16;
/// Maximum descriptor chain length accepted by the device. Required.
11: max_buffer_parts uint8;
/// Available rx acceleration flags for this device.
/// `rx_accel` maps the `RX_ACCEL_*` flags in the frame descriptors with
/// semantic acceleration features described by [`RxAcceleration`]. Position
/// `n` of `rx_accel` conveys the meaning of the `RX_ACCEL_n` flag.
/// Interpreted as empty if not provided.
12: rx_accel vector<RxAcceleration>:MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS;
/// Available tx acceleration flags for this device.
/// `tx_accel` maps the `TX_ACCEL_*` flags in the frame descriptors with
/// semantic acceleration features described by [`TxAcceleration`]. Position
/// `n` of `tx_accel` conveys the meaning of the `TX_ACCEL_n` flag.
/// Interpreted as empty if not provided.
13: tx_accel vector<TxAcceleration>:MAX_ACCEL_FLAGS;
/// A Network Device.
protocol Device {
/// Obtain information about device
/// - response `info` device information.
GetInfo() -> (struct {
info DeviceInfo;
/// Opens a new session with the network device.
/// + request `session_name` is used as a debugging label attached to this
/// session.
/// + request `session_info` contains the necessary information to setup the
/// session's data exchange.
/// - response `session` a handle to control the session.
/// - response `fifos` data-plane FIFOs attached to the session.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if `session_info` contains not supported
/// frame types or descriptors set up.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if `session_info` is missing fields or
/// contains invalid information.
OpenSession(resource struct {
session_name string:MAX_SESSION_NAME;
session_info SessionInfo;
}) -> (resource struct {
session client_end:Session;
fifos Fifos;
}) error zx.status;
/// Connects to a port the given `id`.
/// + request `id` port to connect to.
/// + request `port` server end of port channel.
/// `port` is closed with a `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND` epitaph if no port with `id`
/// exists.
GetPort(resource struct {
id port_id;
port server_end:Port;
/// Connects a [`PortWatcher`] to this device.
/// + request `watcher` server end of watcher channel.
GetPortWatcher(resource struct {
watcher server_end:PortWatcher;
/// Establishes a new connection to this device.
/// + request `device` the server end for the new connection.
Clone(resource struct {
device server_end:Device;
/// Provides iteration over and updates for ports attached to a device.
protocol PortWatcher {
/// Get the next port event.
/// The first N calls return [`DevicePortEvent.existing`] where N is the
/// number of ports present on the device at the time of the watcher's
/// creation. The next call returns [`DevicePortEvent.idle`] to indicate the
/// end of existing ports. Subsequent calls block until a port is added
/// ([`DevicePortEvent.added`]) or removed ([`DevicePortEvent.removed`]).
/// The server closes the `PortWatcher` channel with `ZX_ERR_CANCELED` if
/// the number of unread events reaches a server-selected limit that is at
/// least two times [`MAX_PORTS`]. Clients are encouraged to maintain a
/// hanging call to `Watch` at all times to avoid triggering this condition.
/// - response `event` next port event.
Watch() -> (struct {
event DevicePortEvent;
type Empty = struct {};
/// Port creation and destruction events.
// TODO( `PortEvent` is probably a better name here,
// but it causes rust binding errors.
type DevicePortEvent = strict union {
/// Port existed when watcher was created.
1: existing port_id;
/// New port was added to device.
2: added port_id;
/// Port was removed from the device.
3: removed port_id;
/// Exhausted list of existing ports.
4: idle Empty;