blob: ea9d91770954487255767affc9cec3cbd0cd3819 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.fs;
using fuchsia.io2;
using zx;
/// `Query` exposes objective filesystem information independent of specific
/// files and directories.
protocol Query {
/// Queries the filesystem.
/// - `info` see [`fuchsia.fs/FilesystemInfo`] for details on the fields.
GetInfo() -> (resource struct {
info FilesystemInfo;
}) error zx.status;
/// Checks if a node is associated with this filesystem, given some token
/// representing a connection to that node.
IsNodeInFilesystem(resource struct {
token zx.handle:EVENT;
}) -> (struct {
is_in_filesystem bool;
/// Information about a filesystem.
/// If a particular field is not applicable or not supported, implementations
/// should leave it absent.
type FilesystemInfo = resource table {
/// The number of data bytes which may be stored in the filesystem.
1: total_bytes uint64;
/// The number of data bytes which are in use by the filesystem.
/// Note that this value may change in the mean time.
2: used_bytes uint64;
/// The number of nodes which may be stored in the filesystem.
3: total_nodes uint64;
/// The number of nodes used by the filesystem.
/// Note that this value may change in the mean time.
4: used_nodes uint64;
/// The amount of space which may be allocated from the underlying
/// volume manager. Note that this value may change in the mean time.
5: free_shared_pool_bytes uint64;
/// A globally unique identifier for this filesystem instance.
6: fs_id zx.handle:EVENT;
/// The size of a single filesystem block.
7: block_size uint32;
/// The maximum length of a filesystem name.
8: max_node_name_size uint32;
/// A unique identifier for the type of the underlying filesystem.
9: fs_type FsType;
/// The name of the filesystem.
10: name string:MAX_FS_NAME_LENGTH;
/// Path to the device backing this filesystem.
11: device_path fuchsia.io2.Path;
/// The maximum length of the name of a filesystem.
const MAX_FS_NAME_LENGTH uint64 = 32;
/// The type of the filesystem.
/// This enum should be flexible, to accommodate future additions.
type FsType = strict enum : uint32 {
BLOBFS = 0x9e694d21;
FACTORYFS = 0x1e694d21;
FATFS = 0xce694d21;
MINFS = 0x6e694d21;
MEMFS = 0x3e694d21;
FXFS = 0x73667866;
F2FS = 0xfe694d21;