blob: c8d87254485399f65a5773739673dc57e43db571 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.driver.framework;
using fuchsia.component.runner;
using fuchsia.url;
const MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT uint32 = fuchsia.component.runner.MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT;
const MAX_CAPABILITY_COUNT uint8 = 64;
/// Arguments for starting a driver.
type DriverStartArgs = resource table {
/// Node that the driver is bound to.
1: node client_end:Node;
/// Symbols provided to the driver, for |node|. These come from the driver
/// that added |node|, and are filtered to the symbols requested in the bind
/// program.
2: symbols vector<NodeSymbol>:MAX_SYMBOL_COUNT;
/// URL of the package containing the driver. This is purely informational,
/// used only to provide data for inspect.
3: url fuchsia.url.Url;
/// Information about the driver to start. Currently, we support the
/// following entries:
/// 1. "binary": a string containing the package-relative path to the
/// driver binary.
/// 2. "colocate" (optional): a string containing "true" or "false"
/// specifying whether the driver should be colocated in the same
/// driver host as the driver that added |node|. If not specified, the
/// driver will be launched in a new driver host.
4: program;
/// Incoming namespace provided to the driver.
5: ns vector<fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentNamespaceEntry>:MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT;
/// Outgoing directory served by the driver.
6: outgoing_dir;
/// Protocol through which a driver's lifecycle can be managed.
/// Closing the protocol's channel is used to signal:
/// 1. To the driver runner that the driver has stopped.
/// 2. To the driver host that the driver should stop.
protocol Driver {};
/// Protocol through which a driver host can be managed.
protocol DriverHost {
/// Start a driver within a driver host.
Start(resource struct {
start_args DriverStartArgs;
driver server_end:Driver;