blob: 1ea4fbad373b4eaf27cfbc810b2e8c435f4cf47c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
GetIteratorMarker, KeyValue, SecureStoreMarker, StoreAccessorMarker, StoreAccessorProxy,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
error::Error as BtError,
types::{Address, BondingData, HostData, PeerId},
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
future::{Future, FutureExt},
log::{error, info, warn},
use {
fuchsia_bluetooth::types::{LeBondData, OneOrBoth},
use crate::store::{
bonding_data_key, host_data_key, host_id_from_key, BONDING_DATA_PREFIX, HOST_DATA_PREFIX,
BondingDataDeserializer, BondingDataSerializer, HostDataDeserializer, HostDataSerializer,
use crate::store::in_memory::InMemoryStore;
/// These requests define the API surface for Stash. Each request signifies an atomic transaction that
/// the bt-gap stash can take
pub(crate) enum Request {
/// Store 1 or more Bonds in the stash.
StoreBonds(Vec<BondingData>, oneshot::Sender<Result<(), Error>>),
/// Completely remove a Peer and all its bonds from the stash.
RmPeer(PeerId, oneshot::Sender<Result<(), Error>>),
/// Updates the host data for the host with the given identity address.
StoreHostData(Address, HostData, oneshot::Sender<Result<(), Error>>),
/// Returns the local host data for the given local `address`.
GetHostData(Address, oneshot::Sender<Option<HostData>>),
/// Returns an iterator over the bonding data entries for the local adapter with the given
/// `address`. Returns None if no such data exists.
ListBonds(Address, oneshot::Sender<Option<Vec<BondingData>>>),
/// Size (in items) of the Stash Request channel buffer. It is possible for multiple items to be
/// queued at once, as the host-dispatcher can enqueue requests in response to both host activity
/// and also the activity of its fidl clients. Therefore we need >0 extra slots. 128 has been
/// un-scientifically chosen as a number which is estimated to be:
/// a) small enough that the size of the buffer will have negligible memory impact
/// b) large enough to prevent send blocking in all but the rarest cases
/// It is considered currently that further effort determining an optimum size will have little
/// value; if that changes that we should more empirically evaluate an effective buffer size
const STASH_MSG_QUEUE_CAPACITY: usize = 128;
/// Clients interface with the Stash via the mechanism of a multiple-producer, single-consumer
/// queue. By handling all requests via this queue, we enforce linearization (and hence atomicity)
/// of stash updates
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Stash(mpsc::Sender<Request>);
impl Stash {
pub fn store_bond(&mut self, bond: BondingData) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::StoreBonds(vec![bond], send)).map(|r| r.and_then(|r| r))
pub fn store_bonds(
&mut self,
bonds: Vec<BondingData>,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::StoreBonds(bonds, send)).map(|r| r.and_then(|r| r))
pub fn rm_peer(&mut self, peer: PeerId) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::RmPeer(peer, send)).map(|r| r.and_then(|r| r))
pub fn store_host_data(
&mut self,
local_address: Address,
data: HostData,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::StoreHostData(local_address, data, send))
.map(|r| r.and_then(|r| r))
pub fn list_bonds(
&mut self,
local_address: Address,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<Vec<BondingData>>, Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::ListBonds(local_address, send))
pub fn get_host_data(
&mut self,
local_address: Address,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Option<HostData>, Error>> {
self.send_req(move |send| Request::GetHostData(local_address, send))
/// Construct a Request with one half of a oneshot channel, and use the second half to await
/// the result of the request. This formulation ensures that the correct return type is used
fn send_req<T, F>(&mut self, build_request: F) -> impl Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>
F: FnOnce(oneshot::Sender<T>) -> Request,
let (send, recv) = oneshot::channel();
let sent = self.0.try_send(build_request(send));
async {
match sent {
Ok(_) => match recv.await {
Err(oneshot::Canceled) => {
return Err(format_err!("Response future was canceled"))
Ok(r) => Ok(r),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error communicating with bt-gap store: {}", e)),
pub fn in_memory_mock() -> Stash {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<Request>(STASH_MSG_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
let mut store = InMemoryStore::default();
receiver.for_each(move |request| futures::future::ready(store.handle_request(request))),
async fn run_stash(mut inbox: mpsc::Receiver<Request>, mut stash: StashInner) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(event) = {
match event {
Request::StoreBonds(bonds, signal) => {
let response = stash.store_bonds(bonds).await;
if let Err(_) = signal.send(response) {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to send response"));
Request::RmPeer(peer, signal) => {
let response = stash.rm_peer(peer).await;
if let Err(_) = signal.send(response) {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to send response"));
Request::StoreHostData(address, data, signal) => {
let response = stash.store_host_data(&address, data).await;
if let Err(_) = signal.send(response) {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to send response"));
Request::ListBonds(address, signal) => {
let response = stash.list_bonds(&address);
if let Err(_) = signal.send(response) {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to send response"));
Request::GetHostData(address, signal) => {
let response = stash.get_host_data(&address);
if let Err(_) = signal.send(response) {
return Err(format_err!("Failed to send response"));
/// Stash manages persistent data that is stored in bt-gap's component-specific storage. Data is
/// persisted in JSON format using the facilities provided by the serde library (see the
/// declarations in for the description of the data format).
/// The stash currently stores the following types of data:
/// Bonding Data
/// ============
/// Data for all bonded peers are each stored as a unique entry. The key for each bonding data
/// entry has the following format:
/// "bonding-data:<device-id>"
/// where <device-id> is a unique device identifier generated by the bt-host that has a bond with
/// the peer. The structure of the key allows all bonding data to be fetched from the stash by
/// requesting the "bonding-data:" prefix. Individual entries can be fetched and stored by providing
/// the complete key.
/// Each bonding data entry contains the local bt-host identity address that it belongs to.
/// Host Data
/// =========
/// Data specific to a local bt-host identity are stored as a unique entry. The key for each host
/// data entry has the following format:
/// "host-data:<host-identity-address>"
/// where <host-identity-address> is a Bluetooth device address (e.g.
/// "host-data:01:02:03:04:05:06").
struct StashInner {
/// The proxy to the Fuchsia stash service. This is assumed to have been initialized as a
/// read/write capable accessor with the identity of the current component.
proxy: StoreAccessorProxy,
/// In-memory state of the bonding data stash. Each entry is hierarchically indexed by a
/// local Bluetooth host identity and the resolved peer address.
bonding_data: HashMap<Address, HashMap<PeerId, Inspectable<BondingData>>>,
/// Persisted data for a particular local Bluetooth host, indexed by local Bluetooth host
/// identity.
host_data: HashMap<Address, HostData>,
/// Handle to inspect data
inspect: fuchsia_inspect::Node,
fn bond_inspect_identifier(peer_id: PeerId) -> String {
format!("bond {}", peer_id)
fn insert_inspectable_bonds(
data: &mut HashMap<Address, HashMap<PeerId, Inspectable<BondingData>>>,
inspect: &fuchsia_inspect::Node,
bonds: Vec<BondingData>,
) {
for bond in bonds {
let (local_address, identifier) = (bond.local_address, bond.identifier);
let node = inspect.create_child(bond_inspect_identifier(identifier));
let bond = Inspectable::new(bond, node);
// Update the in memory cache.
let host_bonds = data.entry(local_address).or_insert(HashMap::new());
if host_bonds.insert(identifier, bond).is_some() {
warn!("Replaced bond data for {} peer id {}", local_address, identifier);
/// Returns true if the underlying data in `lhs` is equivalent to `rhs`, aside from the
/// PeerId field, which is a Fuchsia-specific concept.
fn is_duplicate_bond(lhs: &BondingData, rhs: &BondingData) -> bool {
let rhs_with_lhs_id = BondingData { identifier: lhs.identifier.clone(), ..rhs.clone() };
*lhs == rhs_with_lhs_id
impl StashInner {
/// Updates the bonding data for a given device. Creates a new entry if one matching this
/// device does not exist.
async fn store_bonds(&mut self, bonds: Vec<BondingData>) -> Result<(), Error> {
for bond in bonds.iter() {
info!("storing bond (id: {})", bond.identifier);
// Persist the serialized blob.
