blob: a7d13817c213915eb81b20d6778d59d8e366f176 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.component.decl;
using fuchsia.io2;
/// Declares a capability used by a component, which was offered to it.
type Use = flexible union {
1: service UseService;
2: protocol UseProtocol;
3: directory UseDirectory;
4: storage UseStorage;
5: event UseEvent;
6: event_stream UseEventStream;
/// Declares a service used by a component, which was offered to it.
/// To learn more about services, see:
type UseService = table {
/// The provider of the service relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `parent` or `framework`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the service, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
2: source_name name;
/// The path where the capability should be installed in the component's
/// namespace.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
3: target_path string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The dependency type this use represents.
/// A component which offers a capability to a child from itself and uses a
/// capability from the same child, must mark the dependency as `weak`. A
/// `weak` dependency implies that the capability may become unavailable at
/// any point. Taking a strong dependency on a child's capability will
/// cause this the child to shut down before its parent. When using a weak
/// dependency, the parent shuts down before the child.
4: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares a protocol used by a component, which was offered to it.
/// A protocol is a service with a single instance, provided by a single FIDL
/// protocol.
type UseProtocol = table {
/// The provider of the protocol relative to the component itself.
/// Must be `parent`, `framework`, `debug` or `capability`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the protocol, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
2: source_name name;
/// The path where the capability should be installed in the component's
/// namespace.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
3: target_path string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The dependency type this use represents.
/// A component which offers a capability to a child from itself and uses a
/// capability from the same child, must mark the dependency as `weak`. A
/// `weak` dependency implies that the capability may become unavailable at
/// any point. Taking a strong dependency on a child's capability will
/// cause this the child to shut down before its parent. When using a weak
/// dependency, the parent shuts down before the child.
4: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares a directory used by a component, which was offered to it.
type UseDirectory = table {
/// The provider of the directory relative to the component itself. Must
/// be `parent` or `framework`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the directory, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
2: source_name name;
/// The path where the capability should be installed in the component's
/// namespace.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
3: target_path string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The rights required by the component to use this directory.
4: rights fuchsia.io2.Rights;
/// The subdirectory of this directory to use instead of the root. Optional.
5: subdir string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The dependency type this use represents.
/// A component which offers a capability to a child from itself and uses a
/// capability from the same child, must mark the dependency as `weak`. A
/// `weak` dependency implies that the capability may become unavailable at
/// any point. Taking a strong dependency on a child's capability will
/// cause this the child to shut down before its parent. When using a weak
/// dependency, the parent shuts down before the child.
6: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares storage used by a component, which was offered to it.
type UseStorage = table {
/// Name identifying the storage, by which it was presented to this
/// component.
1: source_name name;
/// The path where the capability should be installed in the component's
/// namespace.
/// Must be an absolute path starting with /.
2: target_path string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// Declares an event used by a component, which was offered to it.
type UseEvent = table {
/// The provider of the event. Must be |realm| or |framework|.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the event which was presented to this component.
2: source_name name;
/// The name which the component will use to refer to this event.
3: target_name name;
/// Filter for the event. The structure of the filter depends on the event type. May be absent
/// for some events.
4: filter;
/// The mode that the event can use.
5: mode EventMode;
/// The dependency type this use represents.
/// A component which offers a capability to a child from itself and uses a
/// capability from the same child, must mark the dependency as `weak`. A
/// `weak` dependency implies that the capability may become unavailable at
/// any point. Taking a strong dependency on a child's capability will
/// cause this the child to shut down before its parent. When using a weak
/// dependency, the parent shuts down before the child.
6: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares a static EventStream used by a component.
type UseEventStream = table {
/// The name of the event stream.
1: name name;
/// The set of events to which this EventStream is subscribed.
/// Note: This vector must be non-empty.
2: subscriptions vector<EventSubscription>:MAX_NUM_EVENT_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTIONS;