[bt][gap] Refactor bond loading in Store

When loading bonds from the JSON values in the Store, we have to
deserialize each bond and then perform some special deduplication to
permit duplicate bonds with distinct PeerIds. Here, we separate the
deserialization step from the deduplication for improved readability.

Bug: b/193454286
Test: Refactor only, no behavior changes.
Change-Id: I1a4109902f72f995af99501c9187db24b2cee818
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/561429
Commit-Queue: Lucas Jenkins <lucasjenkins@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Xo Wang <xow@google.com>
diff --git a/src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-gap/src/store/stash.rs b/src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-gap/src/store/stash.rs
index 3540dba..1ea4fba 100644
--- a/src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-gap/src/store/stash.rs
+++ b/src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-gap/src/store/stash.rs
@@ -336,10 +336,9 @@
         Ok(StashInner { proxy: accessor, bonding_data, host_data, inspect })
-    fn process_loaded_bonds(
+    fn deserialize_bonds(
         raw_bonds: Vec<KeyValue>,
-        seen_addresses: &mut HashMap<(Address, Address), BondingData>,
-        duplicate_ids: &mut Vec<PeerId>,
+        seen_addresses: &mut HashMap<(Address, Address), Vec<BondingData>>,
     ) -> Result<(), Error> {
         for key_value in raw_bonds {
             let bond = if let Value::Stringval(json) = key_value.val {
@@ -348,22 +347,8 @@
                 error!("stash malformed: bonding data should be a string");
                 Err(format_err!("failed to initialize stash"))
-            if let Some((dupe, dupe_id)) =
-                seen_addresses.get(&(bond.local_address, bond.address)).map(|b| (b, b.identifier))
-            {
-                // Generally, Fuchsia disallows restoration of multiple BondingDatas from the same
-                // local address to the same peer address. However, some system bootstrap flows cause
-                // the same underlying bond (i.e. security keys + local-peer address tuple) to be
-                // restored more than once under different Peer IDs. To be resilient to this flow,
-                // we deduplicate bonds which differ only in their PeerId from the Store as a
-                // special case.
-                if !is_duplicate_bond(&bond, dupe) {
-                    warn!("stash malformed: cannot load multiple distinct bonds for same peer (address: {:?})", bond.address);
-                    return Err(format_err!("multiple distinct bonds for same peer in store"));
-                }
-                duplicate_ids.push(dupe_id);
-            }
-            let _ = seen_addresses.insert((bond.local_address, bond.address), bond);
+            let existing = seen_addresses.entry((bond.local_address, bond.address)).or_default();
+            existing.push(bond);
@@ -378,21 +363,36 @@
         let mut bonding_map = HashMap::new();
         let mut seen_addresses = HashMap::new();
-        let mut duplicate_ids = Vec::new();
         loop {
             let next = iter.get_next().await?;
             if next.is_empty() {
-            Self::process_loaded_bonds(next, &mut seen_addresses, &mut duplicate_ids)?;
+            Self::deserialize_bonds(next, &mut seen_addresses)?;
-        let bonds = seen_addresses.into_values().collect();
-        insert_inspectable_bonds(&mut bonding_map, &inspect, bonds);
-        for id in duplicate_ids {
-            info!("removing duplicate bond for peer id {:?} from store", id);
-            accessor.delete_value(&bonding_data_key(id))?;
+        let mut bonds_to_store = Vec::new();
+        for mut bonds in seen_addresses.into_values() {
+            let last = bonds.pop().ok_or(format_err!("unexpected empty bond list"))?;
+            // Generally, Fuchsia disallows restoration of multiple BondingDatas from the same local
+            // address to the same peer address. However, some system bootstrap flows cause the same
+            // underlying bond (i.e. security keys + local-peer address tuple) to be restored more
+            // than once under different Peer IDs. To be resilient to this flow, we deduplicate
+            // bonds which differ only in their PeerId from the Store as a special case.
+            if !bonds.iter().fold(true, |accum, b| accum && is_duplicate_bond(b, &last)) {
+                return Err(format_err!(
+                    "multiple distinct bonds found for peer address {:?}, failing to load",
+                    last.address
+                ));
+            }
+            for bond in bonds {
+                info!("removing duplicate bond for peer id {:?} from store", bond.identifier);
+                accessor.delete_value(&bonding_data_key(bond.identifier))?;
+            }
+            bonds_to_store.push(last);
         accessor.flush().await?.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to flush to stash: {:?}", e))?;
+        insert_inspectable_bonds(&mut bonding_map, &inspect, bonds_to_store);