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&BondingDataSerializer::new(&bond))?;
.set_value(&bonding_data_key(bond.identifier), &mut Value::Stringval(serialized))?;
self.proxy.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
insert_inspectable_bonds(&mut self.bonding_data, &self.inspect, bonds);
/// Returns an iterator over the bonding data entries for the local adapter with the given
/// `address`. Returns None if no such data exists.
fn list_bonds(&self, local_address: &Address) -> Option<Vec<BondingData>> {
.map(|bd| -> BondingData { (*bd).clone() })
/// Removes persisted bond for a peer and removes its information from any adapters that have
/// it. Returns an error for failures but not if the peer isn't found.
async fn rm_peer(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("rm_peer (id: {})", peer_id);
// Delete the persisted bond blob.
self.proxy.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
// Delete peer from memory cache of all adapters.
self.bonding_data.values_mut().for_each(|m| m.retain(|k, _| *k != peer_id));
/// Returns the local host data for the given local `address`.
fn get_host_data(&self, local_address: &Address) -> Option<HostData> {
/// Updates the host data for the host with the given identity address.
async fn store_host_data(&mut self, local_addr: &Address, data: HostData) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("store_host_data (local address: {})", local_addr);
// Persist the serialized blob.
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&HostDataSerializer(&data.clone().into()))?;
self.proxy.set_value(&host_data_key(local_addr), &mut Value::Stringval(serialized))?;
self.proxy.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
// Update the in memory cache.
let _ = self.host_data.insert(local_addr.clone(), data);
// Initializes the stash using the given `accessor`. This asynchronously loads existing
// stash data. Returns an error in case of failure.
async fn new(
accessor: StoreAccessorProxy,
inspect: fuchsia_inspect::Node,
) -> Result<StashInner, Error> {
let bonding_data = StashInner::load_bonds(&accessor, &inspect).await?;
let host_data = StashInner::load_host_data(&accessor).await?;
Ok(StashInner { proxy: accessor, bonding_data, host_data, inspect })
fn deserialize_bonds(
raw_bonds: Vec<KeyValue>,
seen_addresses: &mut HashMap<(Address, Address), Vec<BondingData>>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
for key_value in raw_bonds {
let bond = if let Value::Stringval(json) = key_value.val {
} else {
error!("stash malformed: bonding data should be a string");
Err(format_err!("failed to initialize stash"))
let existing = seen_addresses.entry((bond.local_address, bond.address)).or_default();
async fn load_bonds<'a>(
accessor: &'a StoreAccessorProxy,
inspect: &'a fuchsia_inspect::Node,
) -> Result<HashMap<Address, HashMap<PeerId, Inspectable<BondingData>>>, Error> {
// Obtain a list iterator for all cached bonding data.
let (iter, server_end) = create_proxy::<GetIteratorMarker>()?;
accessor.get_prefix(BONDING_DATA_PREFIX, server_end)?;
let mut bonding_map = HashMap::new();
let mut seen_addresses = HashMap::new();
loop {
let next = iter.get_next().await?;
if next.is_empty() {
Self::deserialize_bonds(next, &mut seen_addresses)?;
let mut bonds_to_store = Vec::new();
for mut bonds in seen_addresses.into_values() {
let last = bonds.pop().ok_or(format_err!("unexpected empty bond list"))?;
// Generally, Fuchsia disallows restoration of multiple BondingDatas from the same local
// address to the same peer address. However, some system bootstrap flows cause the same
// underlying bond (i.e. security keys + local-peer address tuple) to be restored more
// than once under different Peer IDs. To be resilient to this flow, we deduplicate
// bonds which differ only in their PeerId from the Store as a special case.
if !bonds.iter().fold(true, |accum, b| accum && is_duplicate_bond(b, &last)) {
return Err(format_err!(
"multiple distinct bonds found for peer address {:?}, failing to load",
for bond in bonds {
info!("removing duplicate bond for peer id {:?} from store", bond.identifier);
accessor.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
insert_inspectable_bonds(&mut bonding_map, &inspect, bonds_to_store);
async fn load_host_data(
accessor: &StoreAccessorProxy,
) -> Result<HashMap<Address, HostData>, Error> {
// Obtain a list iterator for all cached host data.
let (iter, server_end) = create_proxy::<GetIteratorMarker>()?;
accessor.get_prefix(HOST_DATA_PREFIX, server_end)?;
let mut host_data_map = HashMap::new();
loop {
let next = iter.get_next().await?;
if next.is_empty() {
for key_value in next {
let host_address = host_id_from_key(&key_value.key)?;
let host_address = Address::public_from_str(&host_address)?;
if let Value::Stringval(json) = key_value.val {
let host_data = HostDataDeserializer::from_json(&json)?;
if host_data_map.insert(host_address, host_data.into()).is_some() {
warn!("Replaced host data for {} while loading", host_address);
} else {
error!("stash malformed: host data should be a string");
return Err(BtError::new("failed to initialize stash").into());
/// Connects to the stash service and initializes a Stash object. This function obtains
/// read/write capability to the component-specific storage identified by `component_id`.
