blob: 4b4fd37b4f583236772b54d10d35e7185f26884a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates Plasa artifacts for a SDK target.
# Parameters
# source_dir (optional)
# If set, path to the base directory of the sources.
# This is useful if the sources are generated and therefore not hosted
# directly under the directory where the GN rules are declared.
# include_base (optional)
# Path to the root directory for includes.
# Defaults to "include".
# testonly (optional)
# Set to true if the artifacts are generated for a test-only target.
# all_deps
# All dependencies to be used in generating the build artifact.
# non_public_headers
# Headers that should not be included in the stub generation.
# file_base
# The base path to which the files should be packaged.
template("plasa_artifacts") {
assert(defined(invoker.file_base), "file_base is required")
_cc_stub_file = "$target_gen_dir/${main_target_name}"
# Build a stub file that demonstrates the use of the library. This file is
# an input into API extraction.
_stub_cc_target_name = "${main_target_name}_cc_stub"
if (defined(non_public_headers)) {
_includable_headers = all_headers - non_public_headers
} else {
_includable_headers = all_headers
source_set(_stub_cc_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
# Write out the stub file that will be compiled thereafter.
_contents = []
foreach(_header, _includable_headers) {
_src_dir = rebase_path(".", target_gen_dir)
_contents += [ "#include \"${_src_dir}/${_header}\"" ]
_contents += [ "namespace {}" ]
write_file(_cc_stub_file, _contents, "list lines")
if (defined(include_base)) {
_src_dir = rebase_path(".")
include_dirs = [ "${_src_dir}/${include_base}" ]
sources = [ _cc_stub_file ]
deps = all_deps + [
# The library dependencies.
# Currently we use clang-doc to extract the C++ API.
_clang_doc_target_name = "${main_target_name}_api"
clang_doc(_clang_doc_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
stub_file = _cc_stub_file
deps = [ ":${_stub_cc_target_name}" ]
# This target directory is generated inside clang_doc.
_clang_doc_api_d =
_plasa_api_output_file =
_plasa_target_name = "${main_target_name}_plasa_api"
compiled_action(_plasa_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
tool = "//sdk/cts/plasa/clang_doc_filter"
outputs = [ _plasa_api_output_file ]
sources = [ _clang_doc_api_d ]
args = [
# TODO( Remove leniency when bug is fixed.
rebase_path(_clang_doc_api_d, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_plasa_api_output_file, root_build_dir),
deps = [
metadata = {
plasa = [
# 'kind' specifies the type of the data in the file. Knowing 'kind'
# should be enough to know which data schema to use to read and
# interpret it.
kind = "api_cc"
# 'file' is the label of the file, i.e. a string starting with '//'.
file = _plasa_api_output_file
# 'path' is the path to the file relative to `$root_build_dir`.
path = rebase_path(_plasa_api_output_file, root_build_dir)
# 'dest' is the packaging destination should this file be packaged
# anywhere in particular.
dest = "${file_base}/" +
rebase_path(_plasa_api_output_file, target_gen_dir)
group("${target_name}") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = [