blob: e170c2de71e56cc78d192f0b9f7480181f2c3739 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.component.decl;
using fuchsia.io2;
/// Declares a capability offered by a component to one of its children, which
/// may have been offered by the component's containing realm, the component
/// itself, or one of its other children.
type Offer = flexible union {
1: service OfferService;
2: protocol OfferProtocol;
3: directory OfferDirectory;
4: storage OfferStorage;
5: runner OfferRunner;
6: resolver OfferResolver;
7: event OfferEvent;
/// Describes the type of dependency implied by the capability.
type DependencyType = strict enum {
/// A strong dependency which may be required by components that use it.
/// A weak dependency which is allowed to form a cycle. Components that use
/// a weak dependency must support the dependency being unavailable at
/// arbitrary times.
WEAK = 2;
/// A weak dependency specifically used to mark cyclic dependencies from
/// migrated v1 components.
/// Declares a service offered by a component to one of its children, which may
/// have been offered by the component's containing realm, the component itself,
/// or one of its other children.
/// To learn more about services, see:
type OfferService = table {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the service being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target. Must be `child` or `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// The name under which the capability is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// Declares a protocol offered by a component to one of its children,
/// which may have been offered by the component's containing realm, the
/// component itself, or one of its other children.
/// To learn more about protocols, see:
type OfferProtocol = table {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the protocol being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target. Must be `child` or `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// The name by which the capability is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// The dependency type this offer represents. A component which recieves a
/// weak offer must support the offered capability being unavailable at any
/// point.
5: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares a directory offered by a component to one of its children, which
/// may have been offered by the component's containing realm, the component
/// itself, or one of its other children.
type OfferDirectory = table {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name identifying the directory being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target of the capability. Must be `child` or
/// `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// The name by which the capability is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// The maximum rights that can be set by a component using this directory,
/// required iff `source == self`.
5: rights fuchsia.io2.Rights;
/// The subdirectory of this directory to offer instead of the root. Optional.
6: subdir string:MAX_PATH_LENGTH;
/// The dependency type this offer represents. A component which recieves a
/// weak offer must support the offered capability being unavailable at any
/// point.
7: dependency_type DependencyType;
/// Declares a storage capability offered by a component to one of its children,
/// such as meta storage offered by the component's containing realm or cache
/// storage offered by the component itself.
type OfferStorage = table {
/// The name of the storage capability being offered
1: source_name name;
/// The source of the storage capability. Must be `parent` or `storage`.
2: source Ref;
/// Reference to the target of the capability. Must be `child` or
/// `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// The name the storage capability is being offered as
4: target_name name;
/// Declares a runner offered by a component to one of its children, which may
/// have been offered by the component's containing realm, the component itself,
/// or one of its other children.
type OfferRunner = table {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name of the runner being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target of the capability. Must be `child` or
/// `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// Name under which the capability is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// Declares a resolver capability offered by a component to one of its children, which
/// may have been offered by the component's containing realm, the component itself,
/// or one of its other children.
type OfferResolver = table {
/// The provider of the capability relative to the component itself. Must be
/// `parent`, `self`, or `child`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name of the resolver being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target of the capability. Must be `child` or
/// `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// Name under which the capability is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// Declares an event offered by a component.
type OfferEvent = table {
/// The provider of the event. Must be `parent`.
1: source Ref;
/// Name of the event being offered.
2: source_name name;
/// Reference to the target of the event. Must be `child` or `collection`.
3: target Ref;
/// Name under which the event is being offered.
4: target_name name;
/// The mode offered for the event.
5: mode EventMode;
/// Filter for the event. The structure of the filter depends on the event type. May be absent
/// for some events.
6: filter;