pub async fn init_stash(
component_id: &str,
inspect: fuchsia_inspect::Node,
) -> Result<Stash, Error> {
let stash_svc = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol::<SecureStoreMarker>()?;
let (proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<StoreAccessorMarker>()?;
stash_svc.create_accessor(false, server_end)?;
let inner = StashInner::new(proxy, inspect).await?;
let (stash, stash_run) = build_stash(inner);
fasync::Task::spawn(|r| {
if let Err(e) = r {
error!("Error running stash: {}", e);
fn build_stash(inner: StashInner) -> (Stash, impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>) {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel::<Request>(STASH_MSG_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
(Stash(sender), run_stash(receiver, inner))
// These tests access stash in a hermetic environment and thus it's ok for state to leak between
// test runs, regardless of test failure. Each test clears out the state in stash before performing
// its test logic.
mod tests {
use super::*;
use {
core::hash::Hash, fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::Key,
fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol, futures::select, pin_utils::pin_mut,
static TEST_INSPECT_ROOT: &'static str = "test";
// create_stash_accessor will create a new accessor to stash scoped under the given test name.
// All preexisting data in stash under this identity is deleted before the accessor is
// returned.
async fn create_stash_accessor(test_name: &str) -> Result<StoreAccessorProxy, Error> {
let stashserver = connect_to_protocol::<SecureStoreMarker>()?;
// Identify
stashserver.identify(&(BONDING_DATA_PREFIX.to_owned() + test_name))?;
// Create an accessor
let (acc, server_end) = create_proxy()?;
stashserver.create_accessor(false, server_end)?;
// Clear all data in stash under our identity
acc.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
async fn new_stash_succeeds_with_empty_values() {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_succeeds_with_empty_values")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
let stash = StashInner::new(accessor, inspect).await.expect("expected Stash to initialize");
// The stash should be initialized with no data.
async fn new_stash_fails_with_malformed_key_value_entry() {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_fails_with_malformed_key_value_entry")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
// Set a key/value that contains a non-string value.
.set_value("bonding-data:test1234", &mut Value::Intval(5))
.expect("failed to set a bonding data value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
// The stash should fail to initialize.
assert!(StashInner::new(accessor, inspect).await.is_err());
async fn new_stash_fails_with_malformed_json() {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a mock Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_fails_with_malformed_json")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
// Set a vector that contains a malformed JSON value
.set_value("bonding-data:test1234", &mut Value::Stringval("{0}".to_string()))
.expect("failed to set a bonding data value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
// The stash should fail to initialize.
assert!(StashInner::new(accessor, inspect).await.is_err());
fn host_data_1() -> HostData {
HostData {
irk: Some(Key { value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] }),
fn host_data_2() -> HostData {
HostData {
irk: Some(Key { value: [16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] }),
fn host_text_1() -> Value {
fn host_text_2() -> Value {
fn default_le_data() -> LeBondData {
LeBondData {
connection_parameters: None,
services: vec![],
peer_ltk: None,
local_ltk: None,
irk: None,
csrk: None,
fn bond_data_1() -> BondingData {
BondingData {
identifier: PeerId(1),
address: Address::Random([3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
local_address: Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
name: Some("Test Device 1".to_string()),
data: OneOrBoth::Left(default_le_data()),
fn bond_data_2() -> BondingData {
BondingData {
identifier: PeerId(2),
address: Address::Random([4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
local_address: Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
name: Some("Test Device 2".to_string()),
data: OneOrBoth::Left(default_le_data()),
fn bond_data_3() -> BondingData {
BondingData {
identifier: PeerId(3),
address: Address::Random([3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
local_address: Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
name: None,
data: OneOrBoth::Left(default_le_data()),
fn bond_data_4_dupes_3() -> BondingData {
