blob: 48693e066dc6be38ae62fc552bd1181deef1e658 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.component.internal;
using fuchsia.component;
using fuchsia.sys2;
/// The maximum size of the JobPolicyAllowlists entries.
/// This value is currently set arbitrarily.
const MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE uint64 = 128;
type Config = table {
/// If true, component manager will be in debug mode. In this mode, component manager
/// provides the `EventSource` protocol and exposes this protocol. Component
/// manager will not start until it is resumed by a call to
/// `EventSource.StartComponentTree`.
/// This is done so that an external component (say an integration test) can subscribe
/// to events before the root component has started.
1: debug bool;
/// How many children, maximum, are returned by a call to ``.
2: list_children_batch_size uint32;
/// Security policy configuration.
3: security_policy SecurityPolicy;
/// Capabilities offered from component manager's namespace.
4: namespace_capabilities vector<fuchsia.sys2.CapabilityDecl>:MAX;
/// Capabilities offered from component manager as built-in capabilities.
17: builtin_capabilities vector<fuchsia.sys2.CapabilityDecl>:MAX;
/// If true, component_manager will serve an instance of fuchsia.process.Launcher and use this
/// launcher for the built-in ELF component runner. The root component can additionally
/// use and/or offer this service using `/builtin/fuchsia.process.Launcher` from realm.
/// This flag exists because the built-in process launcher *only* works when
/// component_manager runs under a job that has ZX_POL_NEW_PROCESS set to allow, like the root
/// job. Otherwise, the component_manager process cannot directly create process through
/// zx_process_create. When we run component_manager elsewhere, like in test environments, it
/// has to use the fuchsia.process.Launcher service provided through its namespace instead.
5: use_builtin_process_launcher bool;
/// If true, component_manager will maintain a UTC kernel clock and vend write handles through
/// an instance of `fuchsia.time.Maintenance`. This flag should only be used with the top-level
/// component_manager.
6: maintain_utc_clock bool;
/// The number of threads to use for running component_manager's executor.
/// If not present, interpreted as 1.
7: num_threads uint32;
/// Which builtin resolver to use for the fuchsia-pkg scheme.
/// If not present, interpreted as BuiltinPkgResolver.NONE.
8: builtin_pkg_resolver BuiltinPkgResolver;
/// Determine what content to expose through the component manager's
/// outgoing directory.
/// If not present, interpreted as OutDirContents.NONE.
9: out_dir_contents OutDirContents;
/// URL of the root component to launch. This field is used if the no URL
/// is passed to component manager. If value is passed in both places, then
/// an error is raised.
10: root_component_url string:fuchsia.component.MAX_URL_SCHEME_LENGTH;
/// Path to the component ID index. An empty value defaults to an empty index.
/// An invalid index causes component_manager to abort.
11: component_id_index_path string:fuchsia.component.MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// Where to log to.
12: log_destination LogDestination;
/// If true, component manager will log all events dispatched in the topology.
13: log_all_events bool;
/// Which builtin resolver to use for the fuchsia-boot scheme.
/// If not present, interpreted as BuiltinBootResolver.NONE.
14: builtin_boot_resolver BuiltinBootResolver;
/// If true, allow components to set the `OnTerminate=REBOOT` option.
/// This lets a parent copmonent designate that the system should reboot if a child terminates
/// (except when it's shut down).
15: reboot_on_terminate_enabled bool;
/// If and how the realm builder resolver and runner will be used. Typically
/// these capabilities from realm builder are available to a nested
/// component manager that is undergoing an integration test.
16: realm_builder_resolver_and_runner RealmBuilderResolverAndRunner;
/// The builtin resolver to use for the fuchsia-pkg scheme, if any.
type BuiltinPkgResolver = strict enum : uint8 {
/// No builtin package resolver is used. Products supply a package resolver as a component, or
/// can opt to not include one at all.
NONE = 1;
/// Try to use the `fuchsia.sys.Loader` protocol from the namespace, typically this is provided
/// by `appmgr`. Test scenarios commonly use this option.
/// The builtin resolver to use for the fuchsia-boot scheme, if any.
type BuiltinBootResolver = strict enum : uint8 {
/// No builtin boot resolver is used.
NONE = 1;
/// Try to use the /boot directory from the namespace. Typically this is provided
/// to component manager during initialization of the system.
BOOT = 2;
/// Try to use the /pkg directory from the namespace. Typically this is provided
/// to a nested component manager that a part of a test package.
PKG = 3;
/// Where to log to.
type LogDestination = strict enum : uint8 {
/// Log to syslog.
/// Log to klog.
KLOG = 2;
/// If and how the realm builder resolver and runner will be used.
type RealmBuilderResolverAndRunner = strict enum : uint8 {
/// The realm builder resolver and runner are not used.
NONE = 1;
/// The realm builder resolver and runner will be accessed through component
/// manager's namespace, and made available to the root realm.
/// Runtime security policy.
type SecurityPolicy = table {
/// Allowlists for Zircon job policy.
1: job_policy JobPolicyAllowlists;
/// Capability access policy.
2: capability_policy CapabilityPolicyAllowlists;
/// Debug capability registration policy.
