blob: bcd42f6548e3efb62f68369901d4db69f6e8ff72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library test.fidlcodec.sys;
using zx;
// The goal of this file is to get a pretty big library. It's a copy
// of fuchsia.sys and fuchsia.mem as of 26 April 2019.
/// A Buffer for data whose size is not necessarily a multiple of the page
/// size.
/// VMO objects have a physical size that is always a multiple of the page
/// size. As such, VMO alone cannot serve as a buffer for arbitrarly sized
/// data. `fuchsia.mem.Buffer` is a standard struct that aggregate the VMO
/// and its size.
resource struct Buffer {
/// The vmo.
zx.handle:VMO vmo;
/// The size of the data in the vmo in bytes. This size must be smaller
/// than the physical size of the vmo.
uint64 size;
enum TerminationReason {
// The channel closed without giving a termination reason.
// Component ran and exited with a given return_code.
// The given URL given to launch was invalid.
// The requested package could not be found.
// An internal error happened during the launch process.
// Process creation failed.
// A Runner failed to start.
// A Runner terminated while attempting to run a component.
// Attempted to use an unsupported feature.
// An interface for controlling components.
// Closing this interface implicitly kills the controlled component unless
// the `Detach` method has been called.
// If the component exits, this interface will be closed.
// Typically obtained via `Launcher.CreateComponent`.
protocol ComponentController {
// Terminates the component.
// This ComponentController connection is closed when the component has
// terminated.
// Decouples the lifetime of the component from this controller.
// After calling `Detach`, the component will not be implicitly killed when
// this interface is closed.
// DEPRECATED: Use OnTerminated instead of Wait().
// 3: Wait()
// Event that is triggered when the component is terminated.
// This event provides the return code of the process and reason for
// its termination. The return_code is only valid if the termination
// reason is EXITED. If the termination reason is not EXITED, the
// return code is guaranteed not to be 0.
-> OnTerminated(int64 return_code, TerminationReason termination_reason);
// Event that is triggered when the component's output directory is mounted.
// This event will not be triggered for every component, only those that
// serve a directory over their PA_DIRECTORY_REQUEST handle.
-> OnDirectoryReady();
// An interface for controlling an environment.
// Closing this interface implicitly kills the controlled environment unless
// the `Detach` method has been called.
// If the environment is destroyed, this interface will be closed.
// Typically obtained via `Environment.CreateNestedEnvironment`.
protocol EnvironmentController {
// Terminates the environment.
// When an `Environment` is terminated, all applications launched
// in the environment (and in all transitively nested environments) are also
// killed.
Kill() -> ();
// Decouples the lifetime of the environment from this controller.
// After calling `Detach`, the environment will not be implicitly killed when
// this interface is closed.
// Event that is triggered when the environment is created.
-> OnCreated();
// Maximum length for an environment label.
const uint32 LABEL_MAX_LENGTH = 32;
struct EnvironmentOptions {
// True if this environment should inherit services provided by the
// parent environment.
bool inherit_parent_services;
// True if components in this environment can share a runner provided
// by the parent environment. If false, a new runner will be started
// in this environment for components.
bool allow_parent_runners;
// True if this environment should be killed first in out of memory
// situations by setting the ZX_PROP_JOB_KILL_ON_OOM property on this
// environment's job.
bool kill_on_oom;
// True if "persistent" storage requested by components in this environment should not actually
// be persistent, and instead be deleted when this environment is killed.
bool delete_storage_on_death;
// An interface for managing a set of applications.
// Applications run inside environments, which provide ambient services and
// support for their lifecycle.
protocol Environment {
// Creates a new environment nested inside this environment.
// When applications are created inside the nested environment using the
// environment's `Launcher`, the environment requests the
// environment services from `host_directory` before passing those services to
// the newly created application in its `StartupInfo`.
// The `controller` can be used to control the lifecycle of the created
// environment. Note that by default the environment will be killed
// automatically when the `EnvironmentController`'s interface is closed. You
// can use `EnvironmentController.Detach` to disable this behavior.
// `label` defines the new environment's label/name. It must be unique within
// the parent environment (though not globally) and is used for isolating
// separate environments. It can also be used for diagnostic purposes. The
// label will be truncated if it is longer than `LABEL_MAX_LENGTH`.
// `additional_services`, which may be empty, contains a list of services
// that the environment provides, which are hosted by
// `additional_services.host_directory`. If `options.inherit_parent_services`
// is false, `host_directory` must provide a `Loader` service if it wishes to
// allow new components to be loaded in the new environment.
// `options` provides additional options, see `EnvironmentOptions` for
// details.
CreateNestedEnvironment(request<Environment> environment,
request<EnvironmentController> controller,
string label,
ServiceList? additional_services,
EnvironmentOptions options);
// Gets the Launcher associated with this environment.
// Applications created using this application launcher will be given the
// environment services provided by this environment's `host_directory`.
GetLauncher(request<Launcher> launcher);
// Gets a superset of services provided by this environment's
// `host_directory`.
GetServices(request<Provider> services);
// Gets a superset of services provided by this environment's
// `host_directory`.
GetDirectory(zx.handle:CHANNEL directory_request);
resource struct FlatNamespace {
// The mount point for each of the directories below.