BondingData {
identifier: PeerId(4),
address: Address::Random([3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
local_address: Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
name: None,
data: OneOrBoth::Left(default_le_data()),
fn bond_entry_1() -> Value {
\"name\":\"Test Device 1\",\
fn bond_entry_2() -> Value {
"identifier": 2,
"hostAddress": {
"type": "public",
"value": [1,0,0,0,0,0]
"address": {
"type": "random",
"value": [4,0,0,0,0,0]
"name": "Test Device 2",
"le": {
"connectionParameters": null,
"peerLtk": null,
"localLtk": null,
"irk": null,
"csrk": null
"bredr": null
fn bond_entry_3() -> Value {
"identifier": 3,
"hostAddress": {
"type": "public",
"value": [2,0,0,0,0,0]
"address": {
"type": "random",
"value": [3,0,0,0,0,0]
"name": null,
"le": {
"connectionParameters": null,
"peerLtk": null,
"localLtk": null,
"irk": null,
"csrk": null
"bredr": null
fn bond_entry_4_dupes_3() -> Value {
"identifier": 4,
"hostAddress": {
"type": "public",
"value": [2,0,0,0,0,0]
"address": {
"type": "random",
"value": [3,0,0,0,0,0]
"name": null,
"le": {
"connectionParameters": null,
"peerLtk": null,
"localLtk": null,
"irk": null,
"csrk": null
"bredr": null
// This entry has the same hostAddress and address fields as entry 3, but populates the BR/EDR
// bond data field instead of the LE bond data field.
fn bond_entry_5_same_addrs_3() -> Value {
"identifier": 5,
"hostAddress": {
"type": "public",
"value": [2,0,0,0,0,0]
"address": {
"type": "random",
"value": [3,0,0,0,0,0]
"name": null,
"le": null,
"bredr": {
"rolePreference": null,
"services": [],
"linkKey": null
async fn new_stash_succeeds_with_values() {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_succeeds_with_values")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
// Insert values into stash that contain bonding data for several devices.
accessor.set_value("bonding-data:1", &mut bond_entry_1()).expect("failed to set value");
accessor.set_value("bonding-data:2", &mut bond_entry_2()).expect("failed to set value");
accessor.set_value("bonding-data:3", &mut bond_entry_3()).expect("failed to set value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
// The stash should initialize with bonding data stored in stash
let stash = StashInner::new(accessor, inspect).await.expect("stash failed to initialize");
// There should be devices registered for two local addresses.
assert_eq!(2, stash.bonding_data.len());
// The first local address should have two devices associated with it.
let local = stash
.get(&Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("could not find local address entries");
assert_eq!(2, local.len());
let bond: &BondingData = &*local.get(&PeerId(1)).expect("could not find device");
assert_eq!(&bond_data_1(), bond);
let bond: &BondingData = &*local.get(&PeerId(2)).expect("could not find device");
assert_eq!(&bond_data_2(), bond);
// The second local address should have one device associated with it.
let local = stash
.get(&Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("could not find local address entries");
assert_eq!(1, local.len());
let bond: &BondingData = &*local.get(&PeerId(3)).expect("could not find device");
assert_eq!(&bond_data_3(), bond);
async fn new_stash_filters_duplicate_bonds() {
let inspector = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new();
let inspect = inspector.root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_filters_duplicate_bonds")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
// Insert values into stash that contain bonding data for several devices. Other tests use
// simpler identifiers (e.g. `bonding-data:X`), but these cause issues when verifying Stash
// interactions with the store, as Stash uses the full 16-bit, zero-padded fmt::Display
// PeerId impl to create identifiers for the store.
let (id_3_key, id_4_key) = (
accessor.set_value(&id_3_key, &mut bond_entry_3()).expect("failed to set value");
accessor.set_value(&id_4_key, &mut bond_entry_4_dupes_3()).expect("failed to set value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
// The stash should initialize with bonding data stored in stash
let stash =
StashInner::new(accessor.clone(), inspect).await.expect("stash failed to initialize");
// Although we added two bond entries for local host address [2, 0, ...] with distinct peer
// IDs, they use the same address, so they should be deduplicated in the store, with no
// guarantees about which bond is retained.
let local = stash
.get(&Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("could not find local address entries");
assert_eq!(1, local.len());
// The duplicate should also be removed from the store so that the store matches what's in
// memory, leaving only one entry.