3: debug_registration_policy DebugRegistrationPolicyAllowlists;
/// Component child options policy.
4: child_policy ChildPolicyAllowlists;
/// A single entry in an allowlist, expressed in one of three forms:
/// 1. Exact absolute moniker - Most entries should fall under this case,
/// where the exact absolute monikers of allowed components are listed.
/// For example, "/foo/bar".
/// 2. Realm - Realms can be allowlisted such that any descendant will be
/// allowed without being listed explicitly. For example, "/foo/**"
/// allows any descendant of "/foo" (but not foo itself).
/// 3. Collection - Individual collections can also be allowlisted. For
/// example, "/foo/bar:**" will allow any child in foo's "bar"
/// collection and any descendant thereof, but not foo or other
/// children of foo.
alias AllowlistEntryMoniker = string:fuchsia.component.MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH;
/// Allowlists for Zircon job policy.
type JobPolicyAllowlists = table {
/// Allowlist entry monikers for components allowed to be given the
/// Components must request this policy by including "job_policy_ambient_mark_vmo_exec: true" in
/// their CML's `program` section and must be using the ELF runner.
/// This is equivalent to the v1 'deprecated-ambient-replace-as-executable' feature.
1: ambient_mark_vmo_exec vector<AllowlistEntryMoniker>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// Allowlist entry monikers for components allowed to have their original process
/// marked as critical to component_manager's job.
/// Components must request this critical marking by including "main_process_critical: true" in
/// their CML's `program` section and must be using the ELF runner.
2: main_process_critical vector<AllowlistEntryMoniker>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// Allowlist entry monikers for components allowed to call zx_process_create directly
/// (e.g., do not have ZX_POL_NEW_PROCESS set to ZX_POL_ACTION_DENY).
/// Components must request this policy by including "job_policy_create_raw_processes: true" in
/// their manifest's program object and must be using the ELF runner.
3: create_raw_processes vector<AllowlistEntryMoniker>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// Determine what content to expose through component manager's outgoing
/// directory.
type OutDirContents = strict enum : uint8 {
/// Don't expose anything through the outgoing directory.
NONE = 1;
/// Expose component manager's `hub` directory.
HUB = 2;
/// Expose root component's `expose/svc`.
SVC = 3;
/// Represents the class of capabilities supported to be allowlisted.
type AllowlistedCapability = flexible union {
1: directory AllowlistedDirectory;
2: event AllowlistedEvent;
3: protocol AllowlistedProtocol;
4: service AllowlistedService;
5: storage AllowlistedStorage;
6: runner AllowlistedRunner;
7: resolver AllowlistedResolver;
type AllowlistedDirectory = table {};
type AllowlistedEvent = table {};
type AllowlistedProtocol = table {};
type AllowlistedService = table {};
type AllowlistedStorage = table {};
type AllowlistedRunner = table {};
type AllowlistedResolver = table {};
/// Defines a single capability policy entry in the set of capability policy
/// allowlists.
type CapabilityAllowlistEntry = table {
/// The `source_moniker` represents the origin of a capability. The
/// `source_moniker` is either an absolute moniker or '<component_manager>'.
1: source_moniker string:fuchsia.component.MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH;
/// The source name of this particular capability.
2: source_name string:fuchsia.component.MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
/// Represents the type of capability that is being restricted along
/// with any other properties required by a particular capability type.
3: capability AllowlistedCapability;
/// The set of components, described by either exact absolute monikers, realm, or collection,
/// that are allowed to use this specific capability.
4: target_monikers vector<AllowlistEntryMoniker>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// The original source type of this capability, self or framework.
5: source fuchsia.sys2.Ref;
/// Defines the total set of capability allowlists. Each
/// `source_moniker` + `capability` pair must be unique in the vector.
type CapabilityPolicyAllowlists = table {
1: allowlist vector<CapabilityAllowlistEntry>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// Represents the class of capabilities supported to be allowlisted.
type AllowlistedDebugRegistration = flexible union {
1: protocol AllowlistedProtocol;
/// Defines a capability policy entry in the set of debug capability policy
/// allowlists.
type DebugRegistrationAllowlistEntry = table {
/// The `source_moniker` represents the origin of a capability. The
/// `source_moniker` is absolute moniker.
1: source_moniker string:fuchsia.component.MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH;
/// The source name of this particular capability.
2: source_name string:fuchsia.component.MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
/// Represents the type of capability that is being restricted along
/// with any other properties required by a particular capability type.
3: debug AllowlistedDebugRegistration;
/// The `target_moniker` represents the component which is allowed to register
/// this capability in its environment's debug sction.
4: target_moniker string:fuchsia.component.MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH;
/// Name of the environment where this capability can be registered.
5: environment_name;
/// Defines the total set of debug capability allowlists.
type DebugRegistrationPolicyAllowlists = table {
1: allowlist vector<DebugRegistrationAllowlistEntry>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;
/// Allowlists for privileged child options.
type ChildPolicyAllowlists = table {
/// Allowlist entry monikers of component instances allowed to have the
/// `on_terminate=REBOOT` in their `children` declaration.
1: reboot_on_terminate vector<AllowlistEntryMoniker>:MAX_ALLOWLIST_SIZE;