// For example, ["/pkg", "/svc"].
vector<string> paths;
// The directories mounted at each path in the namespace.
vector<zx.handle:CHANNEL> directories;
// An interface for providing a job handle. Instances of this interface are
// created in the context of an already-identified realm, so there is no need
// to explicitly identify the realm below.
protocol JobProvider {
// Gets the root job associated with the realm.
GetJob() -> (zx.handle:JOB job);
// An FDIO file descriptor.
// TODO(abarth): Use the real FDIO declaration once FDIO converts to FIDL2.
resource struct FileDescriptor {
// The FDIO types of the handle (e.g., FA_FDIO_REMOTE).
int32 type0;
int32 type1;
int32 type2;
// The handles for the file descriptor (e.g., a channel).
zx.handle? handle0;
zx.handle? handle1;
zx.handle? handle2;
// Information used to create an instance of a component and obtain
// services from it.
resource struct LaunchInfo {
// The location from which to retrieve this component.
// This field will probably be replaced with a stronger notion of identity,
// such as an unforgeable token. This field is included in this iteration to
// ease the transition from the previous component interfaces.
string url;
// The arguments to be provided to the component.
vector<string>? arguments;
// The file descriptor to use for stdout.
// If null, the component will use the default stdout for the environment.
FileDescriptor? out;
// The file descriptor to use for stderr.
// If null, the component will use the default stderr for the environment.
FileDescriptor? err;
// The interface request for a Directory that is passed through to the
// component and arrives in the component as its `directory_request`
// interface request.
zx.handle:CHANNEL? directory_request;
// A custom namespace that can be appended to the namespace generated by
// appmgr and provided to this component.
// Adding a mount point at standard paths like 'pkg' or 'svc' will be ignored.
// HACK(alhaad): Adding mount points for deprecated default directories like
// '/data' will override the default.
FlatNamespace? flat_namespace;
// A list of services to be added to this component's svc namespace. These
// services are in addition to those coming from Environment.
ServiceList? additional_services;
resource struct ServiceList {
// A list of services that can be requested from `provider`.
vector<string> names;
// A service provider to get the services listed in `names` from.
Provider? provider;
// A channel to the directory hosting the services in `names`.
// TODO( Support `host_directory` for CreateComponent and deprecate
// `provider`.
zx.handle:CHANNEL? host_directory;
// An interface for creating component instances.
// Typically obtained via `Environment.GetLauncher`.
protocol Launcher {
// Creates a new instance of the component described by `launch_info`.
// The component instance is created in the `Environment`
// associated with this `Launcher`. When creating the component,
// the environment requests the environment services for this component from
// its `EnvironmentHost`.
// The `controller` can be used to control the lifecycle of the created
// component instance. If an `ComponentController`'s interface is
// requested, the component instance is killed when the interface is closed.
CreateComponent(LaunchInfo launch_info,
request<ComponentController>? controller);
// An interface for loading from packages.
protocol Loader {
// LoadUrl a package by url.
LoadUrl(string url) -> (Package? package);
// Information given to components at startup.
// For ELF binaries, this information is provided in the initialization message
// given to libc by fuchsia.process.Launcher.
resource struct StartupInfo {
// The launch info for the to start.
LaunchInfo launch_info;
// The namespace in which to run the component.
FlatNamespace flat_namespace;
// Key string value string map of the component's program metadata, obtained
// from its component manifest.
vector<ProgramMetadata>? program_metadata;
// TODO(abarth): Add more fields to this struct relating to component and
// environment identity.
// Program information about a component.
struct ProgramMetadata {
// Key for program metadata pair. E.g. "binary" for an ELF binary component,
// or "data" for a flutter/dart component.
string key;
// Value for program metadata pair. E.g. "bin/app" for a "binary" key, or
// "data/foo" for a flutter/dart component.
string value;
// A binary representation of a component.
// Typically provided to `Runner.StartComponent` when starting a
// component.
resource struct Package {
// A read-only binary representation of the component. For example, if the
// component is intended to run in the Dart virtual machine, this data might
// contain a dartx package.
Buffer? data;
// A directory containing the contents of the package. For example, if the
// component is stored in pkgfs, this directory will be the pkgfs directory
// containing the package.
zx.handle:CHANNEL? directory;
// Resolved URL of the component. This is the url specified in startup_info
// after following redirects and resolving relative paths.
string resolved_url;
// An interface for running components.
// Typically exposed by components that provide execution environments for
// particular classes of programs. For example, the Dart virtual machine exposes
// this interface to run Dart programs.
protocol Runner {
// Execute the given component.
// Upon startup, the component is to be given the information in
// `startup_info`, but the mechanism by which the component receives that
// information is up to the component runner.
// The `controller` interface request typically originates from the
// `Launcher.CreateComponent` message that caused this
// component to be started.
StartComponent(Package package,
StartupInfo startup_info,
request<ComponentController>? controller);
// An interface through which a client may request services from a host.
// Instances of this interface are created within the context of an
// already-identified client and host pair, so there is no need to explicitly
// identify the client or host in the methods below.
// This interface is deprecated. Services should be published as directory
// entries instead, just like files.
// TODO( Point to the FIDL interface for file I/O once RIO is migrated.
protocol Provider {
// Asks the host to provide the service identified by `service_name` through
// the `channel` endpoint supplied by the caller. If the host is not willing
// or able to provide the requested service, it should close the `channel`.
ConnectToService(string service_name, zx.handle:CHANNEL channel);