let (iter, server_end) = create_proxy::<GetIteratorMarker>().unwrap();
accessor.get_prefix(BONDING_DATA_PREFIX, server_end).expect("failed to fetch bond data");
let res = iter.get_next().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, res.len());
// The inspect hierarchy should contain exactly one bond node, deduplicated from the two
// in the original store.
let inspect_hierarchy = inspector.get_diagnostics_hierarchy();
let test_hierarchy =
inspect_hierarchy.get_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT).expect("missing test hierarchy node");
let bond_3_record =
let bond_4_record =
if bond_3_record.is_some() {
"expected one deduplicated bond in Inspect, found both"
} else {
assert!(bond_4_record.is_some(), "expected one bond record in Inspect, found none");
async fn new_stash_fails_loading_same_addrs_different_bond() {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
// Create a Stash service interface.
let accessor = create_stash_accessor("new_stash_fails_loading_same_addrs_different_bond")
.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
accessor.set_value("bonding-data:3", &mut bond_entry_3()).expect("failed to set value");
.set_value(&"bonding-data:5", &mut bond_entry_5_same_addrs_3())
.expect("failed to set value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
// Bond entry 5 uses the same local and peer addresses as bond entry 3, but the security
// data itself differs between the entries. This indicates that the store is in an invalid
// state, so we expect to fail initialization of the Stash.
assert!(StashInner::new(accessor.clone(), inspect).await.is_err());
async fn store_bond_commits_entry() {
let mut stash = setup_stash("store_bond_commits_entry", vec![]).await;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
// Make sure that the in-memory cache has been updated.
assert_eq!(1, stash.bonding_data.len());
let bond: &BondingData = &*stash
.get(&Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
assert_eq!(&bond_data_1(), bond);
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let result = accessor.get_value("bonding-data:0000000000000001").await;
let bond_data = result.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(bond_data, Some(bond_entry_1()));
async fn list_bonds() {
let initial_data =
vec![("bonding-data:1", bond_entry_1()), ("bonding-data:2", bond_entry_2())];
let stash = setup_stash("list_bonds", initial_data).await;
// Should return None for unknown address.
assert_eq!(stash.list_bonds(&Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), None);
let bonds = stash
.list_bonds(&Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("expected to find address");
let ids: HashSet<PeerId> = bonds.iter().map(|bond| bond.identifier).collect();
assert_eq!(ids, set_of(vec![PeerId(1), PeerId(2)]));
async fn get_host_data() {
let initial_data = vec![
("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01", host_text_1()),
("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:02", host_text_2()),
let stash = setup_stash("get_host_data", initial_data).await;
// Should return None for unknown identity address.
assert!(stash.get_host_data(&Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).is_none());
let host_data = stash
.get_host_data(&Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("expected to find HostData");
assert_eq!(host_data_1(), host_data);
let host_data = stash
.get_host_data(&Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("expected to find HostData");
assert_eq!(host_data_2(), host_data);
async fn rm_peer() {
let initial_data =
vec![("bonding-data:1", bond_entry_1()), ("bonding-data:2", bond_entry_2())];
let mut stash = setup_stash("rm_peer", initial_data).await;
// OK to remove some unknown peer...
// ...or known peer.
let local = stash
.get(&Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
.expect("could not find local address entries");
assert_eq!(1, local.len());
let bond: &BondingData = &*(local.get(&PeerId(2)).expect("could not find device"));
assert_eq!(&bond_data_2(), bond);
async fn store_host_data() {
let host_address = Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let mut stash = setup_stash("store_host_data", vec![]).await;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
assert!(stash.store_host_data(&host_address, host_data_1()).await.is_ok());
// Make sure the in-memory cache has been updated.
assert_eq!(Some(&host_data_1()), stash.host_data.get(&host_address));
assert_eq!(1, stash.host_data.len());
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let host_text = accessor.get_value("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01").await;
let host_text = host_text.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(host_text, Some(host_text_1()));
// It should be possible to overwrite the IRK.
assert!(stash.store_host_data(&host_address, host_data_2()).await.is_ok());
// Make sure the in-memory cache has been updated.
