blob: 4e1425a075ab8aaea4bc0c6568a0f76209a1e3ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// [START attribute-one]
[MaxBytes = "64"]
struct MyType {
// [END attribute-one]
// [START attribute-many]
[Discoverable, Transport = "Channel"]
// [END attribute-many]
protocol MyProtocol {
// [START doc-with-slashes]
/// Foo
struct WithThreeSlashes {
// [END doc-with-slashes]
// [START doc-with-attributes]
[Doc = "Foo"]
struct WithAttribute {
// [END doc-with-attributes]
// [START layout-simple]
protocol SimpleProtocol {
DynamicCountOfFixedArguments(vector<uint8>:1024 inputs);
// [END layout-simple]
// [START selector-simple]
protocol Science {
[Selector = "Investigate"] Experiment();
// [END selector-simple]
// [START selector-fq-name]
protocol Org {
[Selector = ""] Productionize();
// [END selector-fq-name]