assert_eq!(Some(&host_data_2()), stash.host_data.get(&host_address));
assert_eq!(1, stash.host_data.len());
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let host_text = accessor.get_value("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01").await;
let host_text = host_text.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(host_text, Some(host_text_2()));
async fn setup_stash(name: &'static str, entries: Vec<(&'static str, Value)>) -> StashInner {
let inspect = fuchsia_inspect::Inspector::new().root().create_child(TEST_INSPECT_ROOT);
let accessor = create_stash_accessor(name).await.expect("failed to create StashAccessor");
// Insert intial bonding data values into stash
for (id, mut entry) in entries {
accessor.set_value(id, &mut entry).expect("failed to set value");
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value")
.expect("failed to flush a bonding data value");
StashInner::new(accessor, inspect).await.expect("stash failed to initialize")
fn set_of<I>(elems: I) -> HashSet<I::Item>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Eq + Hash,
async fn run_with_stash<F, T, Fut>(inner: StashInner, f: F) -> Result<T, Error>
F: FnOnce(Stash) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Result<T, Error>>,
let (stash, run_stash) = build_stash(inner);
let run_fn = f(stash);
select! {
result = run_fn.fuse() => result,
run = run_stash.fuse() => match run {
Ok(_) => return Err(format_err!("Stash receiver stopped unexpectedly")),
Err(e) => Err(e)
async fn request_list_bonds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let initial_data =
vec![("bonding-data:1", bond_entry_1()), ("bonding-data:2", bond_entry_2())];
let stash = setup_stash("request_list_bonds", initial_data).await;
run_with_stash(stash, move |mut s: Stash| {
async move {
// Should return None for unknown address.
let bonds = s.list_bonds(Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).await?;
assert_eq!(bonds, None);
// Should return expected elements for known address
let bonds = s.list_bonds(Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).await?;
let ids =
bonds.expect("expected to find address").iter().map(|b| b.identifier).collect();
assert_eq!(set_of(vec![PeerId(1), PeerId(2)]), ids);
async fn request_store_bonds() -> Result<(), Error> {
let stash = setup_stash("request_store_bonds", vec![]).await;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
run_with_stash(stash, move |mut s: Stash| {
async move {
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let result = accessor.get_value("bonding-data:0000000000000001").await;
let bond_data = result.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(bond_data, Some(bond_entry_1()));
async fn request_rm_peer() -> Result<(), Error> {
let initial_data =
vec![("bonding-data:1", bond_entry_1()), ("bonding-data:2", bond_entry_2())];
let stash = setup_stash("request_rm_peer", initial_data).await;
run_with_stash(stash, move |mut s: Stash| {
async move {
// OK to remove some unknown peer...
// ...or known peer.
// Should return only non-removed element for known address
let bonds = s.list_bonds(bond_data_2().local_address).await?;
let bonds = bonds.expect("expected to find address");
assert_eq!(bonds, vec![bond_data_2()]);
async fn request_get_host_data() -> Result<(), Error> {
let initial_data = vec![
("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01", host_text_1()),
("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:02", host_text_2()),
let stash = setup_stash("request_get_host_data", initial_data).await;
run_with_stash(stash, move |mut s: Stash| {
async move {
// Should return None for unknown identity address.
assert!(s.get_host_data(Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).await?.is_none());
let host_data = s.get_host_data(Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).await?;
assert_eq!(Some(host_data_1()), host_data);
let host_data = s.get_host_data(Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])).await?;
assert_eq!(Some(host_data_2()), host_data);
async fn request_store_host_data() -> Result<(), Error> {
let stash = setup_stash("request_store_host_data", vec![]).await;
let accessor = stash.proxy.clone();
run_with_stash(stash, move |mut s: Stash| {
async move {
let host_address = Address::Public([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let host_data = host_data_1();
assert!(s.store_host_data(host_address, host_data).await.is_ok());
// Make sure the in-memory cache has been updated.
let host_data = s.get_host_data(host_address).await?;
assert_eq!(Some(host_data_1()), host_data);
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let host_text = accessor.get_value("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01").await;
let host_text = host_text.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(host_text, Some(host_text_1()));
// It should be possible to overwrite the IRK.
let host_data = host_data_2();
assert!(s.store_host_data(host_address, host_data).await.is_ok());
// Make sure the in-memory cache has been updated.
let host_data = s.get_host_data(host_address).await?;
assert_eq!(Some(host_data_2()), host_data);
// The new data should be accessible over FIDL.
let host_text = accessor.get_value("host-data:00:00:00:00:00:01").await;
let host_text = host_text.expect("failed to get value").map(|x| *x);
assert_eq!(host_text, Some(host_